Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi F2 DBHP - Give Away Has Ended

:astonished: Mom, so much inuendo! Dirty! :laughing:


:evergreen_tree: :toilet: :thinking:


huh? That was an innocent post. Could have went more along the lines of:

Slut in training received her 1st bondage treatment and she liked it! Spread wide open letting her bottoms rise above…the boys are eagerly anticipating throwing their pollen all over her to fill every available calyx as they resist their bondage treatment :stuck_out_tongue:

Though I wouldn’t go that far :innocent:


Spread out like a dragon princess…


“Pandora’s box”

I’d better go back to my corner.



Now your starting to sound like a member of RIU :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Idk…took me awhile to think of a good come back lol


Last night I sprayed all the plants with the plant starter for the missing micro nutrients then this morning cleaned her up a bit so the new inner growth doesn’t get too crowded …

She lost a lot of sap production so no brix readings today

Though it was a perfect opportunity to sort out the cuttings and set them up for clones

Meanwhile the boys are doing their own thing

I need to get the light closer and set up their circulation fan though holding off until the CMH lamp gets here… amazon says its out for delivery so we’ll see


looks like they’re coming along nicely!


Sooo the gnomes are bigger than I thought they would be though that is ok as once the soil gets sorted, the 3gallon pots will be replaced with a 3x3 fabric pot…

The boys now have their CMH set up and lowered the light to 2’ above them with Mr Gnome cheering them on

Clones are looking better this time around though its only been 24 hrs

Tomorrow the “grownups” except for #7 (getting up pot) will be getting a foliar of 2Tb mineral mix (Calcium Carbonate limestone, soft rock phosphate and gypsum), 1Tb barley sprouts, 1Tb liquid fish and 1 Tb potato starch water into 1 gallon of water followed by a root drench and brix readings on Wednesday :wink:


Did you decorate the electrical outlet with pink fuzzy stuff?! :thinking: :mens:


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Huh? Ohhhh lol That’s my pipe cleaner cord keeper… told ya I use them for everything lol suppose I could swap it out for a different color


Soooo I got behind by a couple days prepping for the Cubscout halloween Carnival (last night) the elementary school’s Harvest Festival (Friday), moving around furniture and getting my new washer/dryer set delivered (today). Now I can relax again and get back on track with the plants…

4 day old cuttings

Miss D

Mr D’s

Foliar fed the mineral mix just after these shots…root drench and brix readings tomorrow - I promise


And you “redecorated” the electrical tie-up again! :smile:

Ahh, memories… :city_sunset:

I was in Cub Scouts at the perfect time for me… parents divorce/etc. and I got to go camping almost every month. :tent: Those memories of outings are fondly seared into my brain. :smile: :fire:

Recently found my old Scout Handbook and man is it dated…no internet & just barely “politically correct”…thought to give it to my neighbors kid but it might be more of a relic to him than an inspiration. :gift: :thinking: At least it doesn’t have a bullet-hole and mouse-blood-stains like my pops’. :laughing:




Yup! Can’t have pink in the boys room…least not until its ooh la la time :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s fantastic! It has really helped my youngest get to an “age appropriate” mindset instead of giving up with all of his learning disabilities (classic complex inattentive adhd) showing he can do what others his age are doing. It helps that a couple other boys in his den are also developmentally delayed a bit with one having a cochlear inplant…we can’t move them backward though we can modify the program to meet their needs as long as they can explain and demonstrate the key principle per patch, its all good.

Cubscouts had changed a lot since my brothers were involved in it but especially the last few yrs introducing the “new” program in 2015 highlighting show, explain and demonstrate and switching from patches to belt loops and pins then in 2016 further modifying the requirements (some were redundant) then last year reintroducing Lions for Kindergartners then this year allowing girls to officially participate, changing the name from Boy Scouts of America to Scouts BSA and the church based program folding…I know grandchildren aren’t too far away so I plan on staying within the Cubscouts to keep up on all the changes as they keep happening and its alot of fun seeing the light bulb go off learning through play.

