Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi F2 DBHP - Give Away Has Ended

As we all do :stuck_out_tongue:

We are almost there! The 1st measurements will be the baseline on Friday when I top them all to clone and sex at root set


Here they are as of this morning

I turned down their exhaust fan and took leaf temps before lights came on…

Great leaf temps so gave the Growth tea and retook leaf temps 2 hrs into their day

Just what I was aiming for so the plants intake the tea through the roots siphoning it from the soil like a straw then raise the temps to close the plants stomata’s as an act of preservation creating a positive pressure within the plants and more importantly, the roots. This allows the mineral ions to distribute throughout the xylem (waxy cuticle providing a one way ladder for water ions to “climb” and gives structure)…without transpiration, to carry ions up the stem they accumulate in the root system and lower water potential. Water then spreads from the soil into the xylem due to osmosis so the tea can be distributed through the phloem (xylem tubes) and distributed by the plants needs…
Minerals - phosphorus for roots with calcium and sulphur for cell development and exchange.
Liquid fish - amino’s and increase soil energy
Seed Sprouts - plant growth regulators
Potato water - starch in place of dextrose to store for later use to release energy by respiration action and make cellulose for cell walls.

Their exhaust fan is now back up to medium to lower temps again so when they get back to an “ideal” growing temp, the stomata’s will open to release some of the pressure and gas exchange, photosynthesis etc can resume…tonight, we will see how the plants respond and add in a circulation fan to move some of the built up co2 from the exhale bag above them


@MomOnTheRun RU one that follows VPD closely then and adjust parameters for optimal plant growth? Plants looking good and taking notes as we go! Great job!


i’ve never seen the thermostatic switch/outlet you have-- was it expensive? :thinking:

i’d love one with a humidistat, even as a standalone, for the humidifier.
can’t seem to keep it in there in my 20%RH climate. :desert:



No. I looked at the charts last year and tried it out for 2 wks before I decided it wasn’t for my environment… lost about a months growth while the girls freaked out and recovered. Probably better for those in high heat/humidity areas instead of the cold/low humidity I have


Nope! Picked a couple up from Amazon: Bayite $33 …can do heating and cooling. There is a controller for humidity that I have been looking at Willhi $36 but then the sonoff’s have my attention at the moment…always something lol


Humility controller I use.

Temperature controller.


now I gotta find the Amazon warehouse & just drop some bud with the night watchman… hehe :wink:

:thinking: i forsee amazon drones being captured & 0wned.




I heard those are awesome…definitely not as bulky

They are running drones where your at? I saw a proposal using them in some places though wrote it off as it would be too expensive to do up here though DOT does use remotes for some of their trucks in more hostile places here…looks like a video game lol IIRC, they spent like $30,000 per setup

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Whelp, I missed getting a picture of how puffy the plants get with this treatment though did manage to get one at the end…

And now, 7 hrs later…

Ignore the fan for now. I thought it was a clip on though really all I cared about was the recirculating feature and not taking up floor space… being tension made for actual tents, I need to go to the hardware store and pick up a couple longer pvc pipes to set it up properly though its doing the job for now making them work for their water and nutrients.

Close ups!

Day 26 for #'s 1-3

Day 25 for #'s 4-6

Day 23 for #7

Now that I know the blumats are doing their job from set up with no further adjustments through the drench, I will cover the soil with chopped up leaves to help keep more moisture in the top so the upper root zone and microbes living there are happier as they don’t appreciate the wet/dry cycles as much as deeper roots do


HiYa @MomOnTheRun,
Happy to be here…thanx to you!!


Glad you made it over!

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I looked around before joining, and it looks to be a super site for us all.
.Not like that other one…LOL


…beware of the T-rex, buzzing gnome… :sunglasses:




Yeah, I lurked for ~4 months before joining looking through various forums and this one kept coming up when I was looking at micro grows more seriously…now its like my 2nd home lol


Oh yeah! Check out Sebrings SSDD project…cute af!


Surprised that you are using PGRs

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@Craigson15 All phytohormones are considered plant growth regulators, and doesn’t necessarily infer any specific dangers. Using coconut water or kelp could be considered an addition of PGRs


Only natural ones from the sprouts though I suppose one could call them hormones instead for the extra growth energy that only seedlings can give whereas that article is going over chemical pgr’s which is a very bad idea much like the overuse of neem as a bug deterrent…so much so researchers have linked neem to cannabis hyperemesis syndrome due to azadirachtin poisoning :wink:


Thx for the replies. Always learning.