Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi f2 Apollo 13 x Apollo 11

Looking good did you top those or no? They look very similar to the Temple of Apollo except they had alot more space between the nodes.


I did not top them although some look like they self-topped.

I will wait until first defoliation and will post more pictures. There is nearly ZERO canopy light penetration and my second light re-build is on hold until Allied Electronics can get to my driver RMA. With shit going sideways fast who knows how long that will be.


Day 22 and the ladies with get a defoliating strip tonight.

They really need it badly. I will try and remember to take some before and after pics.

For those playing along at home I have these in a water-only LOS. I do water with a microbe tea every 10-14 days and they got that on Sunday night.


Strip-a-dee-doo-dah, Strip-a-dee-ay
My, oh, my, what a wonderful day!





Nice hair cut! That male is getting all warmed up! peace


I just checked on the the males in front of the fan and it’s official, pollen is flying!


Awwww yeaahhhh… it’s sexy time! :dancing_women:‍♀:kiss::tongue::fairy:‍♀ Close the curtains until tomorrow!




No more spraying now that pollen is flying. A tub of lady bugs and a praying mantis cocoon were introduced today.

I’ll see if I can get a slowmo or two of pollen taps


A lot of people do not know that ladybugs will eat pollen and they will carry it around with them and pollinate as well.


They seem to really like the Blackwater like their dad does


Love releasing mantis. I typically allow myself a bit of time just to watch them after they start coming out of their hatch


I’ve seen Praying Mantis on my plants for the last two years so we have them here outside. I don’t see them all the time, but that’s sort of their thing, right? They look like the leaves. I really like living in such a rural area because our insect population is strong. No pesticides sprayed nearby me. It makes me realize how they’re being destroyed in more populated areas.

I really get a kick out of watching them all work. Mostly, the predators take care of all the problems here all summer, but come the start of fall they start dying off, and guess what? That’s when the aphids take over. So, you have to be ready to deal with things for about a month or so at the end of the season.

With this being my third year of growing outside here, I’m really getting a feel for my personal pest problem. I know the white moths start coming out around a couple of weeks into flower. By being ready for them and spotting them when they first start showing up, I was able to get away without any bud rot or worms in the buds last year. I just give the plants a shake a few times a day and the moths will fly out if of the plant without ever getting a hold on anything.

Enjoy the bug watching! I do. peace


So you guys are also into bug porn? Sheesh as if bud porn wasn’t enough :grin::joy::laughing::laughing:


Simple pleasures for simple minds, they say… :grin:


Simple indeed…


I don’t think I’ve listened to that since the first time I heard it in high school. Still disturbing. Probably won’t listen to it again.

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I pulled 5 or 6 plants out of the lab tent today to reach in for water and to re-locate a plant (closer to where I can keep an eye on her).

I tapped out some pollen onto foil and it’ll head up to Oregon tomorrow to the friend who graciously gave me the Goji pollen for my Nigerian Sunshine x Goji cross. Paying it forward.

These males are really spewing all over and a couple have the whitest pollen I’ve ever seen. It’s really unique.
There is so much swirling in the tent that I have to hold my breath when I move stuff around. I suppose that I’ll collect a bit more over the next couple of days and set it aside to play with later.


A few taps and this happened.


Now that’s a pretty sight to see


OK, its Day 46 here and it has been a spell since I posted pics.

The flying pollen is definitely on the wane. That collected and pictured above is sealed with dried rice and in the freezer.

The sheer volume of pollen in a controlled area like a tent can be pretty overwhelming. I have pretty bad asthma and allergies and it was hard for me to go in with a watering wand. If I hit ANYTHING with the wand or tried to move a container I was showered with pollen and this is with a 16" hurricane moving air.

The pollen on the surface of the leaves of the males was so thick that it started worrying me so I began rinsing it off with Plant Therapy once my ladybugs jumped ship. It was looking to spot so I scoped it to make sure it was not fungus. It was worse in some areas due to proximity to the males.

Anyway, here are a few pics.

Here is one of the Blackwater recipients: