Schedule 1 Classification

That is just a crime, ex-judges, DEA, cops are making big money in the cannabis market.
Meanwhile, you do hard time.
I keep telling folks that could happen here, I just get nay sayers… :joy:
Money talks and there is no money in freedom.

A little story for ya.
I live in Detroit.
The best snow I ever got was second hand off Colman Young’s body guard.
The best weed I ever bought was from Christine Beatty’s brother.

I could tell ya a story about that girl Strawberry too.
I heard it from a guy that was there that night.
But this is not the place.


A new drug has emerged on UK streets called MDPV, this makes users strip off their clothes due to overheating and gives strong visual images and extreme paranoia.

Its making people here jump from buildings…
Attack random individuals in the street…

It’s the same class as cannabis



More proof the inmates are now running the assilum.
If that is not insanity what is?
Facepalm is right!

Funny thing about MDPV.
I never knew what it was.
The media just called it bath salt.
I once thought of myself as pretty street smart, but I am getting old.
I thought these crazy fucks were snortin’ real sented bath salts.
For a while there I believed that was making them chew peoples face off.
Then I looked more into it, and now I know to stay far away from that shit.

All natural Morning glory seeds off your back yard fence will make you see star wars playing out in your back yard.
What is the current schedule of the Morning Glory?

Sorry G-Man, your current form of legalization just isn’t working.
Time to roll back the law to 1937, before all of the lies were perpetuated.

This really should be a grass roots type cannabis movement.


If the politicians did that those known for getting on their soapbox proclaiming they are saving grace of cannabis (and as a bonus we see will tie a social equity bow around it and make it look pretty) would have to admit they were doing something just because it was the right thing to do. . I will admit I am surprised that no one has suggested to legalize and tax cannabis as a solution the current budget/credit ceiling crisis.

I agree let’s repeal antiquated laws, release the growers, users and sellers (if your were convicted of non cannabis laws, sorry) from prisons. Empty the privately owned prisons (imagine making a profit from incarceration). I know who suffers when budgets come up short. Profits rule.

“Justice” doesn’t exist. Best we can hope is karma comes to town (I admit while I consider myself a good person with a very blessed life, I sometimes wonder how karma would measure my worth).

Good growing ya’ll.


coming to a 15 min city near you


Honest - It is rarely as good as it could be or as bad as what we fear
If you think 70% of the adult population of the US is going to just go away and quit growing or using cannabis regardless of the classification - you must be stoned (good for you!) :v:

It’s not just now about the money - it always has been. There was a post in Weed Memes here on the OG outlining extortion 101: that was pretty right on -
“if I pay you you will let me grow and consume a plant … and if I don’t you will ruin my life” replace plant with whatever is the current trend. What sucks is the folks who don’t have the money have always paid the price


“Hello I’d like to introduce you to your friendly neighbourhood agent of the secret police.”

Fortunately for me my city is more of an hour and a half city.


:smirk: i see what you did there


Never did fit the criteria


Nixon was a piece of shit!

We got the equivalent to that in DC called PCP or dippers!:face_with_monocle:

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Don’t forget the start of big pharma by the Rothschilds, creating controlled medicine, and ending natural holistic medicine. ALL of it is about slavery and population control none of our problems are “right vs left”. It goes much, much deeper than that. But nothing will change until humanity snaps out of it. It’s happening though, look at Brazil, France, people are waking up.