3rd time's a charm! LowenderMN 2024 run(s)

alright yall! the bb muffin run is peacefully curing in jars now, and i def messed that one up a little bit. but im happy with the results, and learned a lot about growing in a MN basement in the dead of winter for the 1st time. lol decided to make a new thread for a new year of growing on the canniversary (heheh…) of my 1st run.

Running a humboldt CSI durban s1 this time around. I have been a huge fan of durban strains for decades, so im really excited to be able to grow it now. and a little bit more confident in my growing skills. lol

im changing my medium from sunshine mix #4 to promix hp. seems to be the go to choice here, so im hopping on the wagon! ss#4 did its job and produced some good plants, i dont really have anything bad to say about it. the bale i got did get a little funky over time. I, for some reason (noob…), bought a full bale last year thinking id use it all up in no time. :man_facepalming:

Seed popped 4 days ago. Was getting nervous the it drowned or something, but she finally broke the surface yesterday/last night and looks pretty good. :seedling:

new questions for you octo pros out there!

i picked up an aci 4" exhaust fan and filter to help tame the aroma while harvesting. i think i want to try using that as an intake fan for the tent on this run so I can seal up the passive vents. Any tips to run this way and still maintain negative pressure? Worth it?

Exhaust is an aci 6", so i don’t think it should have any trouble keeping up with a 4". Haven’t hooked this up yet, but will get it going once I’ve transplanted into the octo. Or a day or 2 before.

I’m going to try germinating and getting the seedling going in a solo cup and then transplant once it’s a little bigger and roots have had time to establish. Will attempt the turbo method of transplanting. :zap:

i’ve only ever geminated then planted directly into the octo sleeve. it works, but i definitely noticed it took FOREVER for the roots to hit the res on the last run during winter. colder basements are apparently a bitch to deal with, and its really expensive to heat the entire basement/lung room to try and keep temps up in the tent without causing the upstairs to hit 80° too. Lol…

still going to use jacks 321 since it seemed to work well, into RO water. im not going to buffer with extra cal mag this round unless clear cal and/or mag deficiencies are seen. I think I’ve been causing issues in mid flower due to excess mag causing problems as soon as I starting pumping up light intensity. Jacks 321 claims no additional cal/mag is needed. We’ll see!

Last one! Should I look into using a Silica supplement at all? Keep reading about it, but am not sure if I need it or not.


6 gal octo, and decided to try the rainscience sleeve that @supersecretjim found. They seem to be a lot more durable and possibly a bit more pourous than the og octo sleeves.

The same 28" x 55" x 80’ tent + g4500 light both from spider farmer

newer gen2 aci circ fans. (serious kudos to @supersecretjim !) + 2 extra gen 1 circ fans if needed.

aci pro 69 controller (may get a 2nd one, mine has been having random wifi connectivity issues recently)

aci 6" exhaust with filter
Aci 4" intake with filter

Ink bird humidity sensor/controller if needed



I used a 4 in as intake and a 6 in as an exhaust but you need a seed control to even out the pressure
6 in can clear smell quickly

This will give you a week maybe 2 before you’ll need to transplant
Also if the root begins to circle you’ll.need to break that up
Bottom feed the solo cup plant place one cup no holes and take a bottle cap in the bottom and a little water it’s like a mini octo

A definite pita but a dome and a spray bottle are a great help

Jacke is great ! I don’t like ro but i believe jacks has a special formula for that
I find the 321 a bit hot so check your ppms [quote=“LowenderMN, post:1, topic:158616”]
aci 6" exhaust with filter
Aci 4" intake with filter

Just saw this :+1::+1::+1::+1:

Best wishes
I got a joint rolled popcorn in hand and I’m sitting in my recliner watching
Puff :dash: :dash: pass


Shes already stretching a bit. Lol hopefully this is a sign of some good vigor? :grimacing::laughing:

Light is around 18-19" and ppfd is at 190ish.

Cup was light so went ahead and bottom fed a little with very low strength solution and ph at 6-6.1.

Maybe 1/2" of water over the bottle cap at the bottom of the outside cup. Does that sound like the right amount of water?

Soil sucked the water right up, so i think it was time!


1 week since sprout. 1 set of leaves are starting to get fat. 2nd set hasn’t grown much lately, but im guessing she’s busy working on her roots right now.

May look at prepping the octo this weekend, and then move her there (still in the cup) until she’s big enough to fully transplant.

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Was not expecting roots yet! :flushed:

Looks like I’m transplanting tomorrow. Have a gig tonight and won’t have time.

How do I manage getting her out of the cup without damaging roots?

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Into veg we go! Derby seems to be happy in her new home. No roots in the res yet, but should hopefully be making an appearance soon. Transplanted from the solo cup to the octo 8 days ago.:crossed_fingers:

Fed at 40%, still @ lvl 1, and will be turning the light up gradually to 300-400 ppfd over the next few days. Been cool monitoring the wyze cam I have in there. Can see how the leaves are reacting (praying, flattening out, etc…) when I refresh the stream after 2-4 hours.