Your books would be awesome to have for Webelos (4th grade) and Arrow of Light (5th grade) kids as they do Looking Back, Looking Forward and Building a Better World pins… if you don’t want them anymore, perhaps you could donate them to your local district at one of the monthly Round Table’s (Cubscout leaders meetings) - they would be invaluable to all your local Packs if they get passed around as needed


Update time! I am kicking myself for not taking any brix readings before the mineral foliar yesterday and drench today for a current baseline. Oh well, we have it now :stuck_out_tongue:

Miss D

Mr D’s

Meanwhile, the clones grew ~1/2" here on day 5 since cutting… no roots yet though looking promising they will have them in the next week or so…


that’s a great idea about donating to a local chapter. i’ll consider that for sure.
as an example of the flexible atmosphere in scouting, (and my eccentricities :smile:), i went to scout camp in the summer of 5th or 6th grade & was so bored with my first aid class that i just stopped going, went to the archery range & snagged a canoe, went fishing, made my own fire & dinner, all somehow without adults intervening. I remember them raising an eyebrow but that was about it. heh. managed to show up & get that first-aid patch though.

lone-wolf mc-kid

:evergreen_tree: by the way the garden looks good as usual :joy:


Interresting to see the brix pattern from day25-28, day37 and day52 (pre-stretch?). Can’t wait the post stretch read.


I find it interesting as well…#1 is still holding reign for the most sugar content in spite of going into flower, transplant and back into veg. The girl and #7 are taking their time returning to veg though seeing the leaves forming among the sex organs…this tactic delays the grow though gives time for the new soil test results to come in then we can figure out if it’ll be better to keep the girl in the 1st mix (root drench and foliar micronutes) or move her over to the 2nd (new) mix like the boys…if I can get the brix up to say an 8 then come flower, the plants will not rely on their roots and xylem to bud as they will have the “excess” and not work as hard giving bigger and more productive flowers for better seeding.

Come official flower time…probably ~2-3wks for the soil and brix to get sorted. I’ll flip the girl 1st then clone and add in #1 boy. Once he is out of the way, I can then put #2 & 7 in my 2x3x4 veg area (crowded atm) and set the clones of the girl in a shared 3x3 square-ish fabric pot to veg for a bit to stagger the 2 harvests - clone them and flip to flower then put #2 boy in the middle and clone him leaving #7 on standby until the girl from seed is done.

Further behind than I wanted to be at this point though it will be worth it in the long run as we’ve already seen how they react in the 1st mix taking “forever” to transition.


Actually my grid is pretty simple, in respect with the stability of the #1 rate. No matter the foliar feed or anything, the brix level stay pretty rockstable and the average don’t change so much. Then I will have obviously the tendency to say than it’s purely genetic for notable differences among the specimens.

For the post-stretch, my main question is to see if the brix of the #1 stay as stable than it is since the begin. And how it will translate in term of difference with the others specimens, in the common traits we are all looking for. But the reveg strategy will fool the dices imho. I don’t get the point of this stage in the strategy btw

If i’ve followed well you will make a #1x#7 line and a #1x#2 line ?


Not in my experience…it is true we are measuring sugar in the sap though we are also measuring carbohydrate levels, dissolved minerals and amount of covalent bond in non metals ie hydrogen + oxygen = water…a great additional measure on plant health. It so happens that calcium levels both raise and lower according to brix levels…low calcium almost always equals low magnesium which I am seeing now on the girl with her stems turning purple…a little bit on the boys though not like her. Also, their sap is affected as well…

The girl (#3) with her brix reading at 1

Boy #1 with his brix reading at 3

Please don’t mind my dirty fingernails as I was playing in dirt again transplanting a couple girls.

If elements are out of balance, there is no way the plant can reach maximum potential and max potential is what we want in our parents for the healthiest seeds they can produce - there is no way that can happen as is unless utilizing a lot of short term remedial fixes…idk about you but I would rather wait for the results of the newest (and last til spring) soil report for a more long term fix :wink:

Sorry. I should have simplified it more with a straight forward time frame instead of rambling lol…#3 is our only girl sooooo:

1 x 3 in Cabinet 1… Flip the lights 11/3; #1 visits from 11/17 - 12/15; harvest ~1/26; dispense seeds ~2/9
2 x 3 clones in Cabinet 2…Flip the lights 12/1; #2 visits from 12/15 - 1/12; harvest ~2/23; dispense seeds ~3/9
7 x 3 clones in Cabinet 1…Flip the lights1/30; #7 visits from 2/13 - 3/13; harvest ~4/24; dispense seeds ~5/8
1, 2, 7 clones x 3 clones in Cabinet 2… Flip the lights 2/26; males visit from 3/12 - 4/9; harvest ~5/21

Once Jelly Pie is done (~1/9), I will be using the micro cabinet to do at least 1 run of feminizing #3 before I shut down all but 1 cabinet at the end of May/Beginning June for the summer and restart ~end August/Beginning September with either clones of these plants or seeds they have produced…i’ll let the community decide when we get ready to cross that bridge :wink: