Schwaggy P HAOG bx4 f2s

I’ve been debating on how to go about this post for weeks now…

I guess first thing first, I’m officially saying they all started July 15th —because I didn’t keep the absolute best records from the jump, and it took until the 15th to accurately sex every specimen:
36 Females, 21 males


However, lastnight I found some eyebrow-raise worthy discoveries… and well, I didn’t have problems with intersex for the F1s nor the majority of the f2s I’ve been popping at random.
But as of now 5/36 are show whole balls at their lowers after 7+ days of flower.

Instead of immediately disposing of these plants, I first checked if any pollen came out of the staminates — 1/5 left visible pollen on my finger after break the sacs open. This doesnt’t put me at ease but I wonder if it’s worth noting; and for that reason i did. I mean, OG is gonna OG amiright .

Anyways. In the meantime I decided to label each, lollipop them more, and I’m going to keep any eye on them to see if they get worst.

While we’re on the subject of females:
I topped majority of the plants the day of sex-confirmation/flipping to flower. One trait I’ve loved about this variety is how well it responds to topping! Here’s some random snapshots. Keep this in mind when we’re closer to harvest… because I’ve gotten terrific yields from double-headed topped plants vs. single colas.


Last post for tonight, promise.

The males look normal (i.e boring) at the moment.

If anything, i notice some have large clusters vs a few that have less biomass. The goal with the males os to flower them pit normally for the next 8ish weeks (or until they get uncontrollably moldy)…. Cut back their main flowering stalks, then let the auxins promote the lower growth to re-fill the canopy — in which case, I’ve noticed males will produce visble resin more times than not.

Until then, this is roughly how they’ll look


Responding to this because I’ve been thinking about it ever since…

As anecdotal this may be, I’m selecting away from the flimsy, creeper, falling-on-its-side type plants.

After 4 wks of veg, a few traits became obvious.
Most were tall, moderate internode spacing, and leaned a bit, but held itself up. A few however grew virtually horizontal, despite having the same thick stems. At first I wanted to pot these individuals up and maybe separate them… but then common sense kicked in — if you want creeping-weed weed, find it somewhere else.

My plant count dropped a few digits in veg because I had plants growing like this (even a POS male too)

All that played a role, and pumping my plants full of two forms of silica products, gypsum, basalt, even Wollastonite. I feel/felt like that should promote sturdiness.
All that being said however… several males STILL have hollow stems :disappointed: slownickel would be so disappointed in me lol

But yeah man, I have no real answer to that. All I know is I tend to be too lazy to stake up plants. But I appreciate your question because I didn’t give it too much though until you mentioned it.


hey bro haha i was just buggin you about how those og plants like to flop dont think to much about it lol. and hollow stems have never been a bad thing imo. you have some flower pic updates ?

Still at it.

I know this project isn’t the most exciting but figured I’d try to share in case something comes of it. This is merely an exercise of me making better selections and breeding towards replicable traits.

Not looking to make seed atm. If all goes well… I’m hoping to have seeds ripening around christmas — assuming I successfully revegged my selections. Just observing males. Since flip I’ve been wanting to select away from long internodal males that refuse to hold themselves up. So far, I’ve culled 11/21.

The pics are just me playing around with a cheap camera vs iphone (flash on, flash off).

These specimens just so happen to be males that hold themselves up with big clusters. Lets see what happens in the coming weeks.

The females look fucking phenomenal. I’ve been playing around with different cameras documenting them. One of these days I’ll make a post showing them off and hopefully stir up some real interest.