maybe, but doubtful. Likely a misconfigured plugin, possibly even the store plugin. If it was the webhost you wouldn’t get a 403, you’d get a whole other redirect… Wordpress gets updated so often, plugins as well, and since its not all made in the same place, some plugins that played nice together before, start having issues when updated…
Honestly, the traffic those seed sales brings is a drop in the bucket for many sites, including ones on shared servers…
the 403 would be served from the wordpress instance at, so its getting past the gatekeepers meaning, host hasnt shut it down… DNS is resolving, and WP is responding (just not with what we wanna see).
thats just a shared server. the 1st and 2nd listed are likely shut down, got no response, not even a 403, the 3rd is sleep stuff in mexico, pages being served quickly…
I’m just making guesses here its really hard to say without some data from Sebring but if I had to guess he has a fairly cheap plan and could benefit from a sponsor for events like this!
I made a PING to the server and had a fast response, I’m afraid the host may have shot down the page due to excesive traffic and causing access problems to the rest of webpages hosted in that server …
Completely agree with you on that. Assuming its a shared server though, host could have shut it down if we were slowing other sites performance. If I remember correctly and its been awhile that would throw a 404 not 403 i think.
Either a 404, or more likely a host generated message and redirect page. Not a 403.
Seeing a 403 AND the “W” in the tab label when getting the 403 says you ARE getting to the server, host isn’t blocking. The very same program that shows you the store is sending you the 403 because something internal in WordPress is not right… been a WordPress user since it split from Joomla like 15 yrs ago … just wait for Sebring to fix…
WordPress has a hard coded web address in it’s config file. Even http vs https in the address can cause wp to fail. Using an ip to access can cause all sorts of failures depending on server… I been running WordPress sites for 15 yrs man. Just relax… Google WordPress 403 if ya need. Lol. I ain’t assuming I’m speaking from experience…
Ps… as I said earlier. Sebrings software, his instance of WordPress, IS serving you the 403 page… because it has an issue serving you the store… usually file permissions…