“Seed Breeder” discussion/opinion

You gotta pay to play, holmes


I will not bend to unscrupulous sales practices. I will rock a Pontiac


Tell you what it’ll be worth 30k once it’s all clean so I’ll just sell it to you now for 30k straight up.


(Writes bogus check)


Cash only no refunds no tire kickers (it doesn’t have tires anyway)

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I once went to the dealership and they ran my numbers. The salesman brought me out and we walked by the Hummers and H3s and several others, we went through a hole in the back fence and he led me back to my Own Damn Car. Here Hashman , it’s what you can afford!


Why does it have a big $900 sticker on the windshield?

True fact about me: I’ve never owned my own car.


I always took you for a scooter man.


Quadrophenia baby.

I like the one with all the mirrors so I can gaze into my own eyes.


I get 85 miles to the gallon on this hog!


“If you can read this you’ll know I never had the courage to talk to girls.”

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Yours was more uncomfortable I could tell.

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Love this threads, they’re part of the reason I joined OG, lots of good things about it and the discussions don’t go out of the board (well, most of the time :laughing:).

Only sometimes things are described in a bit of a too absolute way. The distinction between chucker/breeder is way more complicated than a binary opposition. Binary is for computers, not life. Most people are both, in different ratios, depending on time, context, desire, opportunity, a lot of things.

But as there’s money there’s greed and people doing it for the wrong reason. Maybe that’s where I’d put a line rather than the “chucker” debate: it resolves around aiming at ameliorating the genepool. It doesn’t matter so much in the end how one do that. Sometime chucking two polyhybrids can be a way to do it. Only testing will have the final word. And probably further breeding :smiley:


i guess I look at that first pollination between two different lines as a pollen chuck. You can try and predict the outcomes using all the known models but there is always the unknown. So this is why I think in every breeder there is a pollen chucker at heart hehe
I cross a well bred cherry line to a well bred bubblegum line and expect cherry bubblegum plants but that won’t necessarily be the case. So it;s a pollen chuck with some expectations it’s not breeding. The breeding comes after the chuck :wink:


Breeding really is humbling. I think you can be called a breeder once you beat the odds. Could be first try or the 5th or never for a specific line/project.

When I ran mosca cherry white I found a plant with a mind blowing high and set myself to reproduce the line and try to increase my chances.

From a 12 pack I got 5 males, I took cuts of everything and f2’d the bunch.
Then I hit all females with 1 male, second run a different male, third run yet another male.
I had chosen the order I was going to use each male by what the killer female looked like etc
First male I thought was to be the best was the worst once I tested his progeny.
Second male was crap.
Third male was OK
Forth wasn’t it.
I was about to call it a day
Fifth male was a scraggly looking piece of lucerne. Sparce nodes, weak stems, runty boy
Thought what the hell. Might as well…

Well I’ll be damned pookie was a king… badabing dababoom… strong plants like mama can be found.

Breeding is funny like that.

After 5 runs with the cuts from the original seed plants… I’m now at f2 :neutral_face:

Hah… I did the same exercise with a bunch of lines… sour strawberry took 2 years…

Time consuming for sure but hell I can pick any of those lines anytime and know I’m not wasting my time.


I chucked last winter. I used my flowering space and time to produce seeds. No flower.
I grew them out this fall to read the phenos. Today im 10 weeks into flower - 62 weeks since I started the seeds that gave me these buds.
I dont know what the moral of that story is but if I was after a quick buck I think I could have done it quicker.
Maybe it’s not as black and white as chucker/breeder.


I compare it to cooking :grin:

Everyone feed (or smoke) themselves.

But there’s levels to this shit.


I love your point about how cannabis wants to be crossed as it is a wind pollinator. :slight_smile:

I do think OG can be harsh to people who aspire sell their seeds in general. The difference between being run out of here or accepted is sometimes arbitrary and sometimes down to whether they have chosen to support OG financially or have a well respected member or two in their corner.

I understand in a sense, as good seeds are so plentiful once you start making friends here… it can be hard to justify buying unknown beans. But some of the vitriol I have seen directed toward new breeders seems excessive IMO.


Only a real breeder would mention Dr. Grinspoon

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Every car owned me. And the 4 years I lived in Montreal I went car less and took the Metro. I loved the Metro.

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