The boys all received different haircuts in varying degrees and not to the brink of death I was threatening…
Boy #7
This boy will be in veg the longest (~March) so his haircut needed to be more severe though have to be careful to not overdo t and shock him too much. In order to do this, no more than 30% of overall growth is to be removed going from 24" to 16"
Clean up his lowers
Trim and clean up his upper spikes
Everything removed
Next up is Boy #1
This boy will be flowered 1st (December) so he received the least amount of trimming…1st removed all leaves with red stems
Cleaned up his lower growth to open him up more
I found 1 leaf that had completely curled in on itself
Now to lightly sculpt
Everything removed
Boy #2
He won’t be flowering for awhile yet (~January) though will be in veg longer than #1 but less than #7 so his haircut was done moderately and will probably need it again in a month to help him branch out more…
Tie him back to get to the lower branches easier removing all inner branches in the bottom 1/3
Released and went through each remaining branch to trim 2" off the top and found a single curled up leaf like on boy #1
Everything removed
I didn’t take note of which plant these pictures came from but here is a couple more “bleeding” shots
Now to reveal the boys’ new look