Schwaggy P HAOG bx4 f2s

Disclaimer — Schwaggy P made the original outcross (Hells Hypotenuse) , as well as HAOG bx1 , and took it to f4 — note: he also released F3s, so you may see pics/old packs floating around.

I bought 2 packs of HAOG bx4 May 23, 2023 . Grew them immediately. Kept males and mixed pollen, then brushed a few branches for some low maintenance f2s.

As quiet as kept, been growing f2 beans to replace plants over the last year to ensure I maximize my sq footage.
This growlog is my honest attempt to take it a step further before my bag runs out.*

TLDR — 72 seeds popped. Hoping for at least 32 males & 25-36+ females, 1 Keeper female (minimum) & 1-2+ keeper males to maybe outcross with unrelated inbred lines.

Here’s where all the useless ranting starts.
Considering that Schwaggy is barely active on the forum he moderates, his RIU thread has basically died, there hasn’t been a new drop since, ANDDDD these HAOG beans have produced some of my most potent flower… is why I’m posting this growlog here.

No I’m not a hack. No I’m not ”a bREeder” nor am I trying to brag about making ”eFF tHRees”. I just needed more seeds than what the original 2pks contained — and the flower produced was an overwhelming favorite for every single one of my local friends & I.

The f2s did have some, but minimal variation; subtle hints of pine, one in particular looked better but yielded lower and had a soft-not-sweet lemon aroma. Most however smelled truly like burnt rubber, grease, and overall dank but “gross” sort of cannabis. The sole downside: nothing really retained it’s terps after a few weeks in a jar — I deem that a ”shitty shelf-life”. I would really like to remedy that with my selections moving forward.

I probably have more pics of the bx4s buried in my phone, but here are the ones my 2023-self chose to post on IG, so i’ll repost them here.

I’m not even going to attempt looking for random f2 pics, because for 1). How could anyone even tell the difference, and 2). They’re buried… if there even were any taken. I value my time.

Anyways…. To wrap this up:
Here’s some pics just to start this growlog off right.

(Quick update: after potting up seedlings, seems like the count is down 5. I’ll count again after 1 week to get a final tally)


Oh, and Happy Memorial Day to any Americans.

Idk if any of us actually celebrate the vets like the holiday implies… but be safe cooking out all weekend! Merry Summer-mas! :joy:


I had similar things happen
with the terpenes in cure
before I got those
boveda humidity packs.

Those changed everything for me…
All the best!
Great looking plants!
Keep up the good work!


I’ll be following along, excited to see this one as I’m growing Schwaggys HA bx4 right now that I plan on f2ing.


Memorial Day is specifically for remembering and honoring those who lost their lives in service. Veterans Day is for honoring living veterans.


You mentioned potency, briefly. Did you find the effects to be consistent through all of the phenotypes that you smoked?


Once again you SUPERCHARGED THE GAME!!! If they’re half as good as your Mexican Death Sativa/“MDS”, the “Cannabis Hall of Fame” awaits. Seriously, :basket:FUL OF CONGRATS. May you continue to offer us “Mere Mortals” your creations. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Nice selection @lambchopedd ! I’m a fan and have been working with the HAOG , through Karmas Biker Kush, ever since I popped a pack of the V2 in 2018-19. I think it’s one of the best “first wave” OGs and also has a great mystic to its provenance.
I just put 2 different batches of Biker Kush f2 seed into soak yesterday so I’m subbing in with keen interest. Best of luck with your run!


Eh. The obvious answer has to be no, but we didnt smoke anything that felt weak/below average.

We started out separating seeds and jarred up separate phenos…. Until we started passing it out and had to start mixing batches :upside_down_face:
From there, the wife & I made the exec decision to just call it a winner and treat it accordingly. The only distinction we had was Old haog & new haog (f2s) — and even that got all snatched up


@lambchopedd back at it again with another legendary grow!
I’ll take a seat in the back as per usual to witness this one.
Stoked to see what you find in those seeds.


Awesome thread… I envision great things ahead!! :wink:
When I returned to growing in 2015/16 after a decade without my own personal garden a Dutch Canadian friend of mine who visits his parents every year in Holland , gave me some strain names and turned me on to Karma G. He always sought out Karma’s flower when he made his trips home and thru the coffee shop district.
I had joined my first internet forum at the tail end of 2015 and that was Icmag. I had no knowledge or experience of the seedbanks or any of the breeders that had come up since 2005 when I shut down. Anyways I saw on the old Seedbay site that there were listings for this Karma Genetics my buddy Bob had told me about. I was in a seed buying frenzy in 2016 and between january 2016 and 2018 I bought up as many Karma packs as I could find. I was still working at the time and made really good money so I was a seed buying nutjob for a few years there LOL
So I ended up with 3 … might have been 4 packs of Biker V1 , which I have since taken to F3 based on rigid selections. My growing friends offline hit me up hard for the F2’s and F3’s LOL and it remains a group favorite.
I was super happy to see Schwaggy P drop the HAOG Bx4 last year and I didn’t hesitate to grab 2 packs. Should have grabbed more but they sold out real quick. My plan is to hunt those HAOG bx4 and combine anything worthy with the Biker V1 F3 selections. Be nice to have a kilo of seed put away for future grows. It’s a line I don’t want to be without that’s for sure.


I like your style. Let’s see whatcha come up with!


@lambchopedd what was your method for cracking the HAOG BX4 and 3’s? The seeds are as tough as diamonds. :frowning:
Still have one pack left that I will make F2’s most likely late next winter. Good luck


@lambchopedd have you had the chance to compare to original cut?

Amazing pictures

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those viney og stems are annoying as fk lol how do you deal with them ? love the nugs tho

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Just to semi keep this thing updated:
My guess was correct, 65 survivors

In other news, accidentally killed about 4 sq ft worth of clones of something else unrelated :upside_down_face: God, i love gardening


The important thing is to keep going and enjoy


very nice… 65 plants is gonna give you a real good look at what this line holds.


Not that anyone’s waiting on an update:

Just wanna say I’m still at it & chugging along. Still have a few plants sex’ing… and I’m holding off on repotting out of solos until I know which tent they’re going into.

Did some soul-digging too. Yes I’m keeping all the males, but I’m not going to hastily pollinate branches on this seedrun :sleepy: tbh I’m sure my local “friends” are tired of slightly seeded bud as much as I am, so this is for the best. I have to keep reminding myself: The goal is selection , not just another seed run. Select. It’s somewhat of a struggle… because podcasts want me to believe that every plant has the potential of being the plant to change cannabis :sneezing_face:

Anyways… lemme end this. Will come with pictures and write-ups when things get interesting. I also need to re-count everything too because I did some culling in my absence.

Ok :v:t4:


Oh, I should also say this. Who tests for, or is into BRIX?? Just learned about it a few weeks ago from (ironically) a cut-flower podcast. Honestly, been obsessed ever since. Probably gonna buy a refractometer and started testing moving forward; already bought a bunch of basalt that I’m incorporating into my regime. Still on the fence despite my obvious bias. But yeah man, cool stuff. Look into if this is your first time hearing the term!