Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

Thanks man.

@ReikoX when you get a chance can you take a look over this post and let me know what you think? Im wondering is this overwatering plus hungry plants?

Well my plants hate me. I know I’m doing something wrong but idk what. Any advice?
Coral kush by @Andrane
Island sweet skunk by @BigMike55

1gal plastic pots
Soil is royal gold kings mix
Nutes are bio bizz organic bottles
I water 2 cups tap water that I let sit out for 24 hrs to dechlorinate when pots are light weight but not dry

They are about 27 days from sprout. Things were going great then the droop started. I cannot get these plants to perk up to save my life. I try dry backs but not complete dry back since this is organic, I read to keep the soil slightly moist 24/7 to keep microorganisms thriving??? Next light green stripes down the leaf (mag def) and rust spots (ca def?) started popping up. Now the plants are going light green. I fed one time with 4ml bio bizz grow and 4ml cal mag to 1 gal ph at 6.2 400ppm.


Noticed these spots popped up after a storm this week, already asked a few trusted folks on here and got what I think is the answer but just wanted to get more advice from the community! The strain is gush mints, we’re one week into flower, the original medium in the 1 gallon before transplant was 30% desalinated sand, 30% compost and 40% seedling soil. The mix in the large pot it’s been transplanted too is 50% Promix HP, 20% perlite, 20% organic sacred soil, and then by even weight it was amended with vinegar processed ground eggshells, crustacean chitin, biochar, and gypsum. It wasn’t showing any issues the last two weeks. I haven’t watered or fed because of the storm, it worked out because I wanted to wash the veg nutrients out of the pot.

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Thought I would also post this here too.

So here is what I would recommend. Mix a solution of nutrients for vegetative state of growth following your instruction. Though I’m not familiar with your line up and I dont particularly understand why is it saying not to add “Grow” during your veggitative period.

Maybe it thinks that most of the nutrients will come from the soil at that time. I don’t really know.

Possibly mix a solution for the transitional period instead. That should contain all needed nutrients. Then you want to put the nutrient solution into the soil until a good amount of run off comes out the bottom of your pots. The goal being, pushing all existing water soluble nutrients out and replace it with the new, properly mixed solution. This should help fix PH issues and add the correct amounts of nutrients within the medium.

Also if you are using city tap water, do not use Cal/Mag. City water usually has enough Calcium, magnesium, sulfur and Iron to sustain the plant. Adding cal/mag could cause lock out issues.
Normally you only need to add Cal/Mag when using RO or Distilled water. Or correcting a deficiency that you have 100% identified as Calcium or Magnesium deficiency.

A lot of people mistake ph issues as magnesium deficiency because the first mineral that usually gets locked out when the PH is incorrect is Magnesium. Here is a PH chart to help visualize that.

As you might be able to see magnesium will start to show issues at a PH of 5.8 within soil.

You won’t be able to fix the current damage but the new growth, some minor discoloration and issues should start to look a lot better. Make sure you are following instructions and schedule. It is very important. Also having all the products on your nutrients schedule will provide you the best results.

Hope this helps a little.


I just ordered the rest of my nutrient line. Going to mix a proper veg feed and water until run off when it arrives.
Also i will be keeping a close eye on ph and continue to water at 6.2ph. I think when my ph pen went out of wack i might have screwed everything up. I mixed 4ml of cal mag and 4ml of bio grow into 1 gal and the ph drops came back orange which is 4-5ph range. I should have never watered that in but i hear so many people talk about not checking ph in organics and that the roots will adjust soil ph on their own.

They are probably hungry. One gallon isn’t very much for organic soil. I would try a feed, feed, water schedule.

Again this only applies to larger bodies of soil (30+ gallons). In a small pot, it becomes much more important to maintain a proper pH.


Yea i meant to add i fed 3 cups per plant from that gallon.

I agree they are hungry and after what @Andrane recommended im going to feed at a full dose, follow feed chart and i will report back in a few weeks. Thanks !

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So overall it seems like the plants are overwatered and underfed? I really hope i can turn these girls around.

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I’m sure @ReikoX will get you sorted out, but what made you decide on the lower end of 6 for your feed? I’ve generally always seen best results feeding at 6.4-6.6 in soil. I do like biobiz biogrow and you could probably push harder with that, as others have said. Unrelated but I also love to use medusas magic from nectar when using biogrow. It’s just my opinion of course, but I prefer to pH in soil. Yes there are lots of things to buffer pH in organics, but I don’t really understand why folks wouldn’t want to give their plants the most bioavailability. Anyway, sorry to rant and jump in. Best of luck, man. I’ll definitely be checking in.

