SBG and blueberry muffins

Those of you who followed my GMO grow, thank you. Didnt take long after that harvest, to get the itch to grow again. This one here is going to be interesting… Top one is blue berry, bottom SBG, have had these for two weeks and they have doubled in size. No mainlining this time. Just lollipoping


Very nice looking seedlings.

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Thanks! Had a lot of yellow showing when I got them. Bouncing back now

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Nice they look like they’re coming along

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And quickly

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Nice, you’ve got this, looking forward to the end results my friend :facepunch:t2:

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Hoping they do good

Little info. Found out they’re 3 weeks old
SBG is 10 inches, blueberry muffins, 1 ft…


They grew an inch within 24 hrs. Fimmed them earlier. Gave them nutes, and gave a foliar mist


Took 2 clones earlier, and used a rooting powder. Fingers crossed…

clones I took yesterday. The inside SBG, is a ft now, and the blueberry, 14 in


Gave haircuts today. Getting these girls right before I flip in a few weeks

16 in (bbm)
Foot (SBG)


When should I flip these?

Going with 2 weeks…

And nervous, now I see what it’s at, in 11 days…lol

Being told there’s a 2-2.5 x stretch on the SBG. Blueberry muffin is a 3x. Anyone confirm this?

Too busy to get pics, but they got a lot of outside love today. Nice little mist here and there, full sun, and a little shade. Makes me happy watching them grow. Blueberry is 18 in, Sbg, now 16. Clone still looks good

I SUCCESSFULLY TOOK A CLONE!!! 9 days and I see new growth. Other one, sadly didn’t make it. Started one tonight off the other plant.