Say Something Nice About Your Neighbor

I need to start writing names down to keep track of all the decent people i ran into. Seriously i need like a day to make sure im getting everyone lol


I would like to bring up @Emeraldgreen, always ready to help, one of the nicest members i have met on OG. has got alot of knowledge of all facets of growing top notch cannabis gained from actual experience… he also has a chill thread to hang out in, which just surpassed 5000 posts, on to pt 2. Congrats


Very kind of you!! Thank you @tresbundles @Mrgreenthumb


What a wonderful thread :slight_smile:
Almost everybody I’ve come across here are very kind and just seem like good hearted people. I love you all.
I do have to give a shoutout to @Ris though, after some random chats and helping him with some stuff with his discord server, i was given some thank you beans. Fast forward a couple days, maybe weeks (hard to remember exactly) we got to talking about tents n stuff and he hooked me up with a 2x2 Ac infinity tent just because. It all happened during a rough patch as well where i really needed a tent but just couldnt afford it with the cost of living. Brother, i still cannot thank you enough. You are one kind and generous dude. Im happy to be able to call you a friend. :pray:


Thank you Double “D”! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
My fixer of all things site related I can’t figure out.

@Emeraldgreen and @DougDawson two who I believe know me pretty well. I can say anything to and they very gently will tell me I should behave! Lol

@Emeraldgreen , @420noob and @blowdout2269 Thank you for always reminding me to search for rainbows and checking in on me. Life’s been tough lately.

@Pigeonman for all uniqueness and laughs and creativity you come up with!

@G-paS I love our time we spend together. So happy we meet up and remain good friends! :heart:

@JohnnyPotseed even tho we don’t see eye to eye at times. Always loved your wisdom, stories and even your gruffness at times… lol said lovingly…

@Heliosphear a real Gem you are my friend! Supporting my art. Throwing challenges my way. For everything you do for OG!

So many others here I’ve become very fond of!

Thank you @DirtySlowToes for such an awesome idea for this thread!


I LOVE THIS :heart::heart::heart: it’s absolutely beautiful to let people enjoy the positive energy.

So many amazing and inspiring people on here that always renew my faith in humanity
@Bobgrows @Mrgreenthumb @MoBilly @DougDawson @Budderton @mainerJ @ItsintheGenetics @420noob @tresbundles @Rabeats2093 @JohnnyPotseed really all of you!!

@Indicana_Jones @middleman @G-paS

I know I’m missing a bunch of you :disappointed:


I am approaching my one month on OG and don’t really know most of you yet but this place has been the most welcoming and inviting energy I have felt in a while!

Maybe a few shout outs I can say are @IgrowBodhiandCSI being a very generous person to sell me some of their Bodhi seeds that I am grateful to have in my collection. I WILL get you some of those F2’s back.

Another is @PsillyRabbit for starting the take seeds, leave seeds topic group. I came across it on my 2nd day being with OG and waiting till I hit the point of being a member to participate and just kept running with it. I love the idea of spreading seeds across the world for anyone to grab! Because of this, I have had some great conversations and learned how to ship items internationally as I have never done that :sweat_smile:

A few other are @DougDawson @Even @Heliosphear for doing auctions help keep OG thriving. I would gladly use my money towards this instead of buying from seed banks constantly like I used to.

I plan on being here till the end of my days and hope to create amazing connections with many of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hell, I’m a take this opportunity to give a shout out to @GROWER. By now he’s been a member here for maybe a week. Comes in first 4 hours, reads my pleas in a thread about why dispo weed sux, and gives me some great advice, and help and messages to me a link to a dispo that (tho i follow them pretty damn closely) i did not even know existed here (they said they started in March). I scored a bag he recommended, and it was fine and i got another pheno and it was even better. Thanks @GROWER, you da man! :smiley: He just proved that there IS good smoke at dispos…maybe.


Damn I’m out of likes for 9 hours.

Thanks @DirtySlowToes for this thread. I always enjoy getting my toes dirty at times too.

I’ve got to appreciate @Tracker they were the first person on OG to tell me to do a safe addy. I had no idea what of was or would be for me at that point.

I also have to shout out @Hashpants dude loves to goof off and have fun but he’s hooked me up without any desire for compensation.

