Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

@ReikoX when you get a chance can you take a look over this post and let me know what you think? Im wondering is this overwatering plus hungry plants?

Well my plants hate me. I know I’m doing something wrong but idk what. Any advice?
Coral kush by @Andrane
Island sweet skunk by @BigMike55

1gal plastic pots
Soil is royal gold kings mix
Nutes are bio bizz organic bottles
I water 2 cups tap water that I let sit out for 24 hrs to dechlorinate when pots are light weight but not dry

They are about 27 days from sprout. Things were going great then the droop started. I cannot get these plants to perk up to save my life. I try dry backs but not complete dry back since this is organic, I read to keep the soil slightly moist 24/7 to keep microorganisms thriving??? Next light green stripes down the leaf (mag def) and rust spots (ca def?) started popping up. Now the plants are going light green. I fed one time with 4ml bio bizz grow and 4ml cal mag to 1 gal ph at 6.2 400ppm.