Seraph for Pain

Hey Everyone…

I've been inheriting some genetics from a sites Vault that 

wound up abandoned, site went down… gave genetics back to who they could,
and now I’m gifted extras.

Researching the strains I found one called Seraph.  

This F2 by Woodhorse sounds unreal… and, knowing Chris of Woodhorse I know the type of strains he deals with like Herijuana…
The info I found about Seraph is amazing and is considered a medical miracle plant in it’s own right…
Strain: Seraph
Genetics: QE32 Trainwreck x Chitral #1.

I have 15 seeds, 10 of which I’m looking for someone to do a seed run to preserve this miracle plant so the seeds can be distributed to the masses by me for free… anything listed this good for pain control needs to be gifted away to ALL…

Must be in USA… needs to be started asap…

Maybe take on 2 projects…

Cloud 9 - Clone only real deal NYCD x Milky Way

another one you really have to do your own research on to appreciate it… was a joint effort between Kiwi Seeds and Damp Kring Classics

Anyone I can trust to do this project I’ll split the seeds with you and give you extra packs of all the seeds I’ve been gifted… it’s a win win… lol

please pm me


This is interesting. I would offer to help if I wasn’t currently in the middle of a couple of projects. I hope you find someone because those Seraph sound intriguing.


Great idea! And sounds like a critical strain to preserve! I know all too well the relief needed by many throughout the world so this is such a noble effort :ok_hand: I sincerely hope you connect with the right person/people to help preserve these 2 strains, especially the Saraph, much respect :pray:


I have been looking thru this strain myself. This is my favorite female I’ve found so far.

Seraph ^


Seriously intrigued by this! Have not heard of it but now After some research on both I would have to agree wholeheartedly. Wish I could offer my help but I’m in Canada and a bit booked up atm at least for a few months. If you don’t find someone in the next couple months and don’t mind a Canuck being your preserver I would gladly take this on


Pretty neat! I hadn’t heard of this one but it sounds great, apparently a cross of a Trainwreck IBL called the Wreck into a Chitrali:


Wow, I sure hope somebody cold take this up. That info on Seedfinder makes me want some tonight!

Did the whole collective they were breeding under close up? It says it was their first strain. If they’re producing this sort of product it seems like they would be able to re-group and or maybe even find new partners to get it to market.

Thanks for the heads up. I had never heard of it, but now I want it, lol. Sending best vibes in finding somebody. peace


If anyone is looking for Seraph seeds, they are still available from Woodhorse/Meduser.
Not sure how many packs are still available but he did say a seed increase was planned for the near future.


Do you have a link mate? Hopefully it’s not aonSeedsherenow as they have a block in my country from visiting the site



Well… if still available through Chris then no reason to do this project eh…
Just sounds to good to not share with the masses …
Dirt_wiza, nice share, same info I found…


Someone may want to do it. I for one don’t have a budget for any seeds for the most part atm. I know we have a lot of chronic pain victims here on OG.


That was really my goal.
I know Chris from 2005 and donated 300 seeds of my Wardawg to his site… he is very picky with what he offers to the public … this strain does need to get to the masses for FREE…
Like you, my seed budget is kindness…lol

Anyone ever heard of Ghoulia ?


Well, I googled it but I’m not sure it helped, lol.

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Thanks brother I’ve sent him an email, he doesn’t list seraph as available but I asked him so we’ll see what the go is. Legend mate :raised_hands: peace :v:


I say definitely still do it! He doesn’t list it as available so may not have it any more but I’ve asked.
Seeing the benefits this strain can offer so many people around the world who may not be able to afford a pack of seeds this would be tremendous. I think your definitely on the right track!


Tell Chris Cartman says hello, name he knows me as… we butted heads a few times then became good friends for a while. yeah, I couldn’t find this available anywhere…

Okay, 10 seeds up for offer to anyone serious about this project and must be able to start it asap… start a thread so we can all follow along and know when to expect the seed stock. All I ask is, the seeds stay on the plant for 6wks… any sooner and you lose many to premature seeds… or just wait for the calyx to start splitting open.

Yeah Gman, me too…found no info on Ghoulia… just says made in 2016 ? lol


Brother, If I didn’t already have another feminized auto run planned, I would definitely, give it a whirl. I usually run my plants until, they damn near look like they are dead. Have a great evening, my friend :+1:t4: :v:t4:


I got a reply from Chris and he only has 1 seraph cross available so definitely preserving it in its pure form is a very worthwhile endeavour! I seriously hope this happens!


I’m down Duder