Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 1)

90s old school strains make my motor run. That’s when I put on the pothead hat :rofl:


Out of each batch of clones I cut, I’d keep the biggest and prettiest of them for new Mothers when I did replace any mothers…naturally lol

edit… some of the mothers I kept for over 5 yrs before replacing. So there’s not that many generations of clones in the old strains I have. That’s not saying I didn’t take hundreds of clones over all the years :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You want to know the real kicker? I found Oldtimer1’s tute on ‘Bonsai mums’ here on OG in the late '90s, same time as i was in the breeding program for Frankenstein. It was heaven sent! I read every word many times and use it to the max for all the years after until I came back to Oklahoma and went legit. I owe it all to Oldtimer1 nd his tute! I actually came back to OG after finding it was back up for the express purpose of thanking him if he was still around!

edit…I don’t know how much you know about him, but he was one of the original folks that left another site and formed OG, I questioned him a lot about that tute lol

edit2…lol pardon my keeping this on, but my mothers looked like Christmas trees before I tried his method. Which allowed me to keep a lot more in a lot less space! I brought 40 mothers here with me in 5" pots when i came to Oklahoma! Half of them were over 5yrs old. and giving up around 30 or so clones any time took em.


This is one of the White Rhino I’ve got going on



Bro, when you get those Babies rooted, I’ll spring for several!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Well, I’ve never shipped clones but I see it’s a fairly easy process…You’re in, bro. no charge. I’ll send you a couple clones if you want them.


I just grew a Nirvana White Rhino Fem She wanted to thow so many branches and just bush up. Was a lot of work to keep her trimmed.

Some of the cured Colas on the left

But I’ve got nothing to compare it to. Thought you might enjoy a preview.


Lovely! Both the plants and the buds!

Rhino IS a bush/hog


Hey, if you got time for a sec, DM me

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So. Many. Branches. I could have made life easier by trimming a little more aggressively early on but this was my first experience with a plant like that. I wanted to make sure I was using up as much space as possible and Rhino was like “I was gonna do that shit anyways.”


That does look pretty impressive. That’s why I wouldn’t let myself get too frustrated when I learned about recreations. Just because it’s not the same exact thing, doesn’t mean it isn’t fire :fire: Thanks for the preview


Does the bottom get thick growth? Really thick lower growth, even if not very developed? You need to keep it trimmed to get the max out of her. She IS a beast, lol


Oh yeah. And leaves that would stretch forever til they found light if you let them. I didn’t want to start cutting on the plants too early, tried to let them get established first, but she became unruly. I probably ended up trimming like, 3 plants worth of material off her. Letting her fill in on her terms was kind of a mess. Definitely needs some attention to get the most out of her.


Yep, that bottom will rob the nutes from the tops in a flash! It’s even thicker than the tops, even if under-developed! Because the top is so damn thick, nothing gets through it lol WR looks like a English Box bush on the bottom, you can’t even see the stalk in places

edit… I’ve always felt that in part was where it got it’s name. Built like a rhino, thick n low to the ground, bottom heavy.

Hurt me to my heart when I first started trimming back the lower part of WR. Because even not fully developed, the buzz was definitely there!


I read it was named that because the flowers grow like a Rhino Tusk.


The ‘newer’ WR maybe so, but the buds on the older not so much lol


Well I don’t know shit anyways so I could be totally wrong lol. Made sense to me when I saw it grow.


Hey, you could be right, who knows?


SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT :rofl: :rofl:



Hello fine OG folks trying to repopulate my auto tent anybody want to do some auto tradingmsg me if so and as always keep on growing folks