Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

Its one of 2 keepers I’ve been running for the last 3 runs now. It is RC/TB I’ve called it inferno since I had a touch of fire and this cut took the worst of it and grew literally from the ashes. Im going to let her fill the 4×4 again before I flower her out.

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I was taking inventory of what I have and what is lost l and what is depending on cuttings to root to not be lost and I realized the RC in flower is the only cut left of her and she is what I’ve been working towards/from/with from the start. I chopped the flowers that were close to the end and put her out to revegg. I’ve been seeing thrips the last day or 2 and there isn’t much chance of rooting cuts while they are around. Im going to finish these plants here then start a new tread w/a new plan for a new year.

Fuck a thrips

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Ah yes, I remember the story now.
I hate that story due to the fire but it is a dam good name for her. :upside_down_face:

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She can’t be stopped. I’ve been watering the worms bc there wasn’t any green to be seen. Now she again rises from the ashes.

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Found this today while deleting excessive amounts of pictures from my phone. It is the root ball from the plant in the punch bowl planter. The plant was over vegged and got too big for it britches. She now makes up a good portion of the substrate in my sips bed.

There she is in the start of the stretch.


Who said gardening isn’t dangerous? Meat cleaners, pumpkins, and Marijuana do not mix.





Ow that looks painful. Hope you heal up quick. Plants look awesome pal






This is the last cut of my Royal Chem plant. I realized late in flower that I didn’t have a back up cutting of her so I revegged once I harvested her flower. I left too much growth b/c of my fears of losing her, she would be a mess once all rhe new growth came in thick so I cut a bunch of material back. I decided to use this mess of growth I cut in an attempt at getting so clones going w/shit thst would otherwise go in the worm-bin. The plant revegged quick and better than I could’ve hoped. She will remain for now.


Hey bud
Just checkin in with ya, it has been a while.
I see you have a lot going on in this thread.
Best wishes with the re-veg project.
I may have missed it, but did you ever get the Bubblehead x PTG cross into the flower room?


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I’ve not flowered them out. I had lost everything I had vegging in a domestic dispute just before the new year. I got to all of it when it had been sitting in a bucket for over 48 hours and I took cuts off of everything I could. The cuts rooted, every last one of them, and they are vegging once again. The only thing is now I have no clue to what is what. Im at the final weeks in my other plants and I’ve been putting the cuts in the flower room as space allows. I’m going to be starting seeds here shortly, this weekend when I am off work, and yours are the first to hit the water. Im going to be closing this thread and starting fresh. I will do a proper journal for them if you’d like, I’ve never done one.

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Wow, thanks!
Not at all necessary but I would like that a lot. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Anything you can do is good enough for me.

I know, life happens, no worries at all.
Nothing is owed here, you are trying, that is all a guy can do.
We are imperfect, shit happens. :sunglasses:
Story of my life…but I never caught my tent on fire… :astonished:
Funny but not funny. :grimacing:

Keep me posted.
I will be around somewhere lurking. :eyes:


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  1. Solo cup plants Blueberry Diesel, Royal Chem/
    Tx Butter. Strawberry Cough/TX Butter grown.
    in Squirt bottle.
  2. SC/TB in Squirt bottle

