Seed mother plants require slightly higher nitrogen & potassium, while needing slightly less phosphorus. If these nutrient levels look familiar it’s because they’re pretty similar to what a vegetative plant needs. You do however want to be careful not to give it too much nutrients, because it can stress the plant out and slow the maturation rate of the seeds.
For anybody interested in sources regarding this information, the best place to look is for the nutrient requirements needed for seed-based hemp. There are many good sources of information from all over the world dating back over 100 years.
One final nutrient that should be examined, because it is often deficient, is boron, which can be easily obtained from a very small amount of borax. Cannabis, regardless of what it’s being grown for, requires slightly more boron than most other plants.
I find the transition mix between veg and flower to be a happy area for seed production along with letting them go a full 9 weeks on 8 week strains, I like to see seeds start to fall out on there own before cutting her down , and even then I let her sit dry for a few days as most cannabis plants in nature are pretty starved for water by the time the end is near.
Yeah, I’ve always used the same flower schedule and back off towards the 2nd half and usually give an extra boost of a little N in there when they show the need. I always have beautiful seeds so I figure it must be close.
Speaking of Boron, i recently purchased that Big 6 or something like that, from BuildASoil. It has the 6 trace elements that get missed in many soils supposedly. It has Boron I believe. I’ll try and make a judgement on it eventually. The two plants I have just finishing veg and starting flower sure don’t look bad. Not that I can attribute it to that, but it didn’t hurt, lol. They’re both from just made crosses so they’re really sporting that hybrid vigor. One is a male but it is such a monster I may keep it or clone it or slow it down.
If the words are arranged so that the Grow More is a script font, with Sebring above and Seeds below and the side bars say -Established … 2018-, I think that would look cool.
(rushed image arrangement)
Greetings @Sebring,
After meticulously making my way through your journal, like a man possessed, in 5 pound trim jail, I am in awe my friend, at the generosity and kindness shown, not only by yourself,
but indeed, all of OG. This site helps restore my faith in humanity…
There are no words more appropriate…
Thank you, each and everyone of you.
I emailed the Real Seed folks to see it there were any detailed plans for this, and the response I got was that the diagrams on the site were the only instructions. He went on to say that the metric diagram is more accurate than the imperial version. He’s had several people comment about the incorrect/incomplete nature of that diagram. His suggestion is to use the metric diagram, either as is, or convert it to imperial yourself.
I’m gonna have to give it a try. Those Maui Mango Haze seeds were a bitch to sort.
very cool its like a machine I saw used 25 years ago but like flipped upside down the deal we had blew air up into it and seeds went in top I don’t really remember but this is very cool regardless