And @JustANobody dude I filled my tent so fast after seeing your veg tent. I am still a rookie but watching you grow has led to me being way better at this passion we all have.


@JohnnyPotseed @hoss8455 @percyryan66 @JustANobody @OG619 @Neoangelo147 @Crawfish @LemonadeJoe thank each and everyone of you for either being extremely good human beings giving out kind words to me when we are having a tough day or have shown me genuine kindness that is very rare to come by these days. Some of you have been super generous by helping me score the most badass pucks I’ve ever seen or helped me collect elite cuts/ seeds that I’ve been hunting for a long long time. Superhero’s all of you are. Everyone of you have been very good to me, for all you I’m am truly grateful.
Post script…
@Wizdom for the chance to score your killer auction items! @Great_lakes_Genetics for always coming in clutch while being super easy to deal with and lightning fast shipping and @CocoaCoir while I may lurk your posts and threads you are in, you have always been super knowledgeable. I have learned a lot from reading posts you have left behind for all of us. Knowledge is power. Thank you man, kinda bummed about the last 2 black triangles you snagged but I’m glad they went to someone as rad as you.


There are soooo many people on this site that I consider great folks!
A goodly number of em I consider friends. I honestly can’t begin to name them all!
I’m not gonna try, I know in my stoned state I’d leave some off the list, lol There are
just that many…To all who I’ve had interactions with, I salute you, one and all!
i truly thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the support, and love,
shown to Rose and myself! There isn’t any other site I go on, since I
consider OverGrow to be my ‘HOME’!


Hey no problem man! I’m happy to help! Sorry I haven’t replied the past few days I have been busy with work and kids and my mom. I hope that other shop has been able to help you out! I don’t have any home grown to share right now but in October I will figure out a way to get you some of my personal smoke that I think you will enjoy! :v:


Hello OG I haven’t been on here long but already met some lovely people. @JohnnyPotseed nothing is too much trouble for him, a gentleman very helpful. @Wizdom always doing something to help others here, whenever he has a auction I’ll be in it. @Pigeonman sent me some killer beans which hopefully I can do good things with. @THCeed another legend helping others. @DougDawson with his everyday lucky number draws, I’m still trying to win a pack of PPP from him maybe I’ll get lucky soon :wink::wink::wink: , that’s a hint @DougDawson :joy::joy: . Everyone have a smoking night or day.


Well… I’ve had many positive interactions with and generous shares from many people here. If I had to call them all out, it would take way too long for me to type it all up, and I’d feel bad about leaving anyone out.

@joheimgrohen and @Maddawg told me about this site. I’m grateful for that. Happy I found this place. I hope @Maddawg is doing well. Haven’t heard about him in a while.

I’ll nod at my Oklahomies @joheimgrohen @Oldjoints @BigMike55 @JohnnyPotseed. I was quite impressed with OJ’s generosity to invite us over, a bunch of weirdos from the interwebs.

Special shout-out to everyone who is involved in co-ops and everyone else who makes/shares seeds on here. Anyone who does it knows the time, effort, and resources it takes. If you haven’t done it yet, try, and it will give you a new appreciation.

And thank you to the site owner, devs, admins, mods and anyone working on the backend to keep this going. It’s a cool site for sure!


Thanks for the affirmation! I’ll dive into the void and start doing the back stroke!
Keep it real OGs! :heart: from hash matty.


The nice thing about my neighbors is they are never there.


Life has it’s demands. I was re-reading your intro to OG.
Heh, from that post, you sound Rasta.


I’ll take this opportunity to thank @Budderton @Tracker @Magu for being shinning examples of OG’ness.


Thank you @globalhead . You are truely my friend. EVERYONE here has been very nice to me and I appreciate you ALL. We are all members of “ The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss”. I think Terence McKenna is watching us and smiling. :grin: So to everyone I say “ never change”. And to quote the sexiest woman in Rock n Roll, miss Grace Slick -
“ Remember what the door mouse said.
Feed your head .”



Thank you for thinking of me !
Means more then you think @Emeraldgreen @tresbundles

Imma have to send a shout out to @middleman @ItsintheGenetics
All the things you fellas have done won’t be forgotten I’m glad to have friends like you !