Senseless OG settings - Endless scroll instead of pagination

When i open a thread with 1000 posts i have to scroll them all down to reach to the latest post. I never get there as i would have closed the page before. It is a stupid setting and it could have been numbered pages like most places. It is very limiting for OG as i often avoid this place due to this crap.


Do you see the green box with the numbers on it?

You can click on that box and go to any number you want. So if there is number 2598 you can plug that in and go there instantly……


@Oldjoints beat me to it @zem I was going to say the same thing… it’s that little green box


Once you click on it there will be a spot that says “jump to”. Just put in the last number and it takes you there once you click on the “jump to”.


Man I didn’t even realize that part ha! Learn something new every day!


Also when you are on the main page don’t click on the title as that will take you to the first page. Instead click on the number associated with that thread. Once you do you will see a small pop up window that shows the first and last posts made, just click on the last post and it takes you directly to the last post. Or when clicking on the number take you to the last post.


The problem you are describing is a feature, actually. If you haven’t visited the topic yet, the platform assumes you would start reading from the start.

If you are logged in, the site will keep track of where you left off reading so you can pick up where you left off when you return.

I think you have missed the navigation controls. Are you on mobile or desktop?

Both have a quick way to scroll to the latest post. On desktop, it’s only one click on the time axis on the right. On mobile, it’s the green box that @Oldjoints described.

Time axis is IMHO much better than pagination.

More on navigation here: OG Forum Guide for Members


I do it all the time


that is subjective. i hate it, the infinite scroll is a terrible way to view a forum. i have adapted a little to it but also agree with op on it. same thing with all the threads getting merged into one that covers all the questions on that topic. not only is it confusing as hell if you just want a question asked, it’s hard to keep track of everything. not complaining, just chiming in with my $0.02…

edit: on the plus side, i forgot about that script until a message box popped up and told me i made a comment.


Time axis is especially great for grow diaries where you can easily move between different parts of the growlog (veg, flower). With very long threads, page number doesn’t tell me any valuable information. With a time axis, I can find specifically the day I’m looking for.

But I admit, I’m 80% using the site on the desktop.


Sometimes the little green box won’t show up and you have to scroll anyway.


Refresh the page and the box should show up…….


When you’ve been here a while you learn all the tricks. :wink:

Why not just ask questions? Just about anyone who has any time in here could have answered these questions for you and made your OG experience better. I honestly prefer it to most other forums. It’s like anything takes a bit of learning and navigating. Stick around. There’s plenty of helpful and friendly people here. I’m just sayin’.


Infinite scroll is the best scroll


Paginated forums feels so… 90s :joy:

Honestly I was confused at first but after spending a few weeks here, I love this layout over the old tried and true pagination. Makes it a lot easier to find info, don’t have to know what page it’s on, etc. Plus, most of the paginated forums also have a really poor search function.


There are pros and cons to everything. A little effort into learning something new and asking questions goes alot farther than just complaining.


Side question, is anyone aware of a way to “delete/erase” the placeholder data? Sometimes I will click on a linked post and when I go back to that topic it will start me at that post and not the top. Having a hard time wording it haha

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I use OG in my phone during the day and on a laptop at night but have no issues navigating or finding what I want. I find the timeline function extremely useful and simple to use. I suppose it’s different for each person. If anyone needs help navigating, feel free to reach out to me in PM for some assistance. :v:


Just click on the post number to the right.

Then grab the scroll bar that appears and scroll to the top. Not sure where placeholder data resides.


This is why I didn’t answer this question as it doesn’t reside anywhere a consumer can see or alter it. At least to my knowledge the only place it resides is in the database.