Seeking knowledge of the Haze variety

I am not sure how to even start the conversation the history goes way back to cannabis world let alone original overgrow.


Yeah. He sold that golden off the stick Thai heavy haze and for decades he said it was his favorite too. There is some new narrative but meh, I’ll stick to the heavy Thai haze :joy:


For decades at cannabis world, overgrow and I mag Sam would say straight up the purple sold for more but his favorite was the lime green with some Thai. Clarke had it right Thai was the last entry the posi stuff is probable 50% Thai. I’ll trade it for nothing. It’s really good man. Reality is Sam sold seed through Positronics called original haze. He hand printed in capital letters like a draftsman a description that only he could print. It was a 4 way hybrid of Mexican/Colombia/S.India/Thai and he called it original haze and it was really fucking good man


I remember people growing your haze back around 2008 and a lot of the same conversations taking place on other sites. Ive read so many different conversations about haze it’s all become rather hazey but I remember people saying it finished end of December even beginning of January , that ten week flower time is far to short for the genetics that are involved. The part of the description that says sativa indica pure dosent make sense to me either.
It’s interesting you mentioned Chocolate thai I had a friend in Sherman oaks that used to grow a wicked chocolate thai plant that smelled like sweet chocolate.
It’s cool to see you on here and still growing the death cabbage and haze , I love older varieties they have so much more to offer then a lot of the new flashy instagram strains.


Any chance Tom Hill haze beans I got from Tropical seeds are legit? A man can dream…

Thai I smoked back in California (the Pleistocene era 1976-77) was very much as Tom described in terms of effect. Nothing else will do for me. The last 2 lids I got in Laguna Beach were seedless. I was SO bummed out they weren’t sticks until we smoked it!!! If only I’d saved the 7 seeds I found……

It’s about the journey and the quest for me right now.

@TomHill what does the reference to Haze being the fly fishing of cannabis mean?

I am an amateur at growing Haze type cannabis but have done a good amount of fly fishing. Lmfao

Onward and upward……

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I’m guessing it’s a reference to the fact that you cast a lot more then other fishing but it’s worth it once you catch the fish.
I’ve been telling people this about nl5/haze for years.
Well worth the hunt once you find a keeper.


That makes sense.

I must say the learning curve for growing Haze seems less daunting when I invest the time reading on forums like this.

Thanks @Heritagefarms 🪴

I don’t have as much experience with haze as others on here but the longer flowering varieties can be challenging. They often require different feeding and watering then your normal short flowering modern strains. The eastern Manipur Burma I grew for example dident like to be fed or watered very much at all , it pissed it off very quickly. On the other hand it was by far the most drought tolerant strain I have ever grown.


I can’t comment as to tropical seeds I don’t know them. Anyone can cook though. Only time tells who’s work was worth something and who’s was not. So I don’t poddymouth that stuff.

Yeah man I am from the south bay of LA and a surfer since I was 9 years old I smoked the same Thai as you. I lose sleep at night for not saving the lines too. The image of the seed is still very much burned upon my memory.

Haze being the fly fishing of cannabis refers to the patience and touch required and the reward received.


Yeah man you ain’t growing any ten week haze dude. It goes 12-16+ and I never seen a 12 worth looking at I call it the Mexican pheno. The 14 week stuff is the bread and butter. The Sally indi makes sense to me, read it again. Your friend in Sherman oaks got it off Jimmy declurk out of Simi valley lol. No chocko smells like chocko when it’s growing it smells like Thai, citrus, if you an Aussie you’ll call it mango but only cause you know the smell of green mango.


What ever it was it smelled like chocolate but tasted like hash, it was definitely not a pure thai as it was to compact and would finish down there around mid november. Similar to the Darwoh or what ever it was called but much greasier of a plant. He lost all his genetics to a raid orchestrated by the county after he had gotten all the required paperwork, early medical days when the county took your money and handed you over to the feds .


I’m a pretty good cook as well, so I’ll say thanks for the encouragement and response.

I’ve been hoarding seeds and information gleaned here and elsewhere. I’m not interested in growing mediocre or quantity, just the best I can and hopefully I find something close.

I personally am haunted by the smell of those bags of Thai. Always came in a brown shopping bag (even THAT could not really contain the smell) I have tried but never really knew how to describe it until you mentioned green Mango and Aussies.

Now I know what the rave about mango Thai is on these forums. I thought it was something else, but it’s just the smell of Thai weed?

I never imagined it would disappear. I knew growing it would be legal some day, just not in my lifetime.

I’m humbled to have a chance to learn a bit from others who’ve done the work “under fire” all these years. I just wanna do them all justice.

Thanks for taking the time.

I’m just blown away; it’s like you were there.

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I have acquired one pack of Boneyard Seeds Norcal Haze-4-Dayz. What are the chances of finding something good in just one pack?

Edit- I just found this thread

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I’d hope pretty good since they’re F3’s of OHaze :pray:
Hopefully they went through a bunch to get there.
I honestly can’t say I’ve ever heard or read anything exciting about Todd’s OHaze directly. Makes me laugh when I see JJ using it for crosses :joy:


Haze has giant heads filled with the finest profiles ever to grace modern earth. It looks like this.
