Seeds and germination rate

Do I crack it before soak or after??

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Im not sure if it makes a difference. I normally let them germinate naturally and only crack them if they dont pop within 3 days. However, I know some guys crack them with plastic seed crackers before they soak them. :rainbow:

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Ok, I will try both …before and after.
Thanks brother :slightly_smiling_face:

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" The term “conventional storage” means that seeds are treated in a defined way. Specifically, they are desiccated to 10–25% of RH in a recommended drying environment of 5–20 °C, which corresponds to approximately 5% of MC [61]. According to the established protocol [30], for the short-term storage of dry seeds (<18 months), a temperature between 0 and 5 °C is sufficient to maintain their viability. For longer periods of storage, seeds should be stored at −18 to −20 °C. However, in Mediterranean gene banks, seeds of native species are stored at −25 °C [82,83]."

The preferred temps for dormancy are much lower.


Thanks for the info…my seeds are now stored properly in tubes, labeled and inside a air tight plastic container with seals and that goes inside mylar bag with has dessicant pack and in my fridge.

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