Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi F2 Jungle Spice - Give Away Has Ended

In cannabis, there is a calyx that forms at the base of the stamen just as the anther starts to form. The first photo shows an example, however, not all photos highlight this fact, as shown in photo two. I have personally observed their presence on cannabis so I know they form them around the stamen.


OOhhh keep that male
Ive read that a hermi male will prevent hermi females in future generations, at least keep some pollen to play with.
just got further down the posts and see it was a vote and everything
yeah i reckon you should kill it…:sunglasses:


I believe they would be called sepals
edit: sepals combine to form the calyx. they are each individual “leaf” or segment


He’s dead, Jim. :skull:

By comparison, here is a frosty male (Mimosa strain) that I grew a few months ago. Some pistils, but not nearly the extent that the JS male had.


This is a dwarf hermaphrodite Sinai. I removed it from the tent, it flowered, pollinated itself and produced 2 seeds


Pollen collection:

My method is to use a sonicare toothbrush. All you need to do is touch it to flowers or leaves that have pollen on them and it all comes out. Put something to collect the pollen underneath, and work your way around the plant. Make sure you have your fans off!

Next I put them in the dessication box. Seal it up and wait for the humidity to drop back down to baseline. Usually ~24 hours.

JS#5 was really dumping a lot of pollen. Safe to say that one has spread it’s seed everywhere.



Today’s update:

Plants are in full stretch. Poor little deep chunk is getting overgrown! I’m gonna have to kill some males and make room over the next few days. Black Domina’s are looking like beasts. I mean JS is a solid yielder and a well sized plant, but I didn’t expect the BD to give it a run for it’s money. We’re gonna have a f*ckton of seeds ladies and germs.

I’ve upped the nutrient strength. A few plants were looking a little hungry for more K, so I pulled up the res about 2 days ago to 1.6 EC, and added more imitation V+B SHINE (4:1 MKP:Epsom).

30g Peter’s 5-11-26
24g Calcinit
11g Epsom
8g Maxicrop Soluble Kelp 0-0-17
8g MKP
2g Potassium Sulfate

Makes somewhere in the realm of 12 gallons @ 1.6ec.


A little pollen packaging. Seal it up in vials inside the box, then heat seal them in bags with another desiccant packet inside. Here’s hoping that a year from now, I can still use these.

Killed off two of the early pollinators. Thank you JS#5 and JS#8. You boys have done your duty. Time to make way for the late bloomers and give them a shot as well.


Could I get more info on your shine? Thanks

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Yeah, basically it’s just the ingredients they use in roughly 4:1 proportion.

MKP = Monopotassium Phosphate, can buy it very cheap at hydro stores, amazon, ebay, etc.

Epsom salt provides Mag/Sulfur. You can buy it at the drug store or grocery store. I suspect they add this, because potassium is an antagonist to magnesium and vice versa, as per Mulder’s chart:

Apply at regular rates (eg. 1-2g per gallon). Right now I’m using 8g MKP and 2g Epsom to make a little more than 10 gallons.


Thank you they want 140 for 2 lbs! Simple conversions 100 gal = 80 MKP and 20 epsom !


Yea it’s nuts. There’s literally 2 ingredients on the label and 1 of them you can get at the grocery. The other costs $17 for 3 pounds on amazon:


Hungry for calcium

Hungry for potassium

Supercropped this Black Dominas to even out the canopy height.

This one is happy

Deep chunk got a booster chair

Last remaining male in the tent, releasing some pollen but not much yet

Group photo CHEESE!

In general, plants are happy but stretching and hungry. Careful balance, running 3 different female strains in this tent… The black dominas are pretty content with the lower EC, but the 2/4 JS are getting very hungry for more. I brought up the res EC to 1.8, and use 1g/gal of 4:1 MKP:Epsom “imitation SHINE”. Black dominas will have to suffer through it for a few weeks. I’m sure they’ll be a little pissed at me. Time will tell.


No question about it. These ladies are pregnant! Looking at a mid-late January harvest. Should have some mature seeds in less than 4 weeks.


Stoked my man! Keep up the good work!


Thanks brother! I’ve very excited to restock my own supply, and I’m so excited to share it with you all. This is legitimately my favorite strain ever, and the things I’ve bred it to have all been amazing as well.


‘Favorite strain ever’… says a LOT


I collected pollen from JS#9 and removed it (the last male in the tent). Time for the ladies to shine and do their thing.

Everything is looking good. All of the buds are showing signs of being pollinated. I’ll take some more pictures this weekend.


Jungle Spice

Deep Chunk

Black Domina



Well it looks like I got behind on addressing the nutrient deficiency. 3/4 JS plants are complaining. Mostly, I ran the EC too low for too long (~1.3-1.4) and it bit me. This V+B imitation formula has a lot less magnesium than the Peters 321 formula I typically run. All of this looks like K and Mg to me. I pulled the EC up to 2.2 and added some extra TM-7 to help with the micronutrient requirements of developing seeds. I also backed off the lights a bit to give them a chance to catch up. I’ll just feed heavy under dimmer lights until the next reservoir refill in a few days. The black dominas are happy where things are, so they’ll probably start complaining once the JS is happy again. Whaddaya gonna do…

It’s been busy, and I haven’t gotten to spend as much time as I want to tending the plants. Will have to leave them again for a few days while I go home for a funeral.


I hope things smooth out for you & am not worried about the garden. :om_symbol: :yin_yang: :peace: :dove: :rainbow: :seedling: :herb: :deciduous_tree:

