Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 1)

laughing Sorry brother but that struck me as funny. If you can’t trust misterbee than I don’t know who you can.


Calman, I already have some White Widow, and of all the strains I have, the Sensi cross is the one I’m planning to do a seed run on this fall.


What’s your IG Handle??? Wanna participate, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:

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Last Green Valley Seeds is my IG handle


On my way over there, will surely Follow you!! Thanks, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: Are your Auctions all done?

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Nope, they’re just getting started. Got a ton of stuff to go up. More coming in from folks to. There’s gonna be a ton of rare birds flying through.

This is some stuff


That chemical desire looks pretty desirable.

Sad I missed it.

Yes had I know you were looking for long bottom it would have been a good one to get you. But there are all these bad dawg ones going up soon. And who knows what else will poke it’s head out by the time I’m done.


Ah my bad on the wait, Moka beat everyone to the punch on the Metal Haze :sweat_smile:

Some nice packs tho, what’s the Big Worm?


@HolyAngel no idea but I planned on asking the fella I got them from. I was hoping they might be labeled on the inside but we not.


How does the Auctions on IG Work? This will be my first IG adventure. Thanks for ANY info/procedures, etc. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: I told you when we first interacted, “I’ll support your efforts”, and I will!!


Up for trade:

  1. Blue Tara
  2. Gojigum (bogglegum x orange goji f-2)
  3. Bubble Milk (bogglegum x mothers milk)
  4. Bogglegum F-2
  5. Raspberry Cough

DM if interested…………


Looking for:

CBD Mango Haze
CBD Skunk Haze
CBD Haze
CBD Blue Dream

pls message me and I can share what I have.

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Haha, I have a mini grow blackstrap from you that’s flowering and it smells like a peppery musty basement. First time I smelled it I was like, well that doesn’t smell very good, it’s growing on me :rofl: I was going to message you and ask if that’s how yours smelled.

I’ve got some lemon stuff for you to pick from. Do you want reg, fem, photo, auto?


Let me get my mind right before I answer that last question! I’m so tired. But yes, my blackstrap smelled weird also. After the cure, it really held onto the pepper smell w a little funk. Mainly just strong pepper :joy: I wasn’t too crazy about it either but my wife loved the high. I’ve learned that I don’t really like the terps on the purple strains but she’s pretty and yielded great.

Good to see you back btw! I’ve been wondering where you ran off to :joy: I’ll get back to you tomorrow :grin: :sleeping:


hey there overgrow, i’m looking for some auto hybrids or auto sativas for a growing friend of mine. i’ve got plenty of beans to trade. hit me up and lets spread some love. thanks so much for sharing!


Thought I’d check here, looking for Lambs Bread. Prefer regs but will consider fem. Hit me up, ill send a list of what up for trade. :grin::v::call_me_hand:


I’ve been looking for Longbottom Leaf as well. It’s around, but no one is sharing. :wink: I’d be happy finding some Jack’s Cleaner too.


hi there og’ers! i’m wondering if there is a beautiful canadian og’er who would help facilitate a seed trade between myself and another canadian og’er. they’re not comfortable shipping out of the country, so i’m hoping they can ship to you and then you can re-ship out to me (i’m in southern california). i’d be happy to send seeds to you as a thank you.

mods, is this sort of request alright? i’ll be happy to remove if it’s not.


@highminwin I’m willing to do that for you. If you both want to send me a pm feel free. Thank you.