Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

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Sorry for the shitty pics I can’t see exactly what I’m uploading do it is a bunch of trial and error before I get the correct pic usually. This one is good enough since nothing is going on early veg.

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These plants were not stunted as badly as the BBD b/c they were in larger peet pucks and so their root had better opportunity to stay out of the hot soil and develope further along than the BBD. The one in the pic alone is the fastest bestest biggest for sure not like the others. Hope she is a she. Happy growing


October 17, 2022
Update BH×PTG

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The seedlings are the BH×PTG i believe this is wrapping up the first week.

The clone is something im calling Inflames. It was directly under the fire in the tent and took the raining molten plastic directly down on top of her…she had no chance. I tried to cut her back but it was too much to make it work. I cut her down branch by branch, wasn’t too many left, until she was gone. I have seen roots in 3 or 4 out of 6 so far and im hoping to have the last of them rooted here shortly. Im not even sure what she is yet. I have to go back through pics to try to id her, usually I figure all thst out the first couple weeks of flower when they all start to do their thing. Its not as tragic as it was or could’ve been. I lost 2 plants and gained a new sun roof and open ended grow tent now and the fire extinguisher left shit that will be there long after im gone. Fire is not a joke. The lighter must have caught fire while I was trying to light it and I didn’t realize it. I smelled it and couldn’t find where it was coming from until it had made it through from the top of the tent to the inside. Once the fire had broke into the tent that was it, I saw a storm of molten burning plastic, or whatever synthetic material the tent is made from, just raining down inside the tent. 30 seconds longer the entire place would’ve been too far along for u a to stop w/extinguishers. Be safe and are happy growing.



Last of the Royal Chem from the last run, 100% organic, no bottles just H2O w/the occasional labs & FPJ/FFJ. I would like to thank all the red wiggles who worked hard, sometimes to the death, to make this possible. To all the springtime who perished in the Great Cleansing, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you are harmless, I believed I was under attack from mites and total annihilation is the only way to go for mites. Next time I will know. One last thing. Thrips, Fuck You all, fuck your sexless procrastination, and fuck your invisibility powers I wish you the fuck away for good! Thank you and good night. Happy growing og.


Been a long time since this has been free for a new plant. Sure what is going here next but it will be in there soon.

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Wasn’t sure which one would go into this no till container. I would’ve used one of the new plants but they’ve not been sexed yet so I decided on one of the inflamed cuts. This plant deserves the big bed to herself after all thst happened w/her.

I just dug out a hole big enough for the clone and then a little bigger to fill in with plain charged coco. The coco is to make the roots have to grow in order to find nutrition and give them space to work their way into 5he new soil and not be shocked by the change in substrate.


Blueberry Diesel Day 30 10/18 Tuesday

The Blueberry Diesel are the 6 on the drain. The 2 off to the right are the NYG13/HAZE/AO×GOJI OG. That is a mouthful.


Ha, love the name! :star_struck:
Good thing you were on it, coulda ended real bad.
Thanks for the update too.
Good luck with em.


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I’ve not seen a white pistil in about 2 weeks now. Then today they’ve popped up on most of the plants that I was planning on chopping in the next week or so. Is this just a last chance effort of trying to bet pollinated, or are they just not done yet? Did I take them too long and now they are starting to flower again, re-flower? Is re-flower even a thing? Damn I need to quit smoking when I first wake up. Theyve been in flower since the middle of July, July 15. I flipped them July 2 or 3.


It could be what is in the food.

Not really a thing as far as I know.
What you feed them can have this effect.

Dam 90 days, good job bro!
What is that plant?
They look done to me, I would stick to the original plan.


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It’s a strawberry cough, the only one of 4 to actually have strawberry smell/taste. She makes a great breeder too. The other strawberry smelling keeper came from one of 6 seeds I got from her.


My Strawberry Cough #3 may look like a unicorn, and if sour milk and orange juice are what you’re hunting for she may be, but I’m not a huge fan. I chopped her before work tonight and though I don’t particularly care for her ileft the bottom 3rd to try and reveg. She has been around for at least 18 months so what is one more shot at bringing out something I actually like. Im a hoarder and have trouble letting go.


Also gone to the chopping block were 2 RC/TB one smelling just like the RC mom, sharpie markers and spice, the other reeked of fresh berries. Another of my TB/RC keepers came down as well along w/a plant that came from my SC2 plant pollinating herself, 1of 6 seeds. This one smelled exactly like orange juice concentrate, the frozen kind in the paper cans.


Random shots from the run wrapping up. Most of these are the RC/TB or SC plants


I too am guilty of this…LOL

Looking good brother man! :smiley:

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@anonymous4289 @shag
1st pic is BH×PTG
2ND.pic is BBD
3rd is Goji og cross

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