Seeds & Legality

You are correct, if I am not mistaken it requires a Phytosanitary Certificate to legally do so and only if allowable by state law.


Yes itā€™s a little more complex then not. I was under the impression bird seed was exempt from the phyto cert but the language Iā€™m reading clearly says any seed and or plant for consumption by animal or person is also requiring the phyto certificate. Your local ag office is not going to issue that unless you have state licensing. Now Iā€™m not sure if gifting or trading seed would count I think the language refers mainly to sales but again I would need to read it in depth.
Now the reason Iā€™m looking at every little detail is because I would like to be able to have a cannabis nursery license at some point and if you have been found to have violated dep of agriculture requirements in the past they tend to shred your application.
Iā€™m also heavily involved in standard agriculture in my area and deal with them already so itā€™s not really about cannabis for me as much as selling seeds with out the cert and having them cause me problems in other areas. I have a nursery license for normal plants already so they know Iā€™ve read all this stuff in depth.


Even gifted seeds need them, trust me, had to sent back last one to this, I guess its better to camouflage it, declare its smth worth 10-15 bucks and ship it.

The real question is can you show me a law that CURRENTLY says it isnā€™t?

The DEA Has made a public statement ON RECORD that cannabis seeds AKA Cannabis Sativa (the ONLY species of cannabis according to the US Government, whether hemp or THC yielding) are unregulated as long as they contain .3% THC or less. No cannabis seeds contain that amount of THC and therefore ARE legal to ship within the US. State regulations may vary as May requirements for how those seeds were acquired but the beans are as legal as tomato seeds. :v:
Please see the attached reference document & site in the original post for legal documentation.

The question posed by Mr. Pennington and answered specifically by the DEA mentions SEEDS by name.

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The actual hemp bill itā€™s self states that you must also comply with local ordinance and state law , itā€™s the state by state law and the department of agriculture that make it complex.
If there is no state law in place then you still need a permit threw the department of agriculture , so how many are applying for those and have you checked the requirements of that applicationā€¦
In California to sell hemp seed you need state permits also and you must show that your seed stock came from already certified hemp producers if you donā€™t then you must go threw a process thatā€™s a even larger pain in the butt.
If your not selling sending still requires a photo sanitary inspection certificate and if you donā€™t have it they may send back to you or throw in the trash.


Thereā€™s always deodorant :v:t2:

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99% of all cannabis breeders are illegals or allegal

In Europe, since the Vienna Convention of 1971, seeds can be sent, but not produced.

In Spain only have 5 or 6 licenses and not are marijuana seeds banks of courseā€¦

Cookies & Bodhi are legals?

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Iā€™m not really one speak about the legality of what a specific person or groups of people are doing but I think itā€™s a pretty safe bet that the cookies family has the proper state licenses for there facilities, Iā€™m also sure they have a much better legal team then I could ever want to need.
All Iā€™m saying is there are many aspects to all of this and for me where Iā€™m sitting at currently itā€™s not a grey area I need to step into.


there is a possibility that cookies has some unlicensed grows, but iā€™m willing to bet most if not all are licensed.

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Maybe in areas where they are not available with anticipation of being first in line when they are but that is even questionable considering what the company is worth and how much attention they purposely draw to there brand.


Cannabis has been arounds for a long time. Before 1910 ā€œmarijuanaā€ didnā€™t exist as a word in American culture. Rather, ā€œcannabisā€ was used, most often in reference to medicines and remedies for common household ailments. Cannabis was outlawed because various powerful interests, (some of which had economic motives to suppress hemp production like pharmaceutical giantsā€”Bristol-Meyerā€™s Squib and Eli Lilly) were able to craft it into a bogeyman in the popular imagination, by spreading tales of homicidal mania touched off by consumption of the dreaded Mexican ā€œlocoweed.ā€ Fear of brown people combined with fear of nightmare drugs used by brown people to produce a wave of public action against the ā€œmarijuana menace.ā€ That combo led to restrictions in state after state, ultimately resulting in federal prohibition.

In the summer of 1929, Reefer Madness descended upon the Windy City. In late April, the Illinois house of representatives had passed a bill to ban ā€œloco-weed,ā€ a plant whose ā€œMexican formā€ was ā€œmarijuana,ā€ a ā€œnarcoticā€ (Brown, 1929a). Two months later, as the bill languished in the senate, the Chicago Tribune ran an article and accompanying back-page photo on marijuana, attempting to spur the legislature into action. The paper claimed that the ā€œdangerous, habit forming drugā€ had been ā€œintroduced a dozen years ago or so by Mexican laborersā€ and was now spreading across the city, ensnaring ā€œthousands of workingmen,ā€ ā€œyouths and girls,ā€ as well as ā€œschool children.ā€ (Chicago Tribune , 1929a). In the photo, two dark-skinned men with sun hats are crouched next to some cannabis plants ā€œin the southern part of the city,ā€ ā€œgathering marijuanaā€ while the ā€œlegislature delays actionā€ (Chicago Tribune , 1929b; Falck, 2010, p. 80-81).
Southern farmers who grew indica so they did not have to import it for pharmaceutical purposes had no idea the ā€œmarijuanaā€ menace was the crop in their fields.
Thats really all i was pointing outā€¦ Not trying to make waves, or cause anyone anger. Iam here to learn and post about ganja. Thatā€™s it.


You are all good brother, I doubt any anger or negativity is thought of towards you in any way.
Post onā€¦.


I dont know man. Folks seem to want me to leave the site recentlyā€¦ I apologise if I have offended anyone here on OG. I try to limit my posts here and read as much as I can.

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Screw em, do your thing and enjoy the site.


Youā€™re good dude, and valued.

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Its nice of your to say that. I dont have many friends except here on OG. My 4 year mark here is comming soon. But I am just as human as anyone else and am not perfect in anyway.


Perfection and normal are myths

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Thanks again, but no need to de-rail the thread on my behalf. Iam just a cannabis grower just like everyone here.

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That is just not true. It is the US Department of Agriculture that confiscates and destroys seeds that do not have the proper accompanying paperwork. So while them being deemed legal means you can ship within the USA this has no effect on what is needed to import from outside the USA. Still good news that they are now able to be legally moved around inside your borders but you can still expect them to be confiscated and destroyed trying to enter your country unless you have all the paperwork needed. Itā€™s the same for many type of seeds, not just pot seeds.


Thanks for the clarification. More info is ALWAYS better :+1:t3: :v: