Seed run Co-op Voting thread

Hey guys, didn’t even put up my BOO run for co-op as I figured fems weren’t allowed , so I took it upon myself for my fallen brother. After it’s complete I have another I will be doing BUT I’ve recently after years of looking come across some beans of Ugorg Blues originals! From the one and only @buckaroobonsai i would love to do them as my first official co-op , I would like to start in a month or so , so I’m putting this up for review now. Thanks in advance :pray:t3: @coopactiongroup


IMG_5425 IMG_5426

Ugorg Blues originals
  • Allow as co-op
  • Allow in spring/fall box but grower packages
  • Reject

0 voters


Poll is up @TopShelfTrees1 , best of luck.


Thank you sir :pray:t3:


what the crap DUDE would loved to have had those to do some some work with, did not get a male from my only four. shit i wish i knew you had those in house.

damn …


is this the one?

Sounds like it was made with the blues clone / also known as the livers clone? I’ve heard of this one but never experienced it personally.
and reportedly it’s an old skunk phenotype? (sorry for the leafly link haha)

Let us know if you have any additional info that might be helpful.
Any info about the killer skunk used in the cross?


Yes it is @zephyr


Here you go. Lineage is in bottom pic.


Thanks guys…. Was out for a walk with the dog.
Yes @zephyr it was normally called livers around the US/Canada but it’s adopted the moniker livers/blues now .

I don’t know a whole lot about the killer skunk other than its lineage and the stuff I’ve seen from other grows on other forums. It’s definitely an oldschool true skunk that adds pungency to all it touches along with some greasiness. And livers is a really old clone only skunk from the UK that’s highly sought after so it’s technically an ix in essence, in fact I’ve sought this for many MANY years and ironically ran into Mr Bonsai , who gladly obliged as he had originals.


so awesome man, fingers crossed this gets into the co-op


Funny how these all kinds of came up at the same time! JAWS has a cheese x ugorg blues freebie, Zanzibar is working the same line, and here comes @TopShelfTrees1 with a breeder pack of Blues!


Now who has sour cheese?


I’m sitting here thinking up dirty names for a sour diesel x cheese cross. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Call it Smegma.
Edit: goddammit guys, we’re in the voting thread again :sweat_smile:


angrymod LOL


@coopactiongroup quick question for you all. I have gotten lucky enough to collect a few BC (canada) heirloom clone onlys. I was wondering if there is a protocol for making S1’s for the community through the co-op or would it be on me personally to distribute ?
Thanks everyone for everything you do !!


No real protocol for that @Granola. Not really something that has come up. Let’s let the others see this question and we can talk about it. Did you purchase the clones? Do you have some info on the strains?


What you working with?


Yeah forsure, well the ones I think that the most people would be excited about is the Texada timewarp and the Roberts creek congo. I have a bunch more but these would be the first I’d be willing to do.

Full transparency from me, I bought the Texada timewarp off an older gentalman I met off a local facebook clone group.

The story goes, some time roughly around 1978 there were some draft dodgers that came up from the state’s and hid out on the gulf islands. They brought with them outdoor genetics from down south. Every year at the end of the outdoor season everyone (who grew) would meet up and share around what they grew, a harvest festival of sorts. Anyways one of the islanders brings with them this killer outdoor that blows everything else out of the water. This is how the Texada timewarp was born… or atleast how I heard the story. There’s also somthing about one of the school teachers being the only one who knew how to clone. But that’s besides the point. The timewarp has been around a long time and it’s probably the best outdoor plant around the Vancouver island / gulf islands.

If the origin story is true or not ( there’s alot of stories) texada timewarp was still the gold standard for guerilla cash cropers / head stash outdoor growers. And was the primary clone only cut that was grown outdoor through the 80s - 00s in B.C.

Also check out “the pot cast” with chimara and the white buffalo collective episodes have alot of info as well.

Anyways so this guy I got the clone from says 35 years ago (1988) he was living in Powell River (ferry boat ride away from texada) and he got a cut and he loved it so much he never let it go.

I planted my clone just before June outdoor (she’s old and will flip to flower super easily so it’s best to wait till June) and she was done by the end of September on the 50th parallel. There are alot of sites that sell seeds of her and no offense to those seeds but they’re BX’s at best.

unfortunately she has almost entirely disappeared, finding this cut took me like 3 years of asking everyone and just pure luck joining this Facebook group. I was born and raised on Vancouver island, lived here my whole life and I truly couldn’t find this plant to save my life. It’s almost completely gone so that’s why I’d like to get her genetics out pure to as many people as possible and see her grown outdoors all over the world. This plant is very near and dear to me, my family ran her for years.

(My pictures)

(Not my pictures )