Seeds Germination problems

NP. The fridge is a can do. I’ll start there. I’m gonna fuckin get this. I feel like a baseball player destined for single A ball now though. ha-ha. Seriously, I learn something new every day. The fridge is my friend. TY

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People hate that I talk about him but CopyCat has beautiful trichrome photography. I love to see what’s going on down there. it’s like looking at a small Galaxy. thanks for the info on a microscope. that was my next question. thanks for your time.

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Its in the name.

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lol I’m not going there. haha

Amazon just dropped me off some EWC. I appreciate the help with all this. With good intentions and a great crew behind me. We gone pop some beans. :joy:. Let me give @JohnnyPotseed a shout out. Ty for helping.

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Throw these Blackberrie’s in, They’re nice n fat from the last 5 yrs or so. We’ll see.


That is the brand of worm castings I use. They are always moist and sometimes they have live worms in them. I found this out when I found several dried out worms stuck to my basement floor.


If those beans are room temperature not a bad idea to freeze first. I can send you some from my fridge if youd like.


I lost so many seeds from leaving in drawers in dark coolish places always had trouble sprouting, once i went to the fridge 90%sprout that are 12 years old and less ,shot glass water seeds in til tails show ,12-24hrs add a little hydrogen peroxide after a few hours,once tails show into a good light soil mix ,heat matt and dome and should be on your way,everyone has different methods this is the one ive used for a long time cheers


Very cool. I imagine ive been storing seeds incorrectly. Makes sense, everything you’re saying. Im gonna apply a peroxide wash down as suggested. I lost a pack of Sour Bubble to inconsistent temps, the whole Shabhang. It’s not so much, what I lost but ti how I go forward preserving them.

I’ll be sure to put them in the fridge from now on. It’s embarassing really. I git half a pack of Orange Sunshine on some coco, same mathod of germination minus the EWC. I broke my decorative glass scrren door cutting grass. If they haven’t budged in 2 days, ill be starting more today.

Thanks again for the help. Gives me another look as to why im fuking the money up.


That’d be cool. I have the time and postage if you need anything. I was reading some info on seeds. Particularly look at Cannabis Ruderellis. Some of these plants are in very cold areas or areas that aee cold frequently.

We got on the topic of some seeds germinate after a frozen spell and on the opposite end of the spectrum wildfires aid some plants seeds in gerni ation as well. I’m sure it couldn’t hurt to freeze some of these older strains.


:joy:… The case of the mysterious dried worms. I was just thinking how I can’t wait to have a cannabis dungeon. I love basements. They hold the cold and I hot air rises in the winter. My HPS’ heat the house but i’m realky considering a full LED setup. Son bichin’ Eye Hortilux wen’t belly up. Those full spec 600’s kick shit shit like Pele.

Worm cast

I love amendments. I was running around the yard watering in a little top dress to give my outdoor babies a kick.


I put a few strains into some water with peroxide. I scored them lightly along the ridge that opens, not sure of the actual name. Lightly around the pointed end. put em in for like 12 hours. A few of them have tails out slightly. The seeds on the bed of coco coir fizzled into moldylox. lol

I will put some seeds in the freezer to test asap, and I’ll be properly packaging and labeling all my genetics to go into the fridge. Oh, so I placed the seeds in rows on a bed of EWC about 1/4" thick. I put a nice barrier between the heat mat and the bottom of the dome, so it won’t be super-hot, just warm.

Of course I’ll be back to post my results.

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With this method i get 100% cracks.

24-36 hour soak in 3 to 1 distilled to 3% h2o2

Once seeds crack and a tiny jut of tap root pops out, like a 16th to 8th inch MAX, They then go into soil, and you can be fairly stout soil, like Roots lush.

Once tip shows after soak place tip of root up, it naturally curls under and heaves upward, into soil or medium of your choice. Root riots, rapid rooters, q plugs, soil, or soilless mix.

Prewet mix, make a crater, place seed tip up, and cover with a shallow mound of soil. Spray mound with a spray bottle of distilled water.

You’ll break soil in 24 to 48 hours

Paper towels are a sure fire Way to stunt most seeds


I appreciate the advice. I have some in different setups and variables to find a method that’s solid for me at this moment. the peroxide water soak is deffinitly the way to go. I have some random seeds I’ll be putting them through it. we shall see.


I’ll have to try to peroxide soak on my next pop. I’ve only ever used the paper towel method (and it’s only failed on one seed for me) – but there are lots of good ways to do this!


Popping seeds is a good reason to keep notes.


It Can be rought but where goes the seeds naturally After the fruit or bloom? AT the surface of the soil and it Can take the freeze before germ.

It’s just a seed you Can put them 24h in the freezer to awaken the dormancy for 10 years oldseeds
Or put them directly in substrat/medium/soil
3/5 milimeter covered with a good EWC

That’s it for me good results with this method

Peace out everyone


If it works it works. I don’t do it that way, but mine works, and if it works it works.


Well Said Monsieur totally agree
for me there are as many germination techniques as there are growers


I’m particularly attached to mine. But everyone has their own variations.