Schwaggy P seeds

I fell for SB hard too! In fact I’ve been trying to locate a pack of Strayfox original SB work for almost a year now to no avail. But hopefully that will change this summer as I would kill to have SB in my stable as ontop of the exceptional frost, strength, vigour and funk her medicinal qualities are unreal as well and it was one of only two strains I’ve EVER found that literally ceased my spasms completely for hours on end, not to mention the back/neck pain dissapeared as well. Been on a mission since that first ounce, literally . and have exceptionally high hopes for a couple crosses I have planned for when I do. Thank you @lambchopedd i can’t wait to see what our gardens in this thread spew forth this year for us! I’ll be watching/waiting intently 100%


Black Afghan bx1, Day ?? (It’s earliyish)

Noticing yur typical phenotypes; i.e short & squat (most) vs. tall & stretchy (one)
I personally favor the long petioles on the hashplant style frame (less trimming necessary and more airflow).
What I like about the stretchier outlier is that aside from lollipopping, it’s branches are pretty sturdy and seem to share the light instead of competing.

Two other plants are stretchier than the shortest ones…. 1-2 of the short phenotypes have floppy weak branches… the frost is starting to appear.


Tried monstercroppimg for the first time — great strategy if you’re like me and need to remove a couple competing branches in the canopy.
I, uhhh… completely fucked ‘em up tho :upside_down_face:
But this one(s) looked pretty

Separated the sexes some time ago, to keep a bunch of sinse for myself & let the clones makes the beans.
Not that anyone cares about the seed production, but I have duplicate clones of some females while I’m fairly sure some clones fizzled out :sweat_smile: Nevertheless, I’m better at revegging than I am taking clones

Here’s the males before & after cutting them back. No shock here, but the pollen gets pretty fucking moldy

Hopefully we’ll see some resinous pollensacs moving forward

The female tent timer is almost identical to my work schedule so it’s harder to get good pics without disturbing them. I’ll dip in on my ns day

Smells are arguably pretty fruity. The resin coverage screams ”hashplant” type plant.


Cool to see a schwaggy thread. I’m growing his Noni and giesel x skunky Brewster at the moment. Running them in 1 gallons in various stages of flowering at the moment to test. Rooted clones going for each pheno


Oh man that noni is something else! Can’t wait to see what you get from both!

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How did everything turn out? That black afghan is one that really interests me as he’s recommended it like 4-5 times now personally, but ironically sent everything but…. Lol hoping it ended up not so fruity and straight :fire: @lambchopedd


Oh man, pics of the Black Afghans got buried in my photos while I was taking an internet hiatus. I’ll have to do some digging. In short, heavy smoke, one of the few Afghans that was entirely devoid of mold… so I’m for sure popping some f2s as the earliest convenance.
Too fucking heavy for me :sleepy: I like not having to concentrate on not dying.
I did however pull the HAOG bx4s for anyone who’s interested!

Snapped some pics of a few tops, lowers, side-branches, and branches that only started flopping over the last 1.5wks due to the weight :grimacing: which by the way…. Super nice for traditional growers, because density is topnotch!
The smell is all rubber. Like ‘hit the curb while trying to pass some asshole in the left’ burnt rubber — it’s wonderful.

The lady smoked a pinch from a pre-dry nug that accidentally fell off and… well,

I’m dragging my feet on popping seeds because I wanna throw in some f2s of this as well :call_me_hand:


Oh man! Now I gotta get me some black afghan too! That HAOG thought…. Something else entirely! Haha love it!


That sounds like Black Afghan alright! :+1:

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U’mm Rubber, one of my favorite smells, when sampling a new strain!!
Of course Rubber the movie was awesome also.

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Schwaggy Skunk #1 F2BX1 F2

…it’s the HOLIDAZE, and was just browsing seeds on GLG, and wasn’t even thinking about buying anything (seeds)…but this Schwaggy SKUNK #1 caught my eye, with an additional free pack bonus - yes please. So I pulled the trigger today on the order, and chose the GIESEL hybrid as the free-bee (only a couple left).

To be honest, I prefer the old school “sweet skunks”, which are impossible to find any legit heat; but I grew up on Mass Super Skunk & Chem Dog D back in the 90’s…and nothing more pleasant, than the wafting of Road Kill Skunk in the air… The strains we had back then were all head high - Trippy AF, with occasional body buzz on the come down. Nothing even comes close now-a-days; but this caught my eye. Could it be ? …weed like the “good ol’ days”? So I decided to give Schwaggy Skunk #1 a shot - sounds like it will be a trip down memory lane. I’m stoked for the beans - and when I finally get to them, I’ll surely post updates.

I have my hand’s full at the moment, but these will definitely hold a top spot in the que for next round, or spring planting…Definitely a great deal; if you know, then you know, and you grow.

Two Thumbs Up for Schwaggy, nice to see somebody working with foundational genetics. :+1::+1:


Great choice! Awesome! Love anything from Schwaggy and that’s a good one. Looking forward to seeing them grown out @Tomahawk

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Were u able to sample any of his work?

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I’ve got 6 HAOG bx4 beans on deck for my new years seed pop… The next 4 months can’t go by fast enough… can’t wait to see what I find.


…and in four (4) months, you’ll be saying “where did the last 4 months go ?” haha :thinking:

Time flies by so fast., I know what you’re saying tho…it would be cool if there was a way to plant seed(s), and have them mature in about a week: I’m talking start to finish. Any super nutrients out there? there’s got to be a way to speed up the cycle (scientifically) I know cloning, and doing a “perpetual” garden is fast; but I’m more of a “variety is the spice of life” type farmer - I enjoy sampling various seeds/strains (but it sucks wasting time on something BUNK).

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I’ve tried skunky va, rattlesnake diesel and hells hypotenuse. All were great but I’d kill for another pack of hells hypotenuse


This is what originally drew me in many years ago, then I interacted with him…. The man is an absolute wealth of knowledge on a degree I’m unfamiliar with, no joke the stuff he has taught me and the way he explains things is next level, not to mention he’s about as generous as they come. Dying to pop a pack of noni and one of the HAOG bx packs myself