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No thank you for jumping in i need all the info i can get.

So when i was on IG a lot i followed a guy justin crawn and this guy swore by royal good kings mix soil paired with bio bizz nutes. He said he feeds at 5.8ph-6.1.
my last run i had soil ph rise pretty high when watering at 6.5 (also had a few waters with high ph bc i didnt know ph rises back up after sitting out for a day. I thought i could ph a bucket of water and come back in 24hrs and the ph be the same) and i would feed low ph water to adjust it. I figured if i stayed on the low side of 6 it would help prevent that rise I experienced.

Im now watering at 6.2-6.4 range.
Im completely open to trying anything at this point because what im doing isnt working and i experience these problems every run. I think its bc i dont follow the feed chart and try to convince myself to let the plant tell me what it needs but still i never know what its telling me.
I think (not too sure) my plants are all drooping from watering too often. I water 2 cups every other day(Too much) and the discoloration is from ph fluctuations from either dry backs or from 10 days ago when i fed them and the ph was unknown but i got an acidic reading from my drops so i think i may have fed them some 5ph water 10 days ago.

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You’ve got this. Yeah…dissolved oxygen messed with me hard in the past too. What was 6.5 drifted to 8.0 overnight and I was so annoyed I didn’t notice right away. But! These experiences teach me the most so it’s all good. Reading about that soil, it doesn’t seem too far off from most other lightly amended blends. I’d feed at 6.4 for now. Give them a good drench every other(ish), maybe third day depending on rate of dryback. Allow a little more runoff to come through, in my opinion, and I think things will even out. I would gradually increase the feed from what you’ve been doing…because whether it’s lockout from inconsistent pH feeding or true deficiency, it’s definitely showing macro deficiencies. They’re 30 days or so? Also if I am reading your post correctly, you’re feeding at 4ml/gallon? My bottle of biogrow recommends 4ml/L. So if that’s the case, I’d most definitely just feed heavier with a consistent pH and they’ll be gravy. 4ml/L is 15ml/gal. (Though in my experience 10ml is usually enough)


Im always scared to feed and that is another thing that is biting me in the ass. You mix 10ml grow per gallon during veg? How about the other bottles do you run the recommended amount of 1/2

I mixed up a gallon last night with 5ml bio gro, 2.5ml biohaven, 2.5ml activera, 5ml root juice (im not supposed to use this during veg just for seedlings but it was kelp derived so i figure it couldnt hurt)
Ph at 6.4

Yes plants are 35 days old as of today.
They spent 16 days in solo cups from sprout,
19 days in one gals as of today.
Transplanting to 3-5gals in 11 days maybe sooner.

Oh yeah. I’d say they’re big and old enough to handle some real meals. I think that the a lot of plants can take the higher end of the doses, but in my experience, that “max” dose is there with the intention of some being wasted(just to ensure the most availability) so I don’t often use that because I don’t love wasting bottled nutrients, but if the plants respond well, I’d much rather them grow well than me save $10.
While you’ll probably be fine adding the root juice, perhaps lay off on that and keep it simple and straight until they perk up and start responding well. Once they’re healthy you can start to push things like calcium or phosphorus and they can handle it better.

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Yea man i wouldnt do the root juice again i just figured it would help somehow. Horrible way to think. I tend to make decisions then look back on them and say why the fuck would i do that.

My plan now is to follow the feed chart. Water every other day and strict 6.4ph. Im just so worried im going to burn them up following the full recommended dose but i wouldnt know bc i never tried.

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How many ml per gallon of each bottle do you use?

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I don’t actually use their whole line. I only have experience with bio grow because I like that product. I will go 10-12 ml of that through veg. If it happens to be a longer veg (8weeks+) then I do something more like 15-20 ml as a once weekly drench.

With the rest of their stuff I’d probably stick to something like 75% of the bottles high end recommendations, but again I don’t have experience with it and very often alter my feeds based on response of the plant. Sorry if this isn’t much help!

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Thanks for all the help bro! I really appreciate it.

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Just checked the plants and noticed purple tips on new growth.

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