Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

Could be working through the unbalance. Things won’t necessarily go away overnight in soils. What are the nighttime temps/humidity?

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Im not exactly sure but the lowest the sensor ever picked up was 69f

It usually rocks out at 74-76f during lights on.
I would guess 71f during night.
Rh is 65-67%
Floor temp is 71 that pots are sitting on
Scratched soil surface and most were 70-72f one was 68-69f

Also my light is set at around 250 ppfd

Oh that’s really nice. Can you turn your light up at all? I’d say you’re okay to go up to 350-400 ppfd if you can.

Just to add: mine are a touch bigger, but 35 days from rooted clone and I have that at roughly 600

New growth will be affected by funky macros sooner than old growth, so in my opinion, just keep it consistent and you should probably see improvements by tomorrow or Friday.

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Thats where i did have it but i got nervous i was cooking the plants with all the droop. Going to raise it back to 350 today

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I was on reddit and seen someone else having droopy plants like myself except theirs were a nice lush green still. Most people commented overwatering was the problem. A few commented that the humidifier in the tent was causing the droop. Does this sound like non sense? My tent is at 74f with a rh of 66-67% according to a vpd chart off google that is fine. But idk

Reddit is all over the fuckin place tho so i take everything i read there with a grain of salt

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I do think there are some really smart people on Reddit but it’s a bit of a cluster over there. My tent is 77 lights on, 70 lights out with 70-75% humidity currently, so I’d be hesitant to change things based on what they say.

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@DirtySlowToes According to the VPD chart, it says I should go higher rather than lower
I’m thinking proper feed, and proper watering. Should get me out the dark here.

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Tent is sitting at 73f rn wish i could get that a few degrees higher

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I’m also not sure your budget or space or anything like that but I recently picked up a little govee life space heater. Granted it’s only a week old but it’s been working like a charm for me. Hooks up to wifi and I set it outside my tent couple feet away sort of pointing at my intake and it allows me to manipulate temps pretty well. It does have to run almost all the time since it’s so cold outside right now but it’s killing it.

Here’s the ladies this evening.
Pretty bummed out with all of this, I had a way better run using roots organic soil and nutes with a 315w cmh back in 2016 on my 1st grow. I feel like I just can’t get the hang of nothing, this is my 3rd grow in a row that is not healthy
I’m going to transplant into 3-5 gals this weekend and put the solo cup plants in 1gals and hopefully get a hang on things soon here


@DirtySlowToes This picture is from 12 days ago. Shit can go down hill QUICK!


Shit, all that means is you’re only a few days away from back on track! In my opinion, the funk is from the pH being wild while you tried to correct. Honestly they look like they’re about to pop out of it and you’ll probably see them pray here soon. Let them dry back just a touch between waterings and keep hitting them with 6.4 and solid nutes. And you’re still in veg. You can certainly get out of the funk. Veg is the best place to be for things to get weird.

If it’s not too stress inducing, go in there and pull a couple of the larger, yellower fan leave and let the plant throw energy at new growth


Bro im struggling with how dry i should let them get. Since its organics i dont want to let the soil go bone dry right? I want a light pot but still some mild moisture in the soil 1inch below? Like not saturated but almost a bit more moist then soil out of a bag when you first open it.

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Yeah pretty much exactly how I’d describe it. Because my soil is dark most of the time, I have to rely on the old lift test. I feel them right after watering then I base what I do the next day on how light they are. Like right now, I’ve moved to feeding my bubba and crasher just about daily but the fritter seems to drink slower.


They seem to be bouncing back to me as well. Getting them in bigger pots will help in my opinion. I’ve struggled with organics in small pots, the more soil mass the better they seem to run for me. Keep feeding them and try to get your daytime temps as close to 80F as you can. I like to keep my soil consistently moist and not dry back to a very light pot. Using a good soil mix with lots of aeration like perlite goes a long way to avoiding over watering issues. I like Roots Organic original soil as it drains quickly and is hard to overwater. Post some pics in a few days and we can see how they’re doing.


Excellent point on soil size. I was just ranting to myself this morning about the ire of starting seeds and how I’d prefer to have more soil than less and seed starting can be stressful for me.


How crazy would it be to stick a space heater in the tent? Like one of them super small tabletop ones? Im very afraid of fire. I have a 2ft tall skinny lasko space heater set to max heat aimed at the tent door and it really does not make a difference.

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I worry about fire a lot. I wouldn’t want one in my tent personally. I have seen the oil filled radiant heaters used in a tent before. The electric coil type space heaters just seem better in an open room with space around them. You can try slowing down the exhaust fan to try and build up heat in the tent as well, just be sure it’s still getting plenty of air exchange.


I have a large lasko circle fan above my light running on #3 speed, today i turned it down to #1 speed and a smaller lasko circle fan on by tent floor oscillating aimmed directly at plants on the #2 setting. My inline fan is also set to the lowest setting possible.

Im gonna stop in later on today to see if the temps rise above 73. That will tell me if the large lasko being turned down makes a difference on the tent temp

Edit i might just turn the exhaust fan off and bump fans up. Time to tinker and see what i can do to bump temps up a bit. Also i am planning on wrestling a 4ft pallet in the 4x4 this weeekend to keep plants off cold floor

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