Seedling Problems

Hi Guys. I’m a first time grower and completely clueless, so bear with me. My seedlings are almost 3 weeks old. I’ve got an Aurora Indica and an Afghan Skunk. Both seedlings are around 3/4 inches tall, but I checked on them this morning and the Aurora is leaning to one side. Both plants have grown their true leaves, with the Aurora slightly larger than the Afghan, but I’m worried that I’ve done something wrong. I’ve read online that this leaning could be something to do with over watering. Is there any way I can fix this, or is my baby dead?


it might just take some time for them to get strong enough to stand. could be overwatering but i don’t know how much you’ve given them.


How much is too much water though? The soil around the bottom of the stalk does seem wet, but not overly wet. I spray the leaves lightly most mornings before I go to work and put water in the tray under the pot every few days, is that too much? As I said, this is my first time so I haven’t a clue what I’m doing. I live in Ireland too where its quite cold most of the time. I’m growing in an outside shed under an LED light where the temperature is around 25°c during the day, and I have a heater set up for night time that keeps the temperature around 18°c.

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you can use the top inch of your finger to get a good feel for how moist the soil should be. not soaking wet but you should feel some moisture. not sure of a better way to explain it.

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They lean to find the light source. Are they in the window?


As you give fluid to a potted plant, you can stop giving it fluid, as soon as you see some weeping out of the drains holes of the pot.
Another way, get to know the weight of pot with your medium dry, before you add fluid, the give fluid until it weeps, and pick it up again and feel the difference when dry, then when wet.
Watering without weeping will drive your roots upward.
I’ll simple set my very small plants into a saucer of fluid, allowing wicking action to wet the medium, and may not give them fluid from the top down at all.
Just wet the medium then allow it to dry back, repeat as necessary.


They’re in a shed with no windows, with the LED light directly above them

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Stop spraying the plant
: )
You only spray unrooted clones


Sometimes my seedlings will do that too.

I like to add a little bit of wet dirt around the base of the plant to help hold them straight up when they do that.

I’m not sure if my seedlings get too tall too fast? Or if I don’t plant the seeds deep enough? Not sure, but adding more soil around the base always helps.

I also use a little crutch if a seedling is real leggy and gets way too tall. It’s a wood skewer and a bread tie.

Also, I feel if you can get a little wind on them it helps strengthen the main stalk. Just enough to make them sway a little.


So stop spraying water on them directly and just put water in the tray beneath the pot?


My seedlings don’t look anywhere near as tall as yours but this is an excellent idea to keep them from leaning, thank you


Don’t put water in the tray, dont spray them, let the soil dry out between watering. Seedlings need and use very little water, just water when the first inch or so is completely dry. They like a cycle of drying out and then watering, I don’t water my seedlings for a week after the initial saturation when I plant them and water them in. Then I wait, overwatering is the biggest, most common mistake I see with new growers.


Propping up a leaning seedling is common practice. You can see here, where I had propped this one up a couple weeks ago.
It obviously doesn’t need it, now.

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Yes no spray
And start liftin pots to get a feel of weight
: )

Fill a spare pot with fresh soil but don’t water it ( it’s already slightly moist from bag )
That’s the dry weight ,
Don’t water till that weight
And start judging when and how much to water
2-3 day cycle
If it lasts over 3 days you overwatering
2 is ideal

1 day , then up volume
: )


But you don’t necessarily have to prop them up. I’ve left fallers alone and they eventually stood up straight and tall on their own.


How strong is your light because 3-4" for 3 weeks is a bit short. You might want want a stronger one.

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True, but my ocd forces me to prop them up, lol.

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Welcome to OG, @ajtheterrible!

Pictures. Where are the pictures?


I understand the compulsion. :rofl:

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It may not be the light. I have recently struggled with getting old mishandled seeds to germinate. I have done contortions and evil witch doctor dances with barely any success. Poured potions and been advised to time things according to moon phases. [ I am sure someone could have thought up another witch doctor dance or something]

When sprouted and coming up from the soil I have seen sprouts take 4 or 5 days to shed the shell and just produce cotelydyn (sp?) leaves without even spreading them apart. Sometimes old seeds just take their time regardless of my timetable.