Seeds and germination rate

thats your problem right there. They want to be in the middle. NOT the corner.

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Hi my friend
I will scar seeds with a nail file or fine sand paper

Then in shot glass I will check in 12 hrs for floaters push them down to sink then check them in the morning
Some crack at that point
Then into a paper towel and in plastic bag place in dark warm place

Once tails are 1/4 inch I transplant into soil under a dome with heat mat ( winter time )

Normally 99 to 100 % success rate

If you have old seeds a splash of hydrogen peroxide in the water you soak them in helps



I am going to try and pop the last of my OHxPAC I will try everything you guys havenā€™t mentioned woah me luck


One of the best recommended ways is to spread out worm castings roughly 1/2 inch deep
Set seed on top spray with water cover with a cloth
Keep in a warm dark place
And spray a few times donā€™t drown them

Iā€™ve done this with great success but I find it difficult to get at and get worm castings

So I revert back to basics

Most importantly fine a way that works for you and stick to it


Itā€™s very simple, I think you maybe just overthinking things bromigoā€¦Iā€™ve sprouted seeds that were 20 yrs oldā€¦


Good luck! Just remember, the paper towel shouldnā€™t be soaked, just damp (I destroyed 8 seeds a month ago by drowning them, ugh). Having something in there to help with spacing and air also helps from drowning them :+1::metal:

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Damp paper towels, inside a zip lock bag, not zipped up, wrapped in a dish towel for darkness, in a place thatā€™s like 23 degrees, donā€™t peak till 48 hours. Done. Transplant to medium of choice, no food like 16 to 18 days, depends when you start counting. Just my method thatā€™s all

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I fold up a paper towel wet it with a swipe under the faucet. Then squeeze it out almost completely. Then place each of the seeds a bit apart from eachother. Then fold down and place folded towel in ziploc closed. In a drawer. Check after 2 daysā€¦ donā€™t leave them too long or they may get there tails adhered to the towel,. Itā€™s tricky saving those ones.

Depends a bit on where outside - if it was sitting in the sun, the temp fluctuation could be pretty nasty. In a shed or something, seems fine if they stayed dry.

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Try soaking your seed in hot water overnight. Use water that is as HOT as you can get from your faucet. I was told about this recently and it actually WORKS ! :grin:


@Magu Iā€™m going to try that next time. It seems like it would work, at least

Itā€™s actually a simple fix, just use scissors to cut the small piece of the paper towel without trying to pull the roots out and plant the seed with paper towel in soil or your choice of mediumā€¦it works folksā€¦I try not to overthink when it comes to growing this plant.


If your seeds are cracking open then dying after you plant, itā€™s likely your jiffy pots.

Have you tried a regular potting mix?


Iā€™m with @Uprangewilly . Simple promix hp/cc is my go to soil. Maybe add some worm castings to the mix. Seeds and young plants love worm poop.

Maybe even go with @JohnnyPotseed ā€™s method of seeds on top of worm castings. Good luck solving this issue.

With that poor rate, I would check how deep i am planting seeds.


I usually

  • Soak for 10-12 hours
  • Crack the seed between my nails
  • Prep a 3 inch pot with fox farms happy frog by spraying it evenly about 20 times
  • Toss the seed in about a Cotton swab head deep
  • Place into a humidity dome that has a light on
  • Wait 2-3 days.
    This raised my germination Rates to 95%+ no matter the strain.

Those Paonia Purple Paralyzer have had amazing germ rates. How are you storing your seeds?


I generally just direct sow. I try to eliminate variables and it works for me.

That said I just germinated in coffee.

As Doug mentions it could very well be a storage issue.


Thanks for this man!!!

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Exactly what I do :facepunch:t2: I let mine get crazy long compared to most

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Try germinating some by just filling a shot glass with some water. Add a teaspoon (or so) of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the water. Drop the seeds in.

Stick them in a warm, dark spot and leave them alone. Just leave them floating in the water until they sprout. Usually takes 48-72 hours. Once you see a tap root, plant in your medium.

If they sink, then remove them from the water, but they should stay floating as long as you donā€™t disturb them.

Iā€™ve tried lots of different methods over the years. But now I only use this method. Itā€™s what has worked the best and most consistently for me.