
I had nothing but good luck with Seedsman but that was before they started with the warehouses all over the world. Kind of stopped buying seeds from banks for the most part when I joined OG. Now it really has to be something special, like a BOG drop, to make me stray from all the amazing genetics reproduced on OG.


sure send me a message and i will dig it up, his name is tom

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I have a buddy that ran into the same issues with his orders being seized multiple times recently. Sale after sale with practically no seeds left in stock to reorder, promise after promise, etc. I never had that issue in the past when I ordered, my only issue was the seeds were not the most reliable/hearty (some were ok but most were a letdown, did not sprout or died off after sprouting). I lucked out and the orders purchased and giveaways we have won ended up making it to our door, just seems things went way downhill over there or something.


I am peessed too… cant get ACE in USA without going through a fukinthird party…SO I TRY SEEDSMAN
Then they won’t even start tracking my order or give any updates for ten days
I just wrote that shit off.
If thye come they come
I’m done
DUBI can bite me

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I’ve posted about this also, same with Lemonade Joe. Ppl don’t want to listen I guess. RIP Seedsman :pray:t3:


Ordering stuff that goes through customs comes at ones own risk. Its not exactly legit without the appropriate paper work. Did the other side send as they should have done ?


This happened to me with Guerrilla seed bank. Ordered some Jamaican Dream and ISC New York has had mine since this summer. I hit them up and they basically were like “you gotta take it up with them” no offer of replacements or refund, basically just told me it’s in gods hands now smh.

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Seedsman has some great stuff too.
Though I am not a fan of the new website.

Last week Nebula Haze said she was going to dig into it and report what she finds, so I’m looking forward to seeing that and finding out what is going on ‘behind the curtain’ so to speak.



Ya man, been waiting also. The new site is horrendous! Wtf were they thinking.


Yes I’m six-day in and they are just now ready…for shipping.
Someone needs lessons from real seed co.or jbc or lumberjack


Put it on trust pilot they have reviews of seed banks
I’ve never had any dealings with seeds man but I’ve had some shitty dealings with growers choice seeds


I dunno… Ordered twice from Seedsman. First time they grossly overcharged my CC, said it was some bank conversion, I called BS, they refunded the difference (and I didn’t have to go to social media, I just messaged em). 2nd order I got smart and just zelle’d the money, exact amount, not giving them the ability to overcharge, and everything was fine. Got both orders but it did take over a month each time. I know they pool orders, send over in bulk to a US distributor who then mails em out (mine went to someone in Maine).


Took me two months to get seeds from usa to Europe. By the time they came some wouldn’t even go. So the fault isnt always of the sender especially when they do their bit. Its difficult times, and with so many states going legal in the usa they are looking out for imported beans even more so. Its why lots of companies in Europe no longer send them out to usa, cuz they know the risks are too high.

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They are probably waiting for Bitcoin to bounce back from the major pullback


I’ve heard this too. I ordered from seedsman a few times without issue but their entire billing system has changed since and it turned me off. It seems soo sketchy now, seedsman isn’t what it used to be :frowning:

ILGM is probably a good alternative… I think they’re stateside?

@SubSoilSelections that’s exactly why I don’t use crypto for purchases. If the price crashes or skyrockets and I require a refund the vendor or myself takes a loss


They have seeds stored here state side but paying and if you have a problem is still a bit of a issue going thru Europe.

My issue was I over paid. fat fingered a 9 instead of 6. I was given the option of a refund or keep it as credit with a couple extra $$. Good deal. they know you will come back to spend it. Nice for the hassle. The hassle was two fold;

  1. communication was a big issue in the overpayment. It took three agents to get one to understand the problem.

  2. When I went to spend the CREDIT they said I couldn’t combine it with the promo. They kept calling the CREDIT another promotion. It took many e-mails and agents to get back to the person that fixed the first problem. I even had asked the first couple to please contact him.

I like them when I just need to place and order and nothing goes south. I actually have better luck with Coastal Mary Seeds out of Canada. :laughing:

:green_heart: :seedling:


This is why I stick to US seedbanks.


I usually go with the us seedbanks too…with the exception of Realseedco. They are in europe…I think the UK?

I got an update from the boss of seedsman

He said he would contact two customer service people about my refund about 3-4 hours ago. Still have not received a refund or update on my support ticket, kind of bummed out about it.

And another update, he said in January they will be setting up for US distribution so there are no more issues like the one I am having.