Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 1)

sorry unfortunately don’t have any of those - would have liked them from what OlReynard says


Ha, yeah figured it was a long shot, but since you’s offering…cheers!


Any Silver Pearl in your vault? Have not seen that strain in years.


sorry, not that one, gots lots but not all …

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LOL, I doubt even Misterbee has them all:)


I have some packs I’d trade for some Connoisseur Genetics, Wyeast, Dynasty, Sin City, Relic, Relentless, Dungeon Vault, and some others. Depends on the strain too. Ha.


I still have some that he sent me if your interested.

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Anyone have any OGKB 2.0 from Chunky’s Bagseeds?

I’m looking for…

Fruity pebbles
Black domina
Turpee Slurpee
LA Confidential
Power Plant
Forbidden Fruit


Hey all,
Anyone have any decent 1:1 CBD autoflowers? something in the 6% CBD/THC range?

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Ive got some Dancehall CBD autos, im not positive on their cbd/thc ratios though. I believe they are fems @firehead

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That is really bad ass. White Rhino was one of the first strains that I remember coming around with a name attached to it along with White Widow in the late 90’s here. Great classic strain, super cool that you are still running her

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Thanks, I’ve been running on clones only from the original breeder pack for 20+ yrs lol I think it’s time to do a seed run on a couple of them with STS technique. Be on the lookout for seeds, seeds, and more seeds! :wink: :sunglasses:

Got several strains I’m fixing to hit with that STS.


I picked up a Nirvana White Rhino fem bean, before I heard how some current beans are recreations. Frustrated me a little, since that could be easily labeled, but not gonna be to upset until I’ve tried the final product :slight_smile: I will definitely be watching for your projects

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Well my friend, the one thing I can testify too, is this is the original WR. Not an F2 or anything like that. I bought the seeds from either Sensi seeds or Dutch Passion in '98-'99, and have kept that plant going from the seed bought, for over 20yrs now through clones only. It’s still just as vigorous and nice as back then! Not to mention the buzz also :wink: :sunglasses:


Might I suggest you keep the one you’ve got growing and then when I come out with the seeds, I’ll send you some (please remind me!) and you can do a ‘side-by-side’ comparison. I’d be interested in how the ‘newer’ WR stacks up to the old one.


It’s still a bean for now, but that does sound like a fun project. I am definitely down for that.


Great! Then hold em and don’t plant yet. Then you can grow them side by side when I send you some beans, for a more equitable comparison
edit…LOL You’ve got my curiosity up, bro


Me too. Definitely puts a positive spin/purpose on the idea of these recreated strains. (I don’t if this WR is, but with how rare the original seems to be, I just assumed it was)

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Well then just add yourself to the list of seed recipients lol if I get enough, there’ll be a lot of folks receiving them on here. I plan on making a damn good amount!

edit…and that’s mainly because of the unreal amount of interest I’ve gotten since I commented awhile back about have several strains still going on clones only from the late '90s. lol