Senseless OG settings - Endless scroll instead of pagination

I find the opposite to be true for me, and I use a Laptop connected to my TV mostly. When on ICMag, which uses a page number system, I find I have to guess, add a page number, and keep doing that until I find what I am looking for where as here I just scroll. That is a much simpler method, IMO. Some threads end up with hundreds of pages. Remembering a date is no more complicated than remembering a page number for me. That said, we all have ways we like to do things and it all comes down to preference.


I have developed new muscles while scrolling the pages with my mouse wheel :muscle:, I feel strange when I donā€™t find that feature in other pages. In fact, Iā€™m in a Russian tracker where you can insert a script that adds that feature, which was kindly translated by the author for me ā€¦ ppl_priest


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You can ā€˜clickā€™ the mouse wheel and move up or down for auto scrolling.


I hated at first for the ā€œfacebook/instagramā€ sensation, but iā€™m now more than used i must confess. Iā€™m even liking the kind of mess it generate, it force me to discover new faces instead to lurk always the same things (growlogs mostly).

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page up and down works better than mouse scrolling anyway.

That is subjective :wink:


not if you have a laptop. i donā€™t, but using a mouse is a crutch. i learned that the hard way when i was at work in the '90s and my mouse broke. it was a serial mouse and all we had were ps2 ones, so i had to work for two weeks without one. i learned lots of tricks that are way faster than using a mouse. it looks really cool when you sit down at someoneā€™s computer and donā€™t use the mouse when youā€™re working on it too. almost like before a mouse was invented.

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Cool story :man_shrugging: Like I said, itā€™s subjective. I personally do not miss the days of command line, nor do I operate a computer as performance piece, so looking cool whilst doing so is a non issue for me.


i never was much on looking cool either, that was just a happy accident. the speed you gain by keeping both hands on the keyboard at all times is worth it though. but as you said, subjective. itā€™s all good brother. have a great day.

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I was hearing more about this when looking into Linux (not that itā€™s related). Using shortcut keys, key combos, instead of constantly using the mouse. Itā€™s just so hard to not grab the mouse.

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Itā€™s a personal preference/ergonomics thing, whatever is lost comfortable to you is best.

You are not a certified leet hacker if you donā€™t use this site strictly through vi and curl in a terminal.

In all seriousness, as long as everything is always sorted chronologically Iā€™m happy. Thatā€™s one of the many things I hate about modern social media (ie, not forums lol) - your feed is sorted by popularity and/or algorithm for selling you shit. I was a compulsive Reddit lurker/occasional poster for years and Iā€™m so glad I quit!


I recall Bill Gates ā€œpunishingā€ his workers by not using the mouse once a day every year so they donā€™t forget to use those key shortcutsā€¦ ejem|nullxnull

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vim for the true l33t ^^