Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2)

Sure thing :grin:
PM incoming :green_heart:

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Looking for Strayfox Starfighter , burnout killers, hippy slayer x skunk killerz, dominion g x Iraqi, ****Skunky Brewster ***, Cakefighter

Dominion Sour Skunk or local skunk f1 or f3
Or a pack of dominion skunk

Skunkhouse banana coffee, Donny burger, Han Solo burger, double solo burger, reunion OG or double burger

Redeye genetics : Joesys breath, skunk Kush breath

Any crickets and cicada (mostly)

Cuts - mendobreath , 92 OG, Chem #4 , pink Kush, garberville purple Kush , Larry OG, Skywalker OG , mass super skunk, Romulan

Tons to trade :wink:


Nice list, @TopShelfTrees1
I was on a Larry Og kick a few years back, but I couldn’t get my hands on a cut.
I grew SkunkMasterFlex’s Pure Larry, White Larry and I had a cut of
TK Larry, which was absolutely one of the best I’ve ever had, but lost to HpLVd.

I love the Skunk House Larry crosses, but didn’t like Inkognyto’s work with his own lemon larry cut.

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Oh man, heartbreaking to hear that! Some epic cuts there. Live and learn right :man_shrugging:t2: that’s interesting to hear you disliked his work, I’ve been a Larry fan forever, until recently I thought it was lost, I recently received some beans and would love to do some work with the clone and some beans. It would still make ALOT of top tens when done right, depending on criteria I suppose as she’s not the ptrettiest


Now that one I’d absolutely love! His stuff has always been so hard to obtain here, ironically most of my favourite breeders are or were until recently.

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I love most of Ink’s work, but not a fan of his
Lemon Larry.

He definitely has pumped out a lot of fire :fire:

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Pure Kush only produced 1 female and I made a cross to Colombian D, but the cross is not a great blend, IMHO.
Pure Kush was another obsession of mine, but I could never justify the price tag on the various cuts.

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I’ve just popped mine :grin:
I guess it was @ReikoX who had them? :thinking:
Sorry in case i’m wrong :green_heart:


Dominion Diesel! But YES! It’s a dominion skunk cross and a great one! Bet you find some serious funk! I have some of his too and they are already on the whiteboard to pop :wink:


We have way too similar tastes bro! The price on that one was NUTS from what I remember, it was a gift and a curse no one would ship her back then, but I eventually found an epic contact here in Ontario who would give us clones for bud. And he had so much fire, until he got popped. Then it was 7 years until the floodgates opened

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Those were the days. :grin:

I think we are cut from the same strain, lol. We both enjoy the dankest of the dank. :muscle:

YES! Most definitely :facepunch:t2:

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Looking for any " Alaskan Thunder Fuck " . If anyone can help I can do a very good trade!


Good luck on that. Had some of brought back from Anchorage in the mid 90s. Supposedly manatusa thunder is a close relative but ATF was supposedly clone only back then.Thought it was Just like sour diesel.

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Check with @Alaskagrown for some reason I think he had grew that strain a while back might be able to hook you up.

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@Alaskagrown could you help a girl out possibly !?
I have plenty to offer, just name it.

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Talk to @JohnnyPotseed I seem to remember him having it


I had ATF, lol But ran em and used in crosses. No more here.


Thank you letting us know.

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