Dig the symmetry in this stage of growth :nerd_face:


Roots have finally found the res! Not quite fully into the drink yet, but close! Shes chugging along. Kicking out some huge leaves, and her trunk is beefing up.

Been having a hard time controlling rh in the lung room between the weather and my dehuey having a 10% rh range and a not so sensitive sensor… rh swings have been wider than id like.

And getting my light dialed in. Its OP for a 2x4 i think. 450 watts max… :grimacing: raised it to 24 inches, 295ish ppfd. Hopefully the weird texture and color goes away on the new growth.

I did prune the 1st one bladed leaves and their branches. And then the branches on the 2nd node. Shes not looking very happy with me. Lol

Res top off is tomorrow. Hopefully she’ll perk up after that

I think shes showing light stress and/or is unhappy with the rh swings between lights on/off.


Roots in the res…we are cleared for take-off! Looking good in here!!! :green_heart:

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:rocket: :crescent_moon: :laughing:

Thx man! Mixing the next round of water/nutes. Going to lvl 2. May top her today. Or tomorrow. Shes a little stretchy already.

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Been noticing new leaves showing a potential issue. Googling seems to point at a mag deficiency?

Also see 2 or 3 of the older fan leaf tips clawing. Which might be N tox as well? Sigh.

2 feeds/res top offs ago was 40% strength jacks 321 + tps one cal mag. Last refill on sunday was 45% a + salt, 40% b to see if it changed the clawing at all.

Ec was .9-1.0

Still seeing stripes in the leaf margins.

Is this something i should try a mag foliar application for? Havent had this issue before so early in veg. :woozy_face:

Promix hp
Ph 5.9 - 6.0
Ppfd 390ish, was going to increase to 400-415ish today, but dont want to cause more issues if more light would make things worse
RO water
Silica in the most recent feed


Under fed maybe?

I’d agree maybe back off the nutes a touch, but your running RO and ph seems inline IMO. I had similar recently and ended up getting a little out of hand with nutes trying to correct and probably would have been best of dialing things back but…these plants can be frustrating sometimes too :man_facepalming:t2:

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Def burnt up part of the plant on my last run doing the same thing (moar nutes!) Lol…

I did top and prune a decent amount about 5 days ago too. But that weird off color in the leaves was there before all that too! Hard to course correct in octos too without dumping the res and maybe flushing if it is lockout?

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Def wasnt expecting some of the leaves clawing like N toxicity, even though ive been purposefully staying light on the main NPK nutes, amd supplimented cal mag on the last fill like 1.5 weeks ago. Its not all of them though. Only a couple of the oldest fans.

You ever do foliar stuff? Never done that before, but if it might help… im down!

Roots are looking nice and bright white right now too. So i dont think its a root zone issue?

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My first run was bonkers too! Lol

no idea how i didnt nuke those girls! Followed a really basic feed schedule i found on here. Did some math later, and i was def near 100% strength or more for most of veg. Turned into a jungle in the tent! Lol

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Sounds like you’re doing all good things for em. I’ve played with some Epsom in water as a spray/foliar a couple times and though it helped a little I think I had other issues (lockout). If you’re light on nutes it might be worth exploring :man_shrugging:t2:. I’m a newer canna grower too so just not the wealth of info I wish I could have for you.

Some strains take anything you throw at them and ask for more…sometimes things are a bit more sensitive so there could be some of that going on too perhaps(?).

Hmmm. :thinking: :green_heart:

my first run was 2 cheap ass white label seeds i didnt care about if things went south… those things ate everything i gave em. lol

last run was hsc blueberry muffins. little bit more finnicky. dead of winter grow in a basement didnt help either!

this one is humboldt csi durban poison s1. supposed to be pretty solid genetics, i guess we’ll see!

pruned a few more leaves from the center of the plant, and lst’ed the other 2 main branches. hopefully she’ll bounce back quickly.


They don’t look like they’re getting any worse…maybe the trim job and some fresh water/nutes will perk em up this week :crossed_fingers: :pray: :green_heart:

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Into week 5 (ish) of veg. Topped off the res yesterday, increased feed to 55%. Around 550-580ppm; 1.2ish EC.

Hoping the new growth comes in fully green instead of showing the stripes. She seems to still be growing, just not quite as vigorous as my 1st run last year at this time. Idk if its due to increased difficulties controlling the tent environment running one plant instead of 2, or what. Lol…

maybe im being too cautious and need to get into higher ppms of feed. 1st run i had no idea what i was doing and was feeding WAY more than i am now. :thinking:

Really want to get this issue resolved before i flip!

MN keeps throwing random days long stretches of super humid, hot days this year. So i continue to struggle to control humidity swings in my basement, and my dehuey will run for hours trying to get rh down to 55 during lights off (during the day). Wish it was more accurate, and didn’t run in a 10% wide range. If i set it to 55, the range is 50-60. Etc… big swings. :face_exhaling:

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