Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

Yes, the Bubblegum is just getting more prominent. Then I found 2 more plants that are the exact same.


Time to feed the worms. They got 6 bananas before I thought to take pics. Bananas, celery, cucumbers, and a qp or so of some flowers that checked none of the boxes. Top all that w/cardboard that has been soaked and dried out and a good soaking, cover up and allow the worms to have at it.

The worms started out in a plastic tote. Then 2 totes. Today they fill 2 45gal tree pots and I just started a new 17qt tote.


Wow, I’m so glad you tagged me on that @NICO . She looks great !
Phat solid looking Buds and Red Stems
So nice.


The one is finishing up but the other still has some time to go. The one that isn’t finished has been closer to the light, maybe the extra light has kept it flowering longer? One smells like rotten sweet onions, she is funky. The other hasn’t stood out smell wise from the rest of the room.


I forgot the 3rd RGSC is in the same basket the other 2 are in. This one is just starting to flower. I was going to let her veg longer to fill the basket. I was taking her out and keeping her in the daylight. This was not enough light to keep her from flowering so she is a permanent resident in the flower room now.


Beautiful looking Buds @Nico


Uploading: 20@shag g24_001552.jpg…

There are 3 different plants. I’ve got so much different smells fighting one another that they all just seem to become the same smell until later. These have been doing well. Bottom half of all 3 plants have been pollinated.


Thanks for posting the pics. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
That is the one question I did have…How does she smell?
That can wait until harvest, but I am curious as they all smelled very unique when I grew them.

Good luck and thanks again.


I’m bad w/smells b/c I don’t know what any of the strains people speak about are. I’ve never seen legal weed. Seen lots of pgr buds soaked in pesticides that the legal markets reject but none of that shit smells. The one has a super dank cleaner smell maybe lightly lemon. It’s got a great smell for sure


@shag one of them is Pine Sol. Nothing other than the pine. I don’t like pine sol the cleaner but I’m digging the pine sol flowers. I knew that one no questions.


Thanks, buddy, I did not find any pine in the ones I have popped, so good work there. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m almost positive I’ve mixed up plants when I told you pine sol. There is something peculiar in one of them. Perfume but not floral. Deeper, musky but clean. Like a men’s bodywash. Sandlewood or something close to that maybe. It is not like the other 2 it has something that makes her stand out from the pack. I’ll revisit at lights on and give you a better lesslacking rundown. @shag


I suck at defining smells and tastes in weed too, other than the obvious.


I am not very good at naming smells either, but I must admit @NICO you did a pretty good job, nice work bro!

Yea, I agree there is some weird funk in those beans, but what kinda funk… it is hard to nail down.

Thank you kindly for your effort! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Every time I ask my wife, hey what’s this one smell like? It smells like weed :joy:


I get the exact same thing! I’m the only one who partakes. I had hoped things may change when I got her to eat some edibles w/me. Nope! She tripped balls on them. She said it was more intense and more overpowering than any acid she had ever taken. By overpowering I mean the ability to know it is just the drugs and not reality. She said it was intense. I guess edibles weren’t the way to ease her back into my hobby.

This s*%t should be illegal!

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I’m guessing this one wasn’t quite as female as I had thought. Casey Jones ix Male

These 2 Casey Jones ix are female (until I see balls at least). 4for4 male first try, this run is looking to be 2of3 female. They are looking good, the one had some crazy growth going on but now looks to have grown out of it. @LouDog420 @TopShelfTrees1


Got some big plans for the Casey ix , I was just telling @LouDog420 what an awesome, generous individual you are yesterday @NICO thanks for sharing the epic LD genetics with me, absolutely stoked to dig in and see what’s in there! Also looking forward to seeing your results. If you find an epic one be sure to keep a cut as a repro is in the very near future and I’ve already secured Lou’s blessing. I cannot wait, gonna try and repro the ix and a small seperate one with some F2’s from Grateful Head himself.


13gal split into bottom watering pot. She just got into her permanent home this morning. I filled the top w/a even mix of Promix worm compost.
All fertilizer was added to the worms along w/whatever organic material I collect. I’ve got pollen from 2 of the 4 and the other males are still kicking.