“Seed Breeder” discussion/opinion

She rolled her eyes at me but didn’t outright say no, so maybe it’s a go.


((poly hybrid X poly hybrid) x (poly hybrid X poly hybrid)) x ((poly hybrid X poly hybrid) x (poly hybrid X poly hybrid)) is my middle name


Wow this debate is still going and getting some attention. @way4out opened a can of worms and then released some well thought out strains last night to back up his stance.

I think there are many levels to look at the plant and interesting the passion from all sides, something I share with you all.

Something to think of how some of these landraces were worked by the local farmers in Afghanistan, India, or Thailand.

It’s a curiosity always to me how the natives knew their plants and bred and guided them to the direction they needed, which was also probably to make money and occasionally medicine. Maybe it was to breed for resistance towards the local elements, a certain structure for stealth or yield, or a certain taste for cultural beliefs. Probably more stringent restrictions than how we make our crosses today.

In some ways the breeders and chuckers now may have more potential to actually unlocking varieties and phenos never before seen. Opening the true potential of the sacred plant. We may be closer to the plant nowadays than ever. It’s a cool time to be alive.


In the time I have been on this site… which isn’t very long in the grand scale of things… I’ve made some observations.
There seems to be a lot of folks here on the site who hold distain for the seed industry and the breeders who sell thier seeds. This same crowd though seeks out breeder packs so they can Fgen them to share with the community for free and call it “preservation” … and the sign up lists are always full. There is nothing really wrong with that and I sign up for some of those too but it isn;t preservation when only a pack of seeds or many times it’s less than a pack of seeds is used for the project. Don’t get me wrong, I like that side of OG, the open sharing and generosity of others but all these seeds started out as being sold by a breeder.
Can’t have it both ways but people still love to hate on breeders and the seed industry.
We aren’t all cutthroat schmucks selling our pollen chucks for high dollar to take advantage of those who buys seeds or follow trends. I can look around the community as a whole across many forums and find lots of guys/girls out there doing the work, testing thier seeds, and showing it for all to see and follow. I gave up on instagram where people buy seed based on pictures alone… as a consumer I want to see the grows, see the testing, know what I am in for. That is why with my own work, I try and be as transparent as I can be and show the plants I work and the journey growing them whenever possible, People can follow those threads and see the plants I choose to use and why. Not just random shots but usually seed to harvest. If that isn’t good enough for those who have disdain for the seed industry and those of us who dare call ourselves breeders… I don’t know what to tell ya.

as for the “poly hybrid” thing… geesh… EVERYTHING is a polyhybrid a this point.
Even so called landrace genetics were hybridized generations (people) ago.
Following the proposed migration of Cannabis from it’s origins in the far past , the hybridizing began centuries ago as Cannabis was taken far and wide and established in the countries where it was able to grow naturally. I would say based on what I have read, all cannabis in the western hemisphere and other places that people refer to as landrace is all acclimated hybridized cannabis.

The beautiful thing about cannabis though is that there is such a broad pallet to paint from and in hybridizing a literal rainbow of effects and flavors can be manipulated into something “new”. Recessive genes can be found and coaxed to the surface by skilled hands and the combinations really do seem quite endless.


Nice write up, out of likes.


Just not valentines. There strict guidelines! :rofl::joy:

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“Keep the best, Cull the rest.”


I’m playing advocate here 90% fyi.
I just see so much err of hard work and years of dedication
Anything I have ever crossed gets bxd and is done so with intent
(Seeds I offered last night are obviously outcrosses; WITH futures intention of bx)
I know my intention is clear on my side…
(What anyone does with my seed is out of my hands)
Do as you wish,
I simply believe if it weren’t for purity breeders,
Ur favorite line long been smoked.
Doc Grinspoon may show up someday in all his wacky glory?
Doubt it.
But because there are pure breeders out there on the fringe; my hope is yet there.


A breeder whether full release OR tester OR free should have full faith in said doings with plant.
If not,
put em in a smoothie
it really is that simple
Don’t waste your namesake in ignorance or for a quick buck.
Times is tough, but go look at the price of hemp seed and sit with what you got in the cooler,
You quickly learn to appreciate every seed and value you have in said runnings.
And quickly can differentiate between “:fire:” and “:money_mouth_face:
My only point(s?)

