Seeds Germination problems

I appreciate the help and everyone sharing their best technique’s. This past week has been pretty bad as far as my average lately, it’s been rough. my seeds may not be viable. I’m sure some seeds will make it. I’ve learned a valuable lesson about properly storing seeds. I’ll be back hopefully with great news. I may put a few sealed up in a box in the sun, it’s really cool out. Couldn’t hurt to try.

Does anyone crack their seeds beforehand? Sometimes after no activity for several days I’ll pull a seed out to see what’s going on inside. Upon popping the embryo or its insides and they’re pretty solid and white. They’re not mushy or anything. The SSDD from 2018 are hard af. anyways, I’ll get back cracking at it. I’ve had some in the fridge for a minute I’m gonna give a shot. I’m gonna freeze some as well. I’ll definitely be compiling this data as a reference for myself, etc. thanks again. Y’all are the best, brightest, and coolest members. be safe.


do not give up i recently got some old beans from the late 90’s is there best guess buried in a chicken coup got 100 seeds down to 85 now tried al the ways above no luck so far but there are still many ways to try tissue culture guys start seeds in a dish, tube with just H2O2 3% kind cut with 9 parts water and 1 % sugar the water is distilled by the way i failed to see anyone mention gibberellic acid spend some time getting to know it. it just might be your best friend with really old seeds


Hey man I appreciate that @thainer I got really upset yesterday morning. I threw some great stuff down the drain before I realized what is working for me or should I say got some tails today. Woohoo.

I was down in the dumps but only because my energy was off. I had to get myself rebalanced. My Chi was fuking the whole deal up. I’m a very happy boy right now. I pulled a 3-fem pack of Eeee! from MMS’ and I pulled 8 or so beans from an OG Herijuana 2019 pres. run pack. I had like 30 beans.

I soaked the seeds in a Hydrogen Peroxide/water mixture for more like 30 some hours. I had no faith in them after not seeing any tails during their movement to a not soaking wet paper towel but damp. that was a problem for me too much or too little water on the paper towels. The temperature was too hot, and I put a few t-shirts in between the mat and bag and covered them with a black t-shirt.

I just checked them and noticed the seeds are germinating. :boom: :+1:
I’m excited. I just slid them back in the bag and placed them in the same spot. to say i’m excited is an understatement. the Hydrogen Peroxide water soak for over 24hr did it for me. Idk if light is bad when the seeds are soaking in the water. I felt like the ones that popped still need another day. some more look like they’re gonna go. LITFA for a day.

Thank you all before I went nuts and burned every pack. lol. Do yall put the seeds in soil as soon as you see a tail, or do you let that guy get a tad longer? im not trying to F anything up by fidling with a couple.


I will definitely do that. I have some really old gear like you said and some others that are stubborn, but I know they’re solid inside. Thanks for helping a brother out. I guess the sugar if a carb that aids in jump starting the bean? I went from hopeless to hopeful. I got one of my fem Eeee’s with a little tail (so excited). The Heri’s with a few small tails. tomorrow I bet there’s more.

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i should have that acid at may door this week you have to buy a bunch when you only need a little small scope of it makes liters of seed soak if it works i will post if i have any luck the only thing i know for a fact is your seedlings will stretch themselves to death if you use to much but its all an experiment to see what mix of the solution works on the seeds at hand. i could see if i can send you a bit, if thats something you would be interested in going forward with the projects all i am doing is trying to freshen up an old blueberry X Sensi cross seeds came from the hills around LA

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I totally understand what youre doing. I have some f4 Blueberries and some Newberry i’m gonna pull out at some point and keep a male from the BB. I should have done it the first time but hindsight, Ya know?

I feel so much better now. This is why I needed to bring this question before the masters. I’m just trying for real to make as many good beans as possible for friends and a fresher batch of seeds so to speak. if you have any left over to spare, that’d be sweet. i just wanna pass on non hermed lines. That’s cool af to get seeds that old to rock out. you find any 90’s gems lemmie take a peak. hehe. Many thanks.

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Took a few days and a proper soak but I got em to budge. I appreciate all the help and positivity. I was just spinning in my head, not knowing which deriction to go.

I was trippin. We got a shit load of money, time, and other’s time invested in making seeds. It’s really about the love of growing. Like I said I put a couple Herijuana seeds in the dirt already. Looking good today. Ty so much.


sometimes it’s just nice to here someone else voice in your head