Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict


Fuck a thrips!

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Blue stickie pads works to catch the flyers.

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This is SC#4/(RC/TB)


This is my worm/soil bin. It has some plants that were pulled from the grow in it for now. I culled them out of size/space issues but couldn’t just totally kill a perfect plant I’ve been growing for months that easily. I de-potted them and let them go as the fell no digging them in. They have done well enough to get pulled back into the light. Im a sucker for flowers.


I scored the 45gal pots from new construction landscaping workers. I’d of taken the 20 or so they had but feared the look id get at home when I only had the 3 I took. I am feeling like all soil grows from now on will be in the 45gal pots. They are massive.


Difficult to make out but front and center is a cut of Blueberry Diesel. The clones were taken 2 weeks before harvest, they were just tiny bud. They all rooted and revegged great. This and a couple in the worm bin are the only ones flowering rn. @anonymous4289


Looks like things are stacking up nicely. :wink:

Looking good @NICO, keep up the good work. :peace_symbol:




Nice work, the scrape-up part is always fun… :sunglasses:




The yellow and faded leaves are prematurely so b/c of them being root-bound. One is a re-veg plant that I hadn’t planned on doing more than taking cuts from and the other a clone that veggies for way too long w/o an uppotting before flipping.

Both cut from same mom, same size, identical except for one had an up-potting shortly before flipping.



I’ve dropped some seeds and will be starting a new thread for them here in the next few days. Out of the 1st 5 I only had 2 pop. It was my fault. I will go into detail in the other thread. Just wanted you to know I’ve started them.
I started: 6 BH/PTG#1, 6 Casey Jones ixi, 6 Casey Jones/Sour Bubble, and the 1 seed I found in all my Blueberry Diesel plants.


Those buds look like they turned out really good.
They look like they are getting close to finish too.

Well, thank you kind sir!

It will be interesting to see what pops out of these beans.
Only a few folks got these beans and you will be the first to grow them out.

Where did these come from?
I know tony green made some, were these from him?

This could be interesting…
I wonder if it will turn out just like the mom it came from?
Thank you for the update.

Good luck and happy growing!


Some nice looking plants there @NICO …well done!

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Tis a fine pile of heads right there 🤌:fire::fire::fire:

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Awesome grow going on in here not sure how I missed this one. The difference in those 2 plants is pretty amazing. Definitely will be following along in your new thread, will be interested to see how those Casey Jones turn out


I was using a small 3×3 tent for veg and the confined space hid the thrips quite well.

I used neem oil to make them vacate the damaged areas. Neem, misquitoe dunks, and ISO alcohol/H²O got them knocked down.

Panic made me forgo taking pics so here is my kitty reacting to me freaking out. I forgot to wash the neem oil from the branches and when I finally remembered it was covered in white fuzzy mold.

I took cuts and cleaned offthe moldy neem oil and cut back anywhere i saw the mold had moved onto the stems. @anonymous4289
This is the smallest of the BD plants. She revegged easy and is back ready to flip to flower.

The cuts are 5 days old and looking great.