Seed storage techniques

Yeah I use viles that have a rubber seal and are approved for storage in a fridge or freezer. I also insert cotton in them and keep those in a waterproof container with desicant. Humidity relative to tempature is something to consider but if your keeping them cool and dry thats better then what alot of people do.


Mine have this too.

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Beats me. I use 5 or 6 for roughly half the vile.
I’d likey use 10 ish for 50+ seeds.

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The Real reason I did this is because I had two bottles out at the same time, both lids off. And went, wait… Which belongs to which? Almost ruined my spreadsheet data lol

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i once let a Seedpack in the Attic,i didnt care . after 8 Years of hot hot Summers, questionable Humidity: they sprouted very well. hahah

didnt count the Sprouts but i guess 50 to 80 Percent germinaton…

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Here is my cheap ass way of seed storage.
Started off at the dollar store with several of these…

They are a great size to store several seeds. They might be too small for some collectors, but the store also had a larger size available. (Guys, these containers are glass and only 20 cents each!!!)
I numbered the lids and the bottoms (so I wouldn’t put the wrong lid on the wrong bottom) with some vinyl numbers. Slid a cotton ball in each jar to keep seeds from moving around. Then made a master list and a wooden sled to hold them all.
I used colored vinyl for different categories to keep them organized. Easy, fast and cheap!
Happy 420 to all!

As an afterthought - I should have made a category for CBD.


I have a similar setup…

I bought a number of the 2 ml screwtop plastic vials like yourself, but for a case…I bought a few black fabric zip-up AA battery cases to put them in…(similar to a camera case) off Ali-Express as well…Has foam insert inside, with all the holes punched out that nicely holds all the vials…hold about 48 vials each I believe…

With respect to dessicant, I used to use silica desiccant all the the time with my storage, but eventually changed my opinion…now using dried rice to fill up additional space in seed tubes to displace air l…as it still contains a small percentage moisture which is still important to a dormant seed…

My concern about desiccant is that it strips out more moisture than necessary when you place it in with seeds that have already been predried before storage.



Very cool. Yes I’m trying to cut back in buying as well. I’m a hoarder I guess accordingly as some in this sight say…because I have two hundred strains
Some were gifted and trusted me
Others were purchased or were freebies
I think it’s my business what I do with my money and my seeds
I’m not asking for seeds from anyone on OG a few times I won a drop I promptly gave them to some one who had none
Several landrace strain I have enough to do a fifty seed run but the law says no
Oklahoma legislature is controlled by wack jobs who are continuing to try to fickup anything’s that’s going well in the state
My goal is to eventually build a sativa room in my shop with 12’ tall ceilings and t5 florescent light s they can touch the lights if needed


Hey, i’m needing to move my seed stash. for ten years they stay in the refridgerator in jars, in some soft coolers in the crisper drawer.
I’m going to lose the luxury of dedicated space in my new location.
Has anyone had a bad experiece with small 2.4 or 1.7 cf fridges? I’m going to shop for fridge only, no freezer if they ever make this but I’m kinda worried about humidity swings with these small units
Pro’s-Con’s anybody?


I use a dorm fridge…no issues so.far but keep them double bagged because mine defrostd and made a.mess. it had a small freezer which melted and ran down into the fridge part.and ruined some pollen

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I am doing the research on this. So far what I have found says the ideal is between 35 and 40d F, dark, dry. Sounds like there are several approaches that appear to work for different people, but no research results to back up different approaches. Anyone have a good paper to link to?



Here are a couple of research docs I have. The second one isn’t canna specific, but there’ s a lot of interesting info in it. They seal the seeds in foil bags to near vacuum, and store them at -20C. They claim a 3.3% failure rate after 25 years. :slight_smile:

Temp and RH for Long-Term Storage of Cannabis Seeds.pdf (170.8 KB)

Seed Viability After 25 Years Under Standard Seedbank Conditions.pdf (705.2 KB)


This reminds me, just a little bit, of a discussion several years ago on a classic car forum. I was restoring one at the time, and was researching options for painting the subframe.
Two enthusiasts argued back and forth for maybe 2 pages about whether Eastman’s Epoxy Chassis paint was better or worse than POR 15.
I finally stepped in and said that my subframe was over 40yrs old, and hadn’t been treated with anything, so whether one of the solutions outlasted the other by 5-10yrs, either one would keep my subframe looking mint longer than I’d be alive.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Everyone has their favorite ways, which is great, even when there’s no real data or testing to back it up.
Interesting thought on dessicant sucking TOO much moisture out of the container.
I like that someone had seeds in the attic, no special method, for 8yrs, and they popped.
As we’ve said so many times, they call it “weed” for a reason :slight_smile:

I was going with small mason jars, but I’m now headed for the Dollar Store for some glass bottles.


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Does everyone leave their seeds in the breeders packs? I can’t shut my pelican case(1400) and need to rethink fridge storage. Found these aidetek storage boxes (20-144 individual sealed/opening slots). Anyone try something like this? They would be sealed in a pelican case with desicant in fridge. Here is a 40 slot I ordered for testing(bodhi packs will almost fit I have 41 different strains)

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I’m one of those that doesn’t add desiccant with the worry that it’ll dry them out. I think it depends on how things are stored. I’m looking to start storing seeds 2 or 3 different ways, for a sort of redundancy backup type of thing. Some sealed in glass no desiccant, some sealed in glass with desiccant, and old school style just in the fridge in the breeder packs. I’d like to start experimenting with freezing seeds too, but can’t come to terms with experimenting that way on seeds I’ve purchased at retail so would like to practice that with some homemade seeds instead. Really enjoy this topic and appreciate everyone who is contributing to the discussion. Much love


Has anyone tried storing seeds in an argon atmosphere? I think the combination of glass jars and argon inside should be great

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I got a bunch of little glass vials called ampoules and the process ideally seals them up while replacing the air inside with a type of gas that is meant to preserve their freshness the best. I forget which gas that is, but your post has me wanting to research it more to see how attainable a set-up like that would actually be.

I remember looking a year or two ago but was instantly put off by the price. Maybe there are more economical systems to accomplish something like this than what I was looking at before? Admittedly a lot of this is over my head and I’m learning on the fly. Appreciate you for sharing the good idea, it’s definitely something I look forward to researching more. Is there something about Argon that makes it ideal compared to other gasses when it comes to seed storage? Much love

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I don’t know about the benefits. The only thing I know is that argon is used to store and transport food. some amount of argon is contained in the air and it quickly evaporates from the tank when opened. My thought is the same as with food, you need to limit oxygen, which is an oxidizing agent

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I also think it makes sense to treat the beans with methylene would be great to try out several ways over a long distance

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