Seed Run Co-Op: TGA/Subcool - Agent Orange (CLOSED)

@schmarmpit Breeder Steve’s remedy for Powdery Mildew is three days of 90 degrees high temps. I have never had to do that, but worth a try. Hope things pan out and thank you for doing this.

I have had good luck with this product for WPM

It’s what I keep in my arsenal, now for this :+1:t4: :v:t4:

APPLICATION: This food grade oil can be used up to the day of harvest.

Stylet-Oil’s performance is directly related to the quality of spray coverage. Stylet-Oil can be sprayed using a standard pump sprayer, available at any local home and garden center. It is important to spray the plants to the point of runoff.


Mix Stylet-Oil in water at the rate of 1 to 2 ounces per gallon of water. Note: 1 fluid ounce equals 2 tablespoons. A rate of 1.5 oz. (3 tablespoons)/gallon of water is recommended for most applications.

Stylet-Oil needs to contact pest insects to kill them, thus under-leaf application may be necessary if that is the location of the pests at the time of application.

FOR Powdery Mildew:

Add 3 Tbsp of Stylet Oil per gallon of water to your pump sprayer. Put in Stylet Oil AFTER your water or last ingredient. Agitate before spraying. Be sure and agitate at least every 10 minutes for the proper dispersal of oil.


For use as an insecticide: Plants should be sprayed weekly or twice weekly depending on level of pest infestation.

For use as a fungicide: Spray weekly or once every two weeks depending on level of disease pressure.

For use in mitigating aphid transmission of plant viruses: Initiate sprays when winged aphoids first appear. Spray weekly or twice weekly depending on level of disease/vector pressure.


crop loss due to mildew