Seeds & Legality

Yep seeds coming in or going out of the USA require the phyto cert and living plants going from state to state require it also. All of the garlic I’ve ever got sent to me had it , and some was still moldy, some quality inspection right there haha it’s a money game.
I used to work at a local nursery and we send out about 200 trays of veggie starts every week. We would have to wait for the agg inspector to sighn off before sending and they would walk down the row , barely look at them and collect the fee. As long as everything was green and healthy they never gave it much effort. There supposed to be looking for soil pathogens , bugs , eggs , sighns of disease etc , you can’t do that with a walk by :rofl:

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Long story short, the feds are no longer going to bring you to court for selling cannabis seeds, this in its self is a huge leap forward, how ever state by state county by county laws still need to be taken in to consideration.
As far as I can tell though the gifting and or trading of seeds between people with no payments or financial exchange involved are free and clear to take place.
Being able to do this and work together to preserve and test various lines is a major win for the cannabis plant and community and opens up a lot of genetics to people who may have otherwise not been able to get them.


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