Seeds Germination problems

Heat/cool controller eby/amzon £10/15 2000w+

Ive used one for a couple of years without any problems, seen one 2/3 weeks ago £10 so bought it just to have a spare.

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Hydrogen Peroxide. It’s been keeping the fungus gnats out of my seedlings. They’ve been terrible the last couple years. Gotta keep those lil sprouts clean.

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Crack your seeds or score them first then soak in water with little peroxide till you get tails and try with out the heat mat if not using a Barrier in between the mat
Best of luck

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You can use fresh aloe vera slices to germinate old seeds by pushing the seed halfway into the flesh of the slice.

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Yessir. I’ve used tap water and bottled water.

I’m going to Home Depot this morning and my local stores for EWC and some odds and ends. I saw aloe plant slices with seeds in here a while back. looks like I need to grab an aloe plant. I’m super frustrated because most of the seeds are well packaged and under 8 years old.

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Get a Jewelers loupe if you dont have one. Use it to look at your failed seeds and see if they are not covered in fungus gnat larve. Those little things and a fungus that causes “damping off” are the only to causes I know of that will result in 100% failure.


I feel you on that. That’s the thing, I honestly got my growing together as far as timing on watering, nutrients, no bug problems. knock on wood. then I go in a seep popping slump. I was the master when I was a kid because all the reefer was fairly fresh. I’m ashamed to say the gear I lost recently. jesus Mary n Joeseph

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I seriously appreciate all of this. I’ve pulled seeds after a few days only to have to split them (kinda forcefully) only to see the embryo is white and still solid and tucked in the fetal. I use smell, ya know when you pop the top and smell the enzymes from the seed popping. the insides don’t stink and aren’t mushy. not trying to be nasty. after doing this so long, I’m sure we all se are noses and things as hints to a problem. I’m gonna need better storage for sure for my beans. 10 yrs and younger seems like im a rookie.

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I will do that. I used coco coir and did what Pap said to. Laid a bed out, scuffed the seeds put a small barrier between the heat mat and covered it with tee shirts and shit. all of the stuff I use is machine washed and I use clean and new soil. I just have to put that because my environmental stuff a few years ago was not good. I’ve done alot of work to eliminate bacteria so I’m really trying to nail down a well faceted grow game. lol. im right though, a solid grower needs to have everything down.

I went from a 90-100% germination rate to 0% not long ago. I am back at 100%.

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No BS, that’s awesome dude. I love to see everyone doing well growing their medicine. some seeds were a bit pricey for me so I’m gonna get this. The loupe is a great idea. I have one but it’s time for a better one. Might have a microscope @oleskool830 sent me several years ago. I need to print a stand for it, so it gets clear pics at high res.

i’m trying to get these SSDD seeds to pop and I honestly believe they’re viable. they’re extremely hard. I’m gonna scuff them and try a few more. I was watching a one of Mel’s videos and he was hanging the seeds on the side of the cups using paper towels. seeds are geotropic and germ quickly as opposed to plates lying flat, using an incline helped get them oriented easily. mats weren’t even discussed. lol.

I’ll be posting results from everything mainly to have a log of where I’m going wrong.

There were stored where? For how long?


I downloaded a magnifying glass app to my iPhone and I can see better with that than with my loupe.


Most of the seeds are sealed if bought new from the breeder. Otherwise, they’re stored inside of plastic flips, centrifugal tubes, and small Apple type little Ziplock bags. Then they’re sealed inside of smaller blackout Ziplock bags.

All of these have been stored at room temperature, and out of direct sunlight/heat what have you. i was just looking through my Pe-paws old photography loupe at the seeds just to see if any cracks exist or anything wonky looking. some packs are store in binders in baseball card slots only if they’re in pucks or caps all inside bags in a closet.

Can you put em in a fridge?


I don’t want to sound stupid, so please just understand I’m learning more every day. I was under the assumption that if the power goes out (like it does here very often), that the seeds would all start popping upon becoming warm.

Does that only apply to freezers? I mean the seeds are frozen. If they thaw, wouldn’t that be problem. Trust me I have no problem storing my seeds in the fringe in clean Rubbermaid tubs I have already any thoughts? I apologize for real; I suffer from an extreme anxiety disorder.

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Apologies unnecessary. I felt like a jerk asking the question. I am no expert. I imagine your closet gets over 65°F regularly. All of my seeds are in the fridge. Sudden temp increase from a power outtage will not cause em to pop. Oscillating between frozen and thawed would not be good. Dont freeze em. Put em in the fridge.
Grow on


Heya man just try the @JohnnyPotseed protocol :v::seedling:


If you want to go high tech you can get a digital wireless microscope for a smart. There is a post on 420 magazine titled “Exploring the Microscopic World of Trichome Photography” that you can read through to see if that is something you might like to use.

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