Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

Looks good man!!


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This Blueberry Diesel just won’t quit. Keeps going and going getting fatter smelling better each day.
The lemon cream cleaner smell is strong in this one. I’m taking her down here in the next few days.


This Blueberry Diesel as well as the last one have both surprised me. The lemon cream is faint in both but still there. They are both almost done, and both smell of fresh rubber tires and funk, w/faint lemon cream cleaner on the back end.

This is the finished flower from the 1st BBD I harvested. It has been in the bag for only a week now and even w/o a proper cure it is some of the best tasting flower I’ve grown. The lemon smell came through in the flavor and the taste never got bad the entire way through the joint (even after being put out and re-lit). I took late-late flower clones that rooted and the plant is showing progress in revegging so it will be around for awhile unless one of her sisters just blows her away. @anonymous4289


BEAST :100: :+1:


looks like some decent bud. thanks for the update!


It is definitely my favorite for the moment. Thank you for the chance to grow them out. I don’t ask for seeds from anyone hardly, im just glad I fought my anxiety and hit you up about them. In the future I will grow anything out you want tested. Thanks again.


It has been so long that I do not know where I left off. Life happens. So I have everything harvested dried and in bags. I had begun keeping weight but don’t know where the records I kept were filed, most likely in the garbage, and I couldn’t remember to weigh some plants and then the ones I did got mixed up and like my whole existence it became a cluster fluck. I had pulled the Royal Chem early in hopes of getting a decent reveg to get clones, I cut clones off her when I flipped her back to veg in case shit went south. I had harvested the Smallest BBD and started the reveg. Clones off of other BBD last week of flower. Fire kisses twice cut back feom filling a 4×4 to a single leaf RC/TB cut. These are where I believe I left off. Let’s get to it then

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Royal Chem
I realized I was flowering the final cut I had so decided to cut just a couple weeks earlier than I would usually and reveg. I cut some raggedy clones to have more shots at keeping her around.

Here is today.

And one of the cuts taken at harvest



Excuse the mess I’ve been moving plants for days it feels like. I got the burned up fire kissed 4×4 down and cleared out the room. I am keeping clones of select plants and flowering out the remainder. I hender myself w/holding onto every plant that I like something about. I can’t pop seeds when my room. Is filled w/clones. Im going to start fresh in a new thread once these finish.


You need some orchids in there…I swear the plants are mutually beneficial…



The room is a mess, one big cluster-fuck. I cut one plant down and threw her to the worms, open up the worms and. The cut down plant is now shorter but happily growing in the worms.


This came out nice! :smiley:



Thank you. I’ve still got those seeds in the line up for the next time I pop seeds, hopefully here in the next few days to a week. I decided to just flower all the plants I have, holding on to everything that I like is getting too crowded for anything else. I am going to go back to coco for the smaller pots and run 2 45gal pots for my organic. I have so much soil that I’ve been working on for a couple years now, I don’t think I could part w/it completely.

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This is looking in to the flower room from the entrance, before I left for work tonight.




This one is going to be a bush, nice work! :star_struck: