Seed Banks - Who can we trust?

I have other strains but those are the ones I feel would pair up with chitral the best.
In terms of selecting a male I normaly look at a couple different things , smell , structure and how the pollen sacs actually form when it starts to flower. I like to see alot of pollen sacs and prefer to use the one with the strongest smell and the darkest pollen :+1:
Being that the chitral is known for being a shorter dense purple plant if any of the males show those traits they would be favored. I find it can also be use full to compare the leaves of the males to the most desirable female and look for matching or close to matching features.
I guess there are several different things to consider I kind of listen to what the plants say and do what feels best in my gut. If I tried to make a flow chart of my methods it might go in circles :joy:
Another large factor is I need to see some uniformity in the pck to trust the male to pass on the desired traits , if there not all short fat purple nugs I may breed to the best pck female and then hold off and do the crosses with the resulting next generation, I have a feeling that wonā€™t be a issue as most people have good reports on there paki and there gear in general.


@Cristalin at Underground Seed Collective had a PCK that he was bringing back I think. I havenā€™t talked to him in a minute. I wanted that one, too. He may have it. I may be thinking about a triple Paki he used to have.


Thatā€™s an awesome lineup of genetic you have! Recently been reading about those many of those cuts, totally jealous over here! Particularly the kush and ghost OG :drooling_face:


Look like you have only one variety of the pck , yes what i ordered was the breeders pack youbhave the 3 different phenos the purple, the red and pink and the green , the green is most potent one of them, and yes they trend to be really dominant Nd if get mixed with the right one , results have proven to be worth it, see around the information of the pck crosses they already have with the pck , and dor most croses they use and 2000 or early 2000s purple pheno


I have 2 packs of the regulars from ace to hunt threw . At one point I went a little crazy and bought every land race from ace ,cannabiogens, world of seeds, most of real seed company, a few from Landrace team, several from Indian Landrace exchange. I plan to spend the rest of my days hunting threw beans lol


Thank you Iā€™ve gone to some great lengths to get a few of those cuts , the ghost, bubba and 92og arenā€™t the most readily available and I know the ones I have are the original.
I have a fake ghost and fake bubba also that are really good but not legit, there more likely some s1 that somebody grew out and didnā€™t label as such. They both came from the strain bank of Los Angelas, the fake bubba smells and tastes like bubba but grows less compact and has dark purple buds. The fake ghost grows more like my sfv og in bloom but has a garlic fuel funk to it and looks totally different in veg. Iā€™m kinda of a kush fanatic - addict lol


Those kush are exactly what I was referring to :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I have a handful of purple kush, and some Bubba seeds on the way from Mark. Theyā€™re an inbred line, so hopefully similar to the famous parents, but I know it wonā€™t be the same. Iā€™m going to search through them at some point. Canā€™t complain for a buck lol. I would love to get some original cuts of something at some point, though fake bubba sounds pretty nice in itself! If any way you could share cuts or your source down the road, that would be appreciated! Plus no better way to preserve the rare specimens. Also, Have you ever reversed one to pollenate the other two?

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Iā€™ve seen alot of people find some keeper bubba plants from katsu seeds and few other places. Alot of the original cuts went out around northern California about 16 years ago. I just recently got it back and havenā€™t seen it sense then, I was a firm believer it was gone for a min.
The ghost og and the bubba I only know one source for in Los angelas. Iā€™m not even sure if they make it available and I know for sure they donā€™t ship so it would be rather challenging to get in all honestly.
The 92 I have zero source for at this point as the person I got it from has been MIA for some time now. Itā€™s the original from Florida. The bank cannabis genetics has it but there beans are only available in Colorado and they only release it crossed to other strains. They have some really good beans if you can get them.
Iā€™m not a fan of feminized seeds so I havenā€™t made any and donā€™t intend to but I do have a pack of ghost ridge og from mota rebel I plan on popping and finding a good male out of to do some crosses. The 92 and ghost ridge pack weā€™re gifted to me with the intention of me crossing them and putting the ghost ridge back on the ghost and the sfv og at the same time.


Wow, wish there was some way to get them over here to the east coast (and everywhere in between). I still find it crazy that all the cuts of the originals can be lost among the collective of growers. Needless to say, please do your best to make back up mothers and cuts to as many people as you can. The more people that keep mothers, the better the chances of it being preserved and passed on.

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I think that the chemical makeup of the plants we are talking about has something to do with that lol. damn irresponsible stoners lol. I am actually the opposite, I am amazed how much has survived, and been passed along as cuttings through the years. I just got a cut of supposed monkey paw that the guy claims to have been growing for decades.


Very true, some members on here have kept the same strain for 15+ years, and I do find that amazing. But I figure if enough growers have it, someone should have it somewhere and itā€™s vital to keep the line going. Granted, it is an annual plant, the fact that the seed was grown out 20 years ago makes the cuttings actually extremely old. Then the wider spread of viruses and disease that infect cannabis make the long term continuation for hobbyists a challenge. Not many people have full clean room and lab setups to make sterile tissue cultures with. There are a few on here that doā€¦ but not the norm lol.

Yeah the whole genetic drift issue is alot less common then the industry would like people to believe. Sure it can happen but itā€™s very rare and most people are actually witnessing phenotypic plastisty based on different enviroments and growing methods. I have had the blue dream for over 15 years now and it hasent changed a single bit. The og and bubba are 28 years old. Now what you mention about the cuts coming from seed that was grown so long ago is a issue.
Plants develop new immunities and resistance to pests and disease on a constant basis to adapt to the changes those vectors are making to them selves to become more effeciant in attacking the plants . When you keep a clone of something you are stopping its genetic progress in that moment in time and the pests and diseases keep evolving to become more and more skilled at what they do. Eventually you can wind up with a plant that has a very hard time protecting itā€™s self from common problems.
This is why breeding and stabilizing these plants is importent, if you stabilize the genetics you have less chance of losing it and it allows the plant to adapt to pests and disease the way nature intended.


That has me thinking of a topic in itselfā€¦

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They sell directā€¦I used a Visaā€¦no problems and he sent freebies too :slight_smile:


ohh so they had some unworked ones then bofore, because they sell fems of the purple and the green and the ping and red you can get it in the breeders pack , the regs or the fems , in both they have been separated already, the fem is 5 fems of each one total 15 beans and the regs are 10 pack of each one too total of 30 beans

Yeah they dident have it listed like that when I got them but is was a couple years ago now. I have two ten packs of regulars will see what comes out of them soon :sun_with_face::droplet: :seedling::deciduous_tree::fire:

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How bout these guys ? Seems legit to me and the kind of folks Iā€™d feel good about supportingā€¦


Someone here posted that link, before s someone posting it here I couldnā€™t find anything from him via Google for some reason. I got the 9lb and hell on wheels which since I ordered on Halloween comes with dosidumb and for buying 2 packs a pack of testers.


Smoking 9lb hammer nowā€¦Pretty nice and hasnā€™t even been cured for more then 2 weeks. I also bought your Hell on Wheels but havenā€™t had the time/room to drop any yet.
If you havenā€™t grown 9 lb yetā€¦watch for the stretch! Mine was over 3.5 ft tall in a measly 3 gallon cloth pot snd supercropped multiple times.


Iā€™ve grown a few of his reproductions, some were ok but some were excellent. I actually got a freebie from him called purple maze kush that Iā€™m going to grow soon. I believe itā€™s a kush x mazar. Looks like :fire: from what Iā€™ve seen.