Senseless OG settings - Endless scroll instead of pagination

That was my assumption as well, it just makes sense. But getting to the top or bottom of a thread is simple.


Yeah definitely helps for navigating, but sometimes I get lost in a thousand post topic and have 0 clue where I left off :rofl:


Yeah, the 5000 post threads can be daunting. I personally like the scrolling timeliness much more than numbered page setups like ICMag but thatā€™s just a personal preference. Folks like what they like and there is no right or wrong, just personal preference.



I use it exclusively on my iPad and love the scrolling with the time bar, much easier to find specific posts or pics, for me at leastšŸ˜Ž

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If the thread is huge, I just use the advanced search function to search the thread.


I did complain about this a long time ago and it is still way easier for me to simply choose pages. I know i am the 90s generation but If there was a way to have the choice that would have been better for me. I do not see the advantage in not giving users the choice in settings.

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Itā€™s not that simple to toggle the entire format of the website, especially on an individual basis.


This makes sense. I could be assuming these changes to be easier than they are as i know nothing about software coding and such. I am sure i have seen other places where users are given the choice to set the length of each page.

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if there are pages, yes. without pages, itā€™s real hard to set the length. for the record, i hate it too and much prefer pages. it would be nice to have it updated as well but i donā€™t run the show (thankfully).

Abandoning the pagination concept enables more advanced features like:

  • Thread summarization for long topics (algorithm selects only popular posts)
  • Filtering view to display only posts by particular author
  • Seamless integration of moderation tools

I think I would not want to actively use a non discourse (the software OG uses) forum these days.
Even just browsing them to read is a PITA. There are so many advantages here over the ā€œold wayā€. Just hope we see the overdue upgrade to the recent version soon.


Clicking on the timeline is a grossly inaccurate way of finding a page. And there is no box with page numbers for those using a pc. Everything here is designed for phone users only, and well, there are still many millions of us who prefer a computer to using a phone. Many modern sites can adjust for what device your using and do so automatically. This whole scrolling thing is the only real complaint I have about this site.

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There are no pages. Not sure what you are trying to find. You can choose the exact posting using the timeline. Isnā€™t that as accurate as it gets? :confused: Or use the search box to find a post you are looking for. In the thread, or anywhere, and/or with author etc.

Not trying to mock you, I donā€™t understand what you are trying to do.

PS. I use OG more than 50% on my laptop


I havenā€™t been impressed by the search function here either. And as far as pagination goes, it beat scrolling furiously to find what your looking for!. As to the suggestion about post number, what post numbers??

Whatā€™s wrong with the search here? Just curious I find it to be pretty good.


havenā€™t been here long, but Iā€™ve used it twice and the results didnā€™t find what I was looking for. But that seems o be the case with all forums. Then again, I tend to not use Boolean search methods.

Sounds like maybe you are having issues with proper search queries. Have you tried any of the advanced settings?

Maybe itā€™s not obvious but in the red circle is the number of the post you are currently looking at and you can scoll up and down through the posts with the slider.

So you usually memorize what page number of what thread the info is you want to look up later?

Have you seen there is also a bookmark feature? It even has a reminder etc.


I donā€™t see post numbers unless I click the ā€œtime postedā€ icon that appears in the top right of a particular post (the one that might say ā€œ1hā€ for posted 1 hour ago, for example). If I click that I get a post number, a link to the post, an exact date and time for the post, and several ways to ā€œshareā€ the post link directly (I guess).

I use bookmars on lots of forums, if possible.

Another thing I noticed here, I use Ctrl+F (to ā€œfindā€ a word or phrase) a lot, all over the place, to find stuff within text on the net and in documents that will allow it (or some kind of ā€œsearchā€ if available). Pressing Ctrl+F here brings up the siteā€™s own search function, which I do use. But sometimes I just want the regular ā€œfindā€ function (which is part of the browswer, for example), so I realized I can just press Ctrl+F a second time and it opens up the ā€œfindā€ function I want.

Edit: Hmm, I just turned of some ad blocking stuff, and the small ads are not that annoying. Hopefully that helps the site maybe? Iā€™ll leave it off if theyā€™re not too intrusive.

To the OP. There is something that I like about the other ā€œpageā€ style tooā€¦but I donā€™t know what it is.