“Seed Breeder” discussion/opinion

I’ve had cars. But always been a one car family so I’d never consider it “mine.”

I don’t really want one. I live in the city directly on the subway. For the few times a month I would need to go somewhere I could just Uber and it would still be cheaper.

Also consider that a parking spot in my building is 30k :joy:


I must have a car because I live 10 miles from the nearest town. The county seat is 32 miles if I have legal troubles. Now I am getting older and my car is 24 years old. I think I may just get a bike and only go when I absolutely need to.


Interesting how different our needs can be. If you live in the country - must have car. Me not so much.

And I’d love to bike around from here to there but the traffic is lethal blind and stupid.


Yup. Thats how I drive. Lethal , blind, and stupid. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


After reading the Took 2 years im Definitely giving those Strawberrys you sent me in water ASAP.Im Trying to Find the most Strawberry Things alive i can Flip through i have a plan for another future project.What did you find going through those?


That is insane! :astonished: :neutral_face: :expressionless: :scream_cat:


I know right? It just doesn’t pass the cost/benefit test.

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And the more loci to manipulate at a time, the more humbling (and addictive) ^^

I personally think that the word breeding should be used for any seed. Even for a simple repro.
Just to put back in minds the responsibility that it is and that it can potentially represent. Also to respect those that put the cannabis we have in hands today, often forgotten in the equation if not obliterated voluntary to rewrite the story and its real context. I mean … it’s including himself in a chain and in a legacy, instead just profit from it in discarding this mechanical chain. The game still darwinian as fuck, enough to let the natural selection being the judge. For the better or the worse, it’s not absolute either ^^

I see more the frontier with the standards of work (competitivity of the plants, competitivity of the final product, quality of the seeds, quality of the creativity, depth of understanding of the material used … ).

Holding a label or not in this equation don’t change much this grid of reading for me, professional constraints and how they are dialed is a total different story for me.


Sounds free by my definitions.

Biking is awesome in a safe place. I have a nature trail an easy 2km from my house. The trail is awesome.

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I could hop right on a nature trail and go 5k to my parent’s. But, the entrance is closed for the next 2 years.

Yes, nature trail, closed. Due to water flow management so that meandering doesn’t threaten all the condos that are coming.

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Sounds like the Commies took over.

Nah man unrestrained free market.


In Southern Ontario the trails seem to be the only free place.

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I have bike lanes outside my building. They are 100M long. What a joke.

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You need a time machine in that case, because stability isn’t what it used to be or mean when I was growing in mid-late 90’s, hermaphrodite, what’s that, cause I never got ANY, intersex, nope, wild mutated leaves, main shoots that regrow back after severed, plants that switch to flowering, back to veg then flowering again… Not even using 2 IBL strains can completely remove intersex/ hermie within linages of both Xmas Bud and Tampa Crippy. So that’s a pipe dream of having stability in todays gene pool :face_with_monocle:


Today’s gene pool? I don’t think it’s much different, we just complain about it more on the internet now.


You’re talking to one of the guys that was there from the very inception of internet growing, and yes I can assure you the gene pool of the mid-late 90’s isn’t what it once was, and only select amount of feminized lines available. IIRC growers then only used and traded regular seed, there wasn’t a desire for feminized/auto seed, like now


I sent packs of a mix of the 4 mothers used for the f3s but keep every seed mom separate for myself and future breeding.
BTW I didn’t mix a big batch of all moms when filling the washers, I manually picked 2-3 seeds from each mom for each pack…

What I found is mom #12 is dunking on the other 3 haha. Produces more vigorous, bigger yielding plants while keeping potency high for a sour strawberry. The strawberry smell and taste wasn’t dominant in the original seeds so they still need a bit of hunting. I like to think the odds are better in the f3 hah

Mom#12 x Dad#20 can produce some quite sativaish phenos, both were late flowering one offs and so made a breeding pair in my eyes. This mating in particular is distancing itself from the squat slow growing more common sour strawberry.

Other 3 mothers progeny are more in line with the “traditional” SS but selected as a strawberry hashplant for outdoor hash runs. Tasty stuff.


It’s really the shit show buddy, the anger is really justified. To recover the level of quality that you got in one 10pack “yesterday”, you need today deal with wounded lines, make a shit ton of repros, screening and applying improvements that imply a dose of breeding. To talk “young”, it’s the era of “beta” versions now. You pay a kidney and you have to finish the job, it’s ridiculous.

Now for the actual genpool … it’s blurry as fuck by the transmission broken between the generations of stoners. And i’m not talking about ages but cycles. It’s normal with the democratization, and the mass product aspect.

Most of the “new lines” since 20 years are just recycled and watered down references that now, a majority don’t know and are unable to recognize. That’s the trick, but even in discarding the more vicious traps of pedigree it’s impossible that you don’t see that most of hunted weeds are from … a specific era ^^

Not all old farts are raging to pass for what they aren’t, some are really crying.