“Seed Breeder” discussion/opinion

More like I know exactly what I’m getting and can predict what it will do. I just crossed an F8 and an IBL and it turned out almost as predicted with some variation in flower time. But both parents did their job in a predictable desirable way.


@Foreigner that is an educated , well thought out crossing of plants with intent and purpose “new breeder” would be drowning in misunderstanding at basic concept of what it is you are ACTUALLY doing

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You need to trust your sources. Predictable lines doing what I want, that’s fun. Making chucks, also fun.


@Foreigner you obviously research backlogs of lineage tho , of the lines you use , and go from there with educated discretion and expected results.
Yes chucking, but the educated view of such is far different than the “new/naive” viewpoint.
That line in the sand is a damn river

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It’s often when you bring money into it. I don’t sell my stuff. I will never be a seedbank. But I need to trust my seed banks, and there are some i do, but often times it’s a random OGer who knows what he’s/she’s talking about and I will trust their efforts too.

I don’t need a seedbank to get a poly hybrid.

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I read this whole damn thread and didn’t find any video. :roll_eyes:


Here’s one!



Thank you, at least I seen a video now. :laughing: :v:

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I didn’t say it was a good one :joy:

But watch the show if you like. Pretty damned funny.


So I just have to jump in and say that the term “chucker” is idiotic. Why you may ask?

Let’s take a look at how animals are bred. You can’t use inbreeding and that results in polyhybrid lineage breeding instead, where the breeders were working with hypothetical polygenic trait chances.

Horse breeders for example, often buy sperms from an Elite male and inseminate multiple female horses, to later recombine, looking something like this:

We can clearly see that this type of breeding still allow for elites to produce elites, or we wouldn’t do it. The fact is that for any dioecious organism, line breeding have multiple advantages when it comes to produce aimed elites in it’s progeny.

So are we calling dog or horse breeders sperms chuckers? NO! We don’t…

So if cannabis is dioecious crop, why wouldn’t you call anyone doing the practices, a breeder. Just because the breeder isn’t focused on producing the same horse over and over, instead focused on producing elites. That doesn’t make what the breeder does less breeding. It’s just a different technique.

Pz :v:t2:


I’m a hobby breeder and I chuck and breed. And my best quality is tossing average seed. I’m honest with myself and never traded trash. I’m on the quest for sexually pure strains with distinct properties. And I possess my own supply of proven seeds of some great strains.


Me too. I failed on a burnt rubber one. Too wild. They all hermed on me. That project died.


True, but I wish we did! :rofl:


I once went all in on a supposed DJ Short Blueberry I bought that had the sweetest leaf crush test as a baby I could imagine. I spent a few months lining up from my seed stash my selected crosses and clones of the Blueberry. And with multiple pregnant seed mama’s growing I finished one of the clones. To my surprise it was the best tasting weed ever but completely flat with only a limited buzz. Ha Ha everything went in the garage right away.


Where all this f1 you ré talking about, all i see is polyhy rid x polyhybrid…

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Why would a breeder spend a few years making f4,f5 etc when within 6 months it will be knocked of and sold everywhere for a fraction of the asking price. Considering the time and money spent to develop, it doesn’t make sense for them to do so.
Also, think about how fast the market trends change. If it takes 2 years to properly work a f4 of whatever your making, will it even be what the market wants 2 years later ? The breeder will get left in the dust.


100% right. Nothing but super polyhybrids available :rofl:


I might tell my wife to use “sperm chucker” as my new pet name.


amen to that brother.

ITS YA BOY lil sperm chucker