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How can a breeder have full faith in a tester? That doesn’t even make sense.

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Wow, you claim a lot of things you seem to have very little understanding of. The majority of seeds I’ve grown are in fact landraces from a lot of different regions. Nothing have even come close to being homozygous. The only lines I’ve seen homozygous in, is old worked by westerners. You see, in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, cannabis is growing wild all around. You can’t make homozygous crop with these conditions.

You also seem to ignore that cannabis main use in all of these regions are for seeds and fiber, while cannabis farmers do have a plot for hash cultivars, they have adjacent plots of high seed producers and fiber producers. All these lines intermix with each other.

You also seem to ignore the fact that homozygous crops are made from close to 1:1 breeding, which is never done with landraces for obvious reasons. This, together with high plant counts, leads to natural drifting through epigenetics and will dispurs any homozygous within the crop from the first generation of seeds produced. I was part of an experiment proving this while I studied Sustainable Agriculture at university.

Pz :v:t2:


it also breeds in new problems and diseases. my ex wife used to be really into horses, breeding, and rescuing cast offs from the racing industry. i don’t recall specifics naturally since i’ve been divorced for almost 20 years and she’s dead now or i’d ask to get the facts right first. i just had to make this comment to say that not everything we do is good, especially when we start doing it for money.


@sfzombie13 In both horses and dog, there have heavy inbreeding problems where the alleles start to match each other too much, leading to mutations being more prevelent.

So you are spot on. This is also a good reason for landrace farmers to keep their genome wide open all the time. This will prevent dieseses from spreading within the descendants.

Pz :v:t2:


Why does this bother you so much?

There’s room in the market for all of it.

I have no interest in cookies cross #9871 but so what?

If you don’t like it, don’t buy it.

Since you’re a breeder, just make it yourself.

Go to Kashmir and hand select seeds or something. Then you will have something you can call yours.


I get it. Lots of BS out there. Some people want brand names some people don’t care.

I’m a bad example because I don’t really buy seed. I’d much rather grow my own work or the work of my friends.


@Foreigner why I’m here on overgrow. Tbh
The other people with as much interest as me
Not to make enemies

I have a satellite seed storage area with good climate control where I keep my “special” stuff. It’s only for breeding. It’s all worked and as clean as you can realistically get. They are named after countries for example.

This kind of thing isn’t going to disappear. You just need to know where to look and who to ask.

But it’s a niche market. Your average person doesn’t give a half a shit they just want to grow a pound.


I am a biological artist. My medium and canvas happens to be pollen and cannabis sometimes.
A proud pollen chucker with a high value for science, obsession over genetics, a value for ethics.
Give credit where credit is due. NO ONE is the owner these plants.
That doesn’t mean dont value yourself and your time.


A peek inside the secret vault. What’s in there? For example…


Great post. I agree 100%… If i was in it for the money i’d be selling weed. Not seeds.
Most folks get into making seeds out of love for the plant and the wish to preserve what they love.
People have different tastes in cannabis just like they have different tastes in anything else.
Nobody is being forced to buy or even be gifted or grow seeds so what’s the problem? If you don’t think somebody’s seeds are worth buying or growing then don’t bother! - other people might have a different opinion… we all have a choice. Why do people want to decide for everyone else what is worthwhile or legit ? Some people like fems, some don’t… whatever !
Cannabis actually wants to be crossed. It is wind pollinated and a natural out-crosser - so wtf is wrong with a good F1 or polyhybrid? - what would make people actually object to their very existence ? - just simply don’t buy them and spend your money/trade on landraces or lines or whatever you decide with your freedom of choice?
The whole ‘breeder / chucker’ debate is BS, and ime the people shouting loudest about making those distinctions tend to not really know what they’re talking about themselves.
Dont lie, Dont steal, but beyond that… grow what you want, preserve what you want, cross what you want, inbreed what you want and don’t let anyone’s disdain or disapproval influence you.