Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi F2 Jungle Spice - Give Away Has Ended

@Mongobongo Thanks! My biggest plant so far measured in at 6 feet today. Wonder how monstrous they would all be had I not topped them!


It’s split right down the middle at 50%, but I’ve never seen it get terribly tall… in fact, some indicas I’ve grown recently were quite a bit taller than JS. Beautiful branching outdoors! I’m excited for you. Can’t wait to see the buds fill in. :relieved:


Omg that’s a Hugh amount of seeds any left overs ya need to sprinkle some in your oatmeal for breakfast! Lol


It just occurred to me when digging through my cache of seeds that I haven’t giving kudos to “ The Man” yet receive these as a nice care package from @MomOnTheRun TY @lefthandseeds for generosity , time ,and effort in making these beans ! I just cut some autos down and was looking to pop a few more seeds to see what can be done for the rest of the year! When I opened the pack my immediate response was “ Holy shit balls” I just hit the Colorado lotto! I know they won’t get to big but have managed to take plants in October before with really chilly mornings can this still be done you think @lefthandseeds?


Hey UK/EU peeps waiting on seeds , sorry for not contacting ya all to let you know that the Jungle Spice and outcrosses of it were returned to @lefthandseeds , then about a month later he opened them up to ‘re-send’ but they were all empty - EVERY vial was ‘robbed’ , so we WONT be getting those.
Plus i still don’t have any cackleberry etc for distribution yet …

Some patience is required ,but as soon as i have something to send ya all - I’ll be in touch ok :+1:.
It’ll be worth the wait :exclamation:
Happy growing/smoking ,


Whoa, that really sucks. Fucking people… Sorry to hear that.


How can that be right ,if it was flagged return to sender then it shouldn’t of been robbed of the contents?

And with being seeds somewhat of a grey area how does one complain ?


I assume the idea is you don’t.


Yeah, what are you goanna do? It’s a good reason even a postal worker would do it, knowing nobody would file a complaint.


Come on, we make the postal service recreate the seeds and redistribute them. :fist:


If I received a bunch of vials that were empty I think I’d be reporting* it to the postal people !

Even though here in Canada it’s supposed to be govt approved seed sellers your purchasing from which is a crock of shit up in till a short while ago no one sold govt approved seeds .

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Honestly, my faith in humanity dwindles on the daily. THOSE FUCKERS! Sorry you guys! That sucks balls.


completed project