Uncle Fester skunk #18

What’s good Growmies I am looking to trade some Triangle banger reg Tk x SFV x Headbanger from Boston roots seed co or pay for Either some real Uncle Fester Skunk or anything with those Foul disgusting terps who has some funk


I too am looking for beans of UFS #18 I have some pollen on the way and need to find a good female while it’s viable. If I do I’ll gladly send you some beans.


I grew out a handful of these last year. They did not have a foul smell to them. From what I read you want the open pollination not the select pollen. I did the select pollination
Good plants, good high, I will revisit them for sure.

If I can locate a grip of beans an open pol will happen 100% otherwise the other is my only option. Myself and a very good old friend have been looking for some time tbh. The pollen was the first viable option in quite some time


This seems to be the general consensus. UFS doesn’t bring the terps until it’s pollen is crossed with, for instance, another skunk strain


That is fascinating. I have not heard that. I was thinking that crossing it to like diesel,chem, kush would be good. Would these fall into that category?

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Bearing in mind that this is just anecdotal from what I’ve read others post, people seem to experience a stronger terp profile of whatever they cross the UFS pollen to.
I imagine those would be great choices for breeding, but only one way to know for sure!


That is definitely the truth. I guess I need to move it up the priority list lol

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Would love a tag when you do start, I’d be so curious to see if it consistently affected terpene production in offspring, as that would definitely require me to find a pack of UFS immediately! :thinking::face_with_monocle::bear::fire::100:


It’ll take me a second. I just started a bunch of dirty taxi crosses I made to see what they are.

I’ll definitely tag you when I play around with them.

If you were going to do some cross what would you be thinking?

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Oh man, that’s a great question.
Based on seeds I currently have, I think it would be cool to run it with some of the Cherry Festival I’ve got (Cherry skunk? Yes please), or cross it to the 1990 Sensi Seeds Super Skunk gifted to me by @api312 (who, incidentally might know a helluva lot more about this discussion than I do, along with @SkunkHunt101 )!
Edit: be aware that this is all theoretical, I have 0 breeding experience, all my knowledge comes from books currently


I can’t really say I do either. I really believe a lot of it is happy coincidence. Once I do some basic stuff like get rid of hermi plants or stuff I don’t like the growing pattern of. After that it’s just ideas I have and curiosity about how things mix.
I look at it like I’m a doctor! You know PRACTICING lol

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What’s cherry festival?

I’ve got 8 different phenos of the ufs18 from 50state…I’ve only ran a handful of them. But they are solid yielders…gotta search for the skunk, but it’s in a seed somewhere.

Lemme know if you want a few of each, happy to spread the gift that was gifted to me.

These are straight up descendant seeds from master Thai, I believe.


It’s from 3rd Coast Genetics
Mother of all cherries x pure Michigan
Edit: oh sweet Jeezus! I didn’t realize we were RAILROADING @HunnaGodHunna 's thread! Sorry brudda!
@Emeraldgreen if you wanna talk more, let’s cross over to the chat thread

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@HunnaGodHunna sorry for that. I hope at least something was useful for you!

Those super skunks are gonna be killer in crosses just cause they’ve been line bred so many generations so a. They should pass their traits in a fairly predictable fashion and b. They should provide that special hybrid f1 vigor when crossed with anything else that’s true breeding.

Ufs is not something I’ve grown (yet) but, from what I’ve read there’s a few different lines out their from different generations. Some that were released early had more sativa throws and then i believe the guy at nature’s farm either is working or worked them more towards uniform afghani phenos.

Either way should make for some cool plants. Whatever you do I always remind folks to make more pure of what you’ve got and not just crosses! :smiley:


The nature farm definitely went towards the aghani side in his select pollen

He did indeed. Although he released some early versions before he bred that way. So, just good to keep an eye out for which version you get

I believe he had both versions available on his site